Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I have been a seller on Etsy for many years and I was trying to figure out what has changed in the last 4 weeks causing issues with low sales and orders. I update listings often run sales and use ads. I have been informed by several people this morning that when using the Etsy application on iPhone it only shows 187 listings in my shop I have 574. What can we do to get this fixed! I also see many other shops are having this same issue 

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

Hi, Others have been posting about the same problem. Here is another recent Thread. When you scroll towards the end, I posted with a link to yet another Thread about this issue. Some Sellers are trying to Deactivate/Reactivate their items as a workaround (which is ridiculous to have to go through that). Buyers can't buy that which they cannot see. And Etsy has to be aware of this.


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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

To deactivate and reactivate we are paying .20 for each item to do so each time that price adds up with hundreds of listings

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

@SimplyMadeDesignsbyb  No, I've done some Local Shows, and I have Deactivated all items that I took with me. If they didn't sell at the Show, I Reactivated them when I came back. I never got charged additional listing fees for that. I've done this for all the Shows this year. My Shop is Seasonal, it will go back On Vacation soon, way before my listing time runs out.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

@SimplyMadeDesignsbyb: Reactivating a (not expired) listing does NOT incur a new listing fee.

A listing can expire while deactivated as the clock continues to run and will remain in the 'inactive' tab.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

Great then I’ll give it a try thank you

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

@SimplyMadeDesignsbyb  reactivating is free. There is no charge.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I think some of the sellers who have deactivate & reactivated have said it is only a temporary fix. Items eventually don't show on the app again. I'm not sure how long the "fix" lasts.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

'fix' lasts 24 hours for me. then it reverts back. so every day, once a day, i have had to de/reactivate.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

The "fix" makes the items show up in the shop again... but I have to wonder what it does to the search placement. Do your items return to search results right away in the same placement? I assume you are immediately deactivating/reactivating? 

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

from what i can tell, it hasn't affected any of my listings in search placement. i check incognito on browser and through as guest on buyer app, and they still occur in search as they did before de/reactivating. so the only thing that changes is the viewing/visibility of items directly on my shops page.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

For my shop, the "fix" only lasts for around 12 hours.

Eventually, all my listings disappear except for my one and only "apron listing" which seems to be "relevant" even though I sell sweaters.

(The relevance sort seems to be part of the problem...what buyer is going to go to the tiny menu to sort by "recent")?  Not intuitive at all for buyers.

Often my shop's "sections" are empty until I do "the fix".

Loss of visibility on the Apple iphone Etsy App equals loss of sales.

I pay Etsy for the visibility on the App. 

In my opinion, I'm not getting my money's worth and this may be one reason why my sales have plummeted.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I've said this in several other threads. It's not just an iphone issue. It was happening to me on my Android. I uninstalled/reinstalled the app, and that seems to have fixed the issue for me. But buyers who are not seeing all a shop's items would not know to do this. And why would they? They see a certain number of items and move on. And uninstalling/reinstalling the app may not be a fix for everyone anyway. We really have no idea just how widespread this issue is. But there have been many threads about it for quite a while now.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

It's also not just an app issue. I have seen the issue on desktop with certain shops too. I doubt most buyers notice the issue. Repeat buyers who frequent the same shops have noticed & reached out to shop owners. 

On my desktop, I often don't see page numbers on the bottom of my shop for sections. Refreshing "fixes" that, but no buyer would know to do that either. Once they see the last image, they move on.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I would have never known about this issue because I hardly ever use the app, but two people brought it to my attention when they were only seeing a small portion of my listings. Interesting that you have also seen this issue on a desktop! Not good.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I'm pretty sure the issue has something to do with the app sorting by Relevance. Not sure about that on a computer though.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

There's something wonky just using search on desktop too... I can see 500 results for a niche search with the default set to relevancy. If I sort based on newest or low/high pricing, it cuts the results down drastically. I just did a search with 845 results, but it went down to just 18 when I changed the sort. AND most of those results were completely different than what I searched for.

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Re: Etsy app on iPhone not showing all of our listings

I am experiencing the same issues and you KNOW it is impacting sales. Thank you for starting another thread on this because we need Etsy's attention for fixing it. 

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