Married name: Jane Smith
Maiden name: Jane Jones
When I opened my shop I used my married name (let's say Jane Smith). I had to verify my identity, so I've uploaded my residence permit (I recently moved country) which has my maiden surname on it (the government issued it used the name that I have on my passport, which is my maiden one). I've received an email from etsy to provide a document for my name mismatch so I've provided my marriage certificate. All fine and dandy, identity was verified, name was changed to Jane Smith in my shop. I recently got my first sale so when I went to the payments section I saw that I had to verify my bank account to deposit my money.
Then I've noticed that in my payments section, underneath "Bank details" my name was Jane Smith. I was like oops, I shouldn't have changed my name since now my name on the bank details isn't matching with my name on my bank account. I then tried to change my name to my maiden one (Jane Jones) and I've received an email from etsy support that I need to provide a divorce decree? I mean, every single document I own has my maiden name on it. Also I am not divorced. I am in the UK so silly me thought I can freely use either my maiden name or my married name here without a problem?
Etsy trust & safety won't solve this problem, they have sent me 4 separate chain emails in which they asked for my divorce decree that I don't have. I have explained this to them and now they haven't responded in two weeks. Time is running out, I have 42 more days to verify my account but I am afraid no one will fix my problem and my shop will be closed. I have uploaded every document under the sun that stated my legal name and they won't verify it. I do not want to close this shop and open another one since I will lose all my money and work that I've put in this shop.
How on earth am I even gonna have my name changed back to my legal name that is on every single document that I have? I already tried to upload my marriage certificate, residence permit, passport, ID, nothing worked, they want my divorce decree that I do not have. I also opened a support ticket that basically said to reach to Etsy Trust & Safety and reply to that chain of emails.
Basically, I am stuck. Any ideas what else can I do? Do I have to watch my shop slowly being closed after all the work I've put in it? Do I have to spam them with emails? Open 100 support tickets?
Thank you for reading this novel. I would appreciate some kind of help.
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your account. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.
Have you request Etsy to call you? This may be something better answered via a phone call.
Take one email and respond back that you still need help and give them your phone number.
What is the name that your bank has? The bank account name has to match the name used on Etsy.
I'm sorry you didn't realize you would need to provide ID to Etsy so you would have entered the name on your documents. I'm not sure where the divorce decree is coming from unless the person trying to help you is not understanding the situation.
Did you tell them you opened the shop with your married name when it should have been your maiden name? Etsy is very particular about ID as that is the only thing they really have to go on for verification.
You opened your shop in your married name, so that is the person who owns the shop.
Etsy wants government proof of the name that you opened you shop with, has CHANGED to your new name
IE divorce certificate, or deed poll.
if you don't have that
you only have 2 sales,
close the shop, and open a new one correctly
or you will do the 42 days, build up loads of sales money, that etsy will never legally be able to transfer to you
You are talking a name CHANGE
this is from UK gov home office
All applications to change names must be supported by documentary evidence which resemble the acquired name and show the linkage to the previous name, such as a marriage certificate or a deed poll,
as your linkage is to revert to a previous name, it's not a marriage certificate that is required, but a divorce certificate or deed poll
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your account. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.