Looks like Etsy stats are down. It's already 11 a.m. in my country and visits show 0 in both my shops. Never had such a situation at that time before.
Etsy's Search seems to be very off kilter. I can't seem to get anything to come up that is correct. When they start messing around with things it seems to make matters way worse before getting back to normal.
Saturday 13th July: Have the stats stopped again?
You can almost feel the whole platform shaking. And not in a good way. It is unsettling. Feels more like a junk shop every day. I used to shop here myself for every occasion. Now it’s frustrating finding anything truly handmade. I’m so happy I was here at the beginning when this truly was an artist’s haven! It was hard NOT to buy things I-never knew I needed! Used to be so much fun! Miss that!
There's a load of Nike products with the Logo on product and packaging and the Name there as well. Pages of them. I reported them but nothing was done. Also Beatrix Potter things..All mine are truly handmade...
My stats are off again, nothing but sold items listed and showing, all views and visits are not showing?
And I know its takes a few days to get new items out and in the system, but its been over a week and not one of my 24 new items have been looked at??? I usually get likes, favors or in carts and nothing, very odd, They keep playing around with stuff, sooo annoying!!!
So again in a week are the stats Down -- No view, No visits and oddly enough NO Sales in over a week -- this is OFF --- they need to inform their platform users that they have a Big problem -- They need to inform their platform users that problem can and will be fixed. And -- going forward - Don't implement software changes till they are TESTED.
Same issue with my account. (Canada)
No stats update for 12 hours now. And it is not the first time either. For some time now I have observed that Google Analytics gives out quite different numbers of views for single items than Etsy does. Also, being located in Europe, I am under the impression, that my items are not shown around the world anymore. I used to wake up to sales and lots of favourites, but these times are gone apparently...
I completely agree with your views here , i am in the UK i used to get loads of views orders and favourites overnight , mainly from USA that just doesnt happen anymore , its almost like in primetime viewing in the USA my shop becomes invisible for about 8-10 hours
It could also be that when I was giving a discount on my items, I had a few sales and now there was one sale a few days ago, but the rest, no one even adds to favorites, which was almost every day, that's why I started paying for the promotion of my products, but unfortunately I don't see any change.
The lack of favorites could also be due to the constant pop-ups reminding shoppers that they need to buy, buy, buy. I think people are just so turned off by and sick of the insistent, harassing pressure that they stopped favoring things.
Oh, and my stats are frozen, too….again…I think? (sadly, zeros aren’t uncommon these days..hard to tell if no one is interested or if stats are actually broken).
Me too, all zeros all day today. Never been like that before. So annoying and deflating when we trying to create and make things. Time Etsy got it sorted...
I also noticed ever since the new listing page went up on the 25th of June, I have been having issues with listing items, ex:
I place the photos in the order I want, when I go to publish, they are all mixed up, I have to go back in and reset them, been like this for over a week now. AND, extremely slow when adding anything, almost like it is taking a minute to think about it, then it shows what I added in the listing or change, so annoying!
All zeros, again.
Stats down again in a week.
No stats. If I weren't paying for ads that don't work I would think my shop has completely disappeared.
Same stats are down again, they were fixed but are back down again.
They're definitely back down again. Twice in a week.
This is really not funny anymore …Etsy have definitely NOT fixed the problem
Mine are down, too.
Etsy cannot be counted on for even the most basic features on a seller platform. Technical issue after technical issue....
Mine are down, too.
Why are things so unreliable here lately?
same thing here in Michigan USA. This happened a few days ago.
It's concerning when basic functions hiccup on a regular basis.
View detailed stats just has this on it: "Looks like we're unable to show your latest stats right now. We'll update them as soon as we can."
No apology