Looks like Etsy stats are down. It's already 11 a.m. in my country and visits show 0 in both my shops. Never had such a situation at that time before.
My Etsy stats aren't updated either
mine too since yesterday
16hrs and counting!
Same here....
Hello, I have not been able to get new statistics in my store for 15 hours. This makes me a little worried. Do you have this problem too? They were not updated at all on July 11th.
I’m pretty sure it’s an issue site wide.
im assuming Etsy is aware and hopefully working on it.
Yes, same here. There's another long post about it.
Hi. Today recent activities on dashboard are not working for us too. No views no visits are visable.
Hi folks,
Thank you all for your reports. This has been referred to the appropriate team, and we're investigating. Please stay tuned for further updates.
Perfect, I believe you will fix it quickly.
Why can’t you guys stop tinkering? These glitcheshappen all the time.
Still not fixed
I'm relieved to see it's not just me - phew!
No update to stats for 16 hours or so now, but I do notice the numbers still climbing for Etsy Ads. So views are coming in, just not being recorded in the main stat section.
Yes, same here and for many sellers in my FB Etsy group. Might be related to a maintenance?
Stesso in Italia da stamattina...Per fortuna non siamo soli...Troppi ZERO sulla Dashboard!!! ;))
Same here, I had one order though.
Same here. It’s been 16 hours now. I had a fantastic day yesterday with lots of sales but today everything has completely stopped including the stats. Even Etsy support chat isn’t working for me. Very strange.
Still same
I have the same problem here!
I've got 10 views 0 visits and 1 order on mine
Can the help at Etsy clear the problem
Same with me all zeros