Hi, I have been selling my own created and or framed photography on Etsy for over 6 years, I have recently been on long term Holiday mode, and upon turning holiday mode off, all of my listings have been deactivated, I have not received any email from etsy so I don't know why they have been deactivated.
I tried to contact support but just get emailed a generic email of things to check.
Do anyone have any recommendations how i can get this resolved.
My shop is https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SCoellPhotography
Kind Regards
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your listings. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.
When you go to shop manager, are your listings showing as active or deactivated? Sometimes it can take several hours for listings to reappear in your shop when you turn vacation mode off and reopen your shop.
When you go to the "deactivated" section of your listings, is there a warning banner above the list that something was removed?
Are they set to manual renew and have they just expired as you have been away for so long?
No all showing Auto renew and all showing auto renew date in the future
No warnings at all on the edit listing page, if i click on deactivated by etsy it just takes me to this site https://www.etsy.com/legal/sellers/
Do you sell your photography elsewhere, as the bots have been picking up on that and presume what you are selling is not compliant with what can be sold on Etsy, that's all I can think of after you posted the Etsy legal link.
Yes, I have my own website and sell via other platforms
I hope I am incorrect, but from reading various other threads/posts on the forum of bot takedowns, this might be why your listings have been deactivated.
Have you tried to contact Etsy to clarify and tell them the other places they are found are other places you sell your products?
I have just spoken to etsy via this link etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?segment=selling#issue_sell_manage_listings-callback
They said they can't see them deactivated form thier end!!!! but can confirm they don't show up when looking at my public facing page, the listing do say in red writting Deactivated by Etsy on each listing but they wierdly still show in the active section..
He tried for 30mins but nothing he tried worked so now he has escalated it! He wasn't sure either why they were deactivated..
It would be concerning if Etsy were requiring exclusivity on their platform..... if not I suggest they fix this issue ASAP
Scott, I am a photographer, too. I hope this is just a weird Etsy glitch that they will get resolved for you soon. However, I have had five listings deactivated, and lost my Star Seller badge over their AI mass deactivations. I was unable to find those images on any problematic (Temu, etc.) sites, only my legitimate licensing partners' platforms.
It's been two months since I filed my support ticket and numerous talks with Etsy support - still no resolution.
Hope it is a better outcome for you! Please keep us updated on what you hear back from Etsy.
There is a known glitch of listings not reappearing after coming out of vacation mode (at least with us, I don't know what Etsy knows).
Try putting your shop back in vacation mode and take it out again. They will often slowly start reappearing.
The only thing that is different is that you are seeing them in red and deactivated, that normally doesn't happen. Though I do get the red banner sometimes telling me I've had listings deactivated when in reality I haven't, so I know there's also a glitch with that part of the system.
I see the numbers of your listings in the categories on the left side of your frontpage.
that is odd, because I can see the numbers, but not the actual things
this has happened to other people in the past, they put their shop on vacation, then take it off again, and it seems to fix it
Thanks for all the replies, I tried going in and out of vacation mode even on the phone with the advisor and it made no difference
Just a wild idea. Did you go in and out of vacation mode in the app or on a desktop/laptop?
I can see that you have 420 items right now, one shows in Sold. It must be something technical.
Another day, another weird glitch on Etsy.
I hope you get this fixed. What a nightmare for your whole shop to be deactivated. Especially since Etsy escalated support seems to take ages to fix anything
Vacation mode was done on Desktop!
Yes it's rather annoying, I use a few other market places and there is always some issue needing to sort out.. Bots are taking over..
@SCoellPhotography I would say this is a technical glitch of the sort that can be handled only by the programmers. Hopefully the person did upgrade your issue. Within 24 hours I would call them back to see what the status is.
In the past 14 years I have been on Etsy, I have seen this happen maybe less than a handful. Maybe 4 times when it truly weird. Nothing is every going to work perfectly. I have this issue with something else right now (not Etsy related at all) and it's truly been a big time nuisance.
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your listings. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.