One of my listing is showing in the ETSY ad for $4.20. The actual listing price is $3.50.
Has this happened to anyone else? And if so, what did you do?
Yes, it's a bug going around.
You can go in to edit the listing, change nothing, and publish and it may fix it.
@Chicgirlsupplies Does the listing change price when you click on it in your shop? If so, I just opened it and published and the price adjusted to the correct price. I do not know if mine was an etsy test or if it's a glitch.
It’s not just on ads, it’s on various Etsy listings in general.
Here’s another thread discussing it:
Interestingly, I didn’t see it on any of my own listings when logged into my shop, but I logged out this morning and saw that one of my listings had an inflated price. Once I logged back in, it looked fine. Very strange indeed.