Help!! Yesterday I went to the listing manager page, and to my complete surprise, EVERY single listing on my shop was gone! I certainly didn't initiate this action. I received no email notifications about any listings violating anything. No emails in any regard. I contacted support through chat and was able to get all my listings reinstated without any explanation as to why this occurred. Continued on with my day, had a few sales. Nothing seemed weird after that. Then when I checked in today, I found all my listings were gone again! I contacted support through chat again to get them reinstated, and this time was told they aren't able to reinstate them and the chat person needed to check with their support team and would contact back via email once they received a response. Waiting to hear back...
Is this happening to anyone else?! I see some forums where some shops have had some long-standing listings getting removed for creative violations, etc. that shouldn't be removed... but this is my ENTIRE shop! EVERY LISTING is gone! Nothing is in the 'inactive' or 'draft' etc, I've got 0 items anywhere. Like my shop never existed. I haven't changed any settings, nothing changed regarding auto-renewal. And again, haven't received any notifications from Etsy via email. Just completely random. Has this happened to anyone else??
I can see that you have just contacted our support team about this issue, so please hold on while your case is reviewed. Moving forward, our team will handle this matter directly with you, so stay tuned to your email for any future updates. Thank you.
Oh my! That is just totally odd! I have never heard of that happening before.
I can see that you have just contacted our support team about this issue, so please hold on while your case is reviewed. Moving forward, our team will handle this matter directly with you, so stay tuned to your email for any future updates. Thank you.