Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I’ve just had my 3rd LONG Chat with Etsy in the past 5 days about a glitch on their end which is still being “looked at by the Team”. The first conversation said it appeared to be an error on their end and would be looked at by “The Team” and then the Chat got cut off. When I attempted to continue the Chat I got connected with someone else, of course, which meant that I had to start all over again from the beginning. That person told me it was an error on my end. Then later that day I got a message from a 3rd support person saying it was an issue that “Engineering” was looking into . So 3 different answers with no resolution in sight. 6 days later I I still have heard of no resolution so I started another Chat this morning where I had to provide the whole story all over again to a 4th person. Even when they pull up your previous tickets you still have to start from the beginning again to fill them in and they always end it by saying “the Team will be looking into it and will get back to” me. I have had Chats before that end like that and I never hear back and so I won’t hold my breath on this one.  I know it’s not possible but wouldn’t it be great if we could continue the Chat with that same person who already knows the specific issue and can pick up where we left off? I feel like I have just wasted about two hours of my precious time trying to get Etsy to fix a glitch in their system and in the process feeling dizzy going round and round and round like broken record. Does anyone else feel the same?

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25 Replies

Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I never use chat

I open an e-mail ticket through help - contact us

and each day go it and remind them they still have to answer,

it eventually gets sorted,

I have found chat less use than a chocolate teapot

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Well I would have use for a chocolate teapot.  Sorry couldn't resist.

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@CalendulaHandmade   Hello Can you tell us what the glitch is?  

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@SugarTaffySoap It had to do with Etsy saying an order had not been delivered. A customer purchased 4 items and also requested a custom order and that all items be shipped as one. I pushed out the ship by date for the 4 items purchased and when the custom order was done I shipped all items in one package. To close out the orders I entered the same tracking number for both orders on the shipping info. The first order, according to Etsy ,showed delivered but the custom order shows as “still in transit”. I have double and triple checked that the tracking number for both orders is the same and have been told by Etsy that it is either missing or is incorrect which is not true. Both tracking numbers are the same and show up for both orders. If one has been delivered then so should the other one show as delivered. When I sent Etsy a screen shot of those two orders with the same tracking number, then they realized there’s a glitch somewhere and why “engineering” is supposedly now looking into it. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@CalendulaHandmade   All of the orders that I have combined, and entered the correct tracking numbers, still show in transit on all but the first order. It is annoying to see in transit on orders that have been received and even reviewed, going back several years. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

99.9% of the time.

live chat agents cannot help you.

it is better to request a call-back.


open one ticket so you do not have to repeat yourself.

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

duh?  Should it be excusable that any business, no matter who they are, operates in this manner?  NO!




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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@Marpet3425 The errors are on both sides.  Sellers and Etsy.  It's not one sided.

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I actually don't believe that Etsy should be allowed to have no contact information i.e. telephone number, and since they don't have a telephone number, they should be required to answer our chat or email messages immediately and with truthful answers.  I keep saying I'm going to look into how/why this is allowed, but I haven't done it yes.  So yes, it's an ever-ending circle!

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I would use email.  Chat is extremely limited in what they can do and they are an outsourced support.

So send in an email and ask for a call back.  Submit a request – Etsy Help   Try this.  No promise it works.

And yes if you send in a new request you have to start all over again.  It appears this support does not share tickets that have been opened.  I've run into this with other businesses.

If you can ask in general, you might be able to get an answer that may help you proceed with Etsy.

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Thank you for the link - submit a request.  I clicked on it and gave them my phone number and called me within minutes!  I got my problem solved.  

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@CalendulaHandmade  Oh geez.  It's a shame you had to go through this with chat multiple times. I believe it will get fixed by the team but there's no timeline or reply.  One would think that the recorded chat messages between seller and support would be so that the next personnel would be able to pick up where the previous one left off and read what you both discussed. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I had one issue where I had to be very persistent with them to find resolution. They would not read the information I gave them and their responses were, as a result were either canned or irrelevant or both.  Eventually, I got through to someone  who resolved the matter.  I would call the need for persistence upon the behalf of a customer, the rolled gold definition of *poop emoji* house customer service. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Oh Lordy is all I can say!! With so much going on it’s a wonder Etsy just doesn’t shut the doors! Oh wait, there’s money to be made!!!

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

If it is about your Star Seller score, Etsy never makes adjustments so I would not devote any more of your precious life trying to sort something which will never get sorted. 



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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@JJewellerySuppliesUK My precious life? I won’t respond to that. Yes, the glitch HAS affected my Star Seller Badge but that is not why I’m trying to get to the bottom of this. I’ve had the Badge almost from the beginning and it has made absolutely no difference.  In my opinion it’s highly overrated and not something I worry about.. My reason for contacting Etsy is to make sure they are aware of a problem on their end and that they fix it. That’s all.

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@CalendulaHandmade I wasn't being facetious at all about your precious life!  I meant all our time is precious and Etsy has you going in circles going nowhere wasting your time. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I can never even contact Etsy.  Ir seems impossible to get help.  I'm very frustrated.


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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

I seriously doubt they will or have any plan on fixing this or getting back to you. They see it as a rare glitch and just have bigger fish to fry. Not that I feel that way or feel the runaround you are getting is fair or justified.  I am just jaded about Etsy "service ". There are people here with random undelivered delivered orders going back years. They see it as an unimportant (to them) glitch. I had one marked undelivered on my CSV that had delivered on the order and a 5 star review.  They didn't fix anything and eventually it dropped off my stats and I quit asking..which was I am sure their plan.

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Betreff: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Ich habe schon öfters versucht, Probleme per etsy-Chat zu lösen - bisher immer erfolglos

Alles wird hin und her übersetzt, der Chat-Partner versteht mein Problem nicht, ich erkläre wieder und wieder und wieder….

Und diese Textbausteine und schwammigen Aussagen vom etsy-Support nerven!
Für knapp 15% Gebühren würde ich mir eine bessere Kommunikation, ein offenes Ohr für Anregungen und Lösungen, die umgesetzt werden wünschen…

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Chat doesn't seem to be able to do much. Etsy could save money on that and not offer it at all since it isn't working. 

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

@JJewellerySuppliesUK  "If it is about your Star Seller score, Etsy never makes adjustments"

Shipping automatically adjusts in due time as long as there is tracking with Etsy labels.  

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

Shipping does not adjust  for star seller

it it either marked as shipped on time with tracking, by etsy or the seller, or it isn't

etsy doesn't look at the tracking status to see if it is pre transit or not

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Re: Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Going Around In Circles?

My experience with chat was that I got very impatient, it is like the person you are dealing with is also dealing with others at the same time. 
I left a message saying I had to go to the dentist and preferred a reply by email. And the next day I received an email.
Then the conversation was further followed by email and every day with the same person. 

The chat feels like it is practical for simple, basic help, help you can also find through the Help link on the dashboard.
For more complicated issues I think having them call you is so much easier, and better for the nervous system!

Good luck!

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