When I go to my shop and look at my listings, my descriptions are all missing!!! I write detailed descriptions of my journals and they aren't showing up. Is anyone else having this problem?
You know..I hardly even want to know what bs they are testing any more. I can't do anything about it and if I did change something it would mess things up for those not seeing it that way. It just raises my blood pressure.
I think I’m going to make an image file with text that says:
“For a complete description of this item, please scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you will find it there. I apologize on behalf of Etsy for their nonsensical, inconvenient web design.”
@LaRenaissanceGirl: Just keep in mind that not everyone is in the test and some people will still see the "normal" layout. We do not know what percentage of accounts is in the test - it might be 1%.
That's true.
Hmmm...Maybe I’ll save that little trick, just in case I have an unhappy customer in the future who didn’t know something about the listing.
@LaRenaissanceGirl I’ve been doing that for at least a year…ever since Etsy decided to put descriptions under a barely-visible drop down arrow. I’d plaster descriptions everywhere if I had the chance.
Yep...I have already done that. It's on my more complicated listings now.
Here's something I just noticed. It's clunky... so be prepared.
Now, when I view a listing, there's the floating follow me "add to cart" occupying all that white space on the right.
I've been concerned, like everyone, about descriptions being buried down below reviews and review photos.
BUT, when I scroll down the screen, ever so slightly, the ghastly orange/lilac color bands at the top disappear and are replaced with a row of clickable links:
Photos Reviews Item details Shipping and return policies Meet your seller
If I click on "Item details" it pops me right down to the description. There's still one more click ahead to see the whole description (learn more about this item)
So.... not so much scrolling to see the description... unless you're referencing some of your photos to describe certain features, flaws or whatever. In that case, the shopper still has alot of scrolling work
The word HATE doesn't even begin to describe this crap. OMG... WTF... Wrap me up and shove me down a garbage disposal. That wouldn't be nearly as bad as all this fancy innovative whatever it is stuff. I can't even find words to describe this horror show
Oh, that sounds awful. I haven't seen that yet and hope that I don't have to.
Hilarious, but I totally agree!!
Etsy should just apply the KISS rule. (For those who don’t know, it means Keep It Simple Stupid). The more they play with the format, the more complicated it gets for buyers. And that may work for the Gen X techies who love pushing buttons and who get their jollies by clicking around, but not so much for everyone else. I wish they would stop trying to re-invent the wheel.
The other thing I just noticed about this new row of clickable links... is that clicking on the "photo" link doesn't always work. At least when I experimented with it, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Seemed to depend on where I was on the screen/page when I clicked on it.
This has to be the most cumbersome convoluted web design I have EVER seen. Seems to be all about the clicks and scrolling.
WTH??? And it's so code complicated I seriously wonder if it's not the final version... that "testing" is over and done with.
Just noticed today in my own shop.....description is way too down! I'm sure it'll change again though. I'll check to see if I can change some of my Titles to make it more unnecessary to see a full description....although we are limited space-wise in that regard.
This has just started in my shop today also. Absolutely ridiculous idea! Customers will not take the time to go searching for a full description! Etsy, please put it back to the way it was before a.s.a.p.
I chatted with Customer support and the 2 main arguments for the changes seem to be the desire to have the add to cart button always visible and the desire to have all content in a single column. I think I could live with THAT, IF they would fix the main problem-- If they would simply move the item description ABOVE the Customer reviews ( and review photos), I think most of us could live with that. They can keep their floating cart button and have one column. We are just needing the item descriptions to be right with our product photos and easily visible to or shoppers ( and OURSELVES!). Surely someone there in charge at Etsy can see and hear the logic of that? In the meantime my work around is that I created a text image that I am attaching to all my products that tells my shoppers how to scroll down and find the item descriptions.
I chatted with Customer support and the 2 main arguments for the changes seem to be the desire to have the add to cart button always visible and the desire to have all content in a single column. I think I could live with THAT, IF they would fix the main problem-- If they would simply move the item description ABOVE the Customer reviews ( and review photos), I think most of us could live with that. They can keep their floating cart button and have one column. We are just needing the item descriptions to be right with our product photos and easily visible to or shoppers ( and OURSELVES!). Surely someone there in charge at Etsy can see and hear the logic of that? In the meantime my work around is that I created a text image that I am attaching to all my products that tells my shoppers how to scroll down and find the item descriptions.
As 77Driftwoodlane replied " What is the point of all this?" .
If the point is to drive me into depression , it's working.
I had to take time off from my shop for 3 months for personal reasons earlier this year. Was anxious to get back to work with listings etc. Opened shop back around end of June. A fresh start!
Then they moved descriptions. As we all know it lasted about a week.When it was changed back to where it should be ,I thought OK now I can start anew again.
Now this bull pucky comes back.
I wonder if they talk to each other at E headquarters. As if a small group of people decided to listen to us and put descriptions back where they
belong and then another group decides to do it again . Like they weren't aware of what transpired in the 1st place?
I contacted Etsy chat about this a little while ago. It may do nothing, but at least I have done all I can. Reality as I see it is that this is the worst idea they have ever had. Yes, even more the PPP, offsite ads, ODR or whatever. While I hate a lot of decisions Etsy has made but so far I keep on with it and find a way to adapt. I can't adapt to not having written descriptions. And what they have done is the equivalent of removing them completely. I was shopping not long ago and leaving shops where I thought they didn't have a description. I think its safe to assume other buyers are doing the same in my shop. Etsy does not know enough about business and they know even less about people obviously.
I don't want to leave. I may not like every idea Etsy comes up with, but overall I've loved selling here. I can't waste any more money here if they leave things this way. It drives away too many buyers. For the time being I'm not listing anything new or renewing anything.
Someone on another thread compared Etsy to a little kid that wants constant attention. OOOOh look what I did now!!! Now you have to do this cos I say. Having once had little kids I would go further to say its like the times when you left the room to use the bathroom or just got distracted and they got into something and destroyed it and its all over the room. Immediate clean up and attention is required.
Oops.. my post was about making an image saying "read description below..."
It got misaligned in thread.
Descriptions are IMPORTANT .... I get customers messaging me all the time for more information .....so, I started making my descriptions more detailed. It depends on what you are selling. I, personally, ALWAYS look for and READ descriptions so I know more about the product I'm buying! I get annoyed when there is no description. So.... please put the descriptions back! If a customer doesn't want to read them....they don't have to.....but, most of MY customers....want descriptions!!
I'm so glad I found this thread! I thought it was an issue with my computer. Yes, it doesn't seem to make much sense to change where the description is- hopefully it'll change back especially for the holidays when people don't have much time to scroll down.
I'd be tempted to put descriptions in the photo slot, except for the other test where they put random photos in the first slot. My shipping info is coming up as the first picture.
What they need is one Etsy employee who runs a real shop and relies on the money from it. Then the testers would have immediate feedback.
@MouseGarden Yes to e employee who runs a REAL shop and not the phony ones we see .
Or better yet, when I win the lottery, I'm going to buy out Etsy and run it the right way!! ha ha
My descriptions were moved below reviews. Then moved back to the right side. Now back down below. Virtually hidden. geez.
I just noticed the Etsy slogan at the extreme bottom of the Community page:
"ETSY - we make it easy to find your thing"
That really makes people interested in something doesn't it... As in "I will buy something that I don't have any idea what it is, ".
Exactly where is etsy's brain, or do they even have one..???
Thanks for the vent as we lnow etsy doesn't even look at them.