When I go to my shop and look at my listings, my descriptions are all missing!!! I write detailed descriptions of my journals and they aren't showing up. Is anyone else having this problem?
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They have moved the description. it is now below the feedback, below the photos from feedback, and you have to click on "learn more about this item" to find the important information that you have provide about your item.
Oh, you're kidding!!! I just didn't scroll down far enough. Why in the world would they put our very important descriptions way down there? Wish they would leave well-enough alone!! Thank you so much for this information.
No, I don't have it below. There is no description at all.
I find this frustrating. I am getting a lot of questions about my items now that are in the descriptions that it takes me half an hour to write for each vintage item I sell. So annoying.
Hi - I still can't see them.. nothing below my first page of reviews.. don't tell me they are at the end of reviews
Many are complaining and I sure hope Etsy is reading. Makes no sense at all.
Put the description back on top!
Thank you! I totally agree!
This change is really, really, really UNHELPFULL!!
I sell photographic prints. My last three purchasers thought they were buying the actual object in the photo. They don't read the descriptions very well as it is. How about a vintage car for £20??! All my descriptions now start with "This is a PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINT"
Buyers will never read the descriptions where they are now. Hopeless!
I can't keep on giving full refunds.
Etsy are always making changes without consulting shop owners.
PLEASE!! put the description back where it was - and should be
Cheers Tony - LastPilotPictures
Etsy is like a mean kid with a magnifying glass and we, the sellers, are the ants.
This, together with the new square photo format, makes our listings look like a 4 year old runs our shops.
I will not get upset by this though, I no longer give Etsy that power over me. I will just continue to build my own website so I can one day be free of Etsy and all it's BS.
Etsy shop images now look like a jumble sale and not a professional clean site, I've really enjoyed the last two days solid changing all my images and I'm probably about 5% done :*(
Absolutely stupid idea. Customers barely read descriptions as it is without it being all the way down there, it needs to be more obvious and not more hidden. I'm always up for a bit of change but this is serious questionable. I'd love to hear their reason for it, but if it's anything like their reasoning for making the images square it'll be questionable too hehe.
I agree. It's a stupid idea to make a description hard to find. That's the first thing I look for when I want to buy something.
I chatted with Customer support and the 2 main arguments for the changes seem to be the desire to have the add to cart button always visible and the desire to have all content in a single column. I think I could live with THAT, IF they would fix the main problem-- If they would simply move the item description ABOVE the Customer reviews ( and review photos), I think most of us could live with that. They can keep their floating cart button and have one column. We are just needing the item descriptions to be right with our product photos and easily visible to our shoppers ( and OURSELVES!). Surely someone there in charge at Etsy can see and hear the logic of that? In the meantime my work around is that I created a text image that I am attaching to all my products that tells my shoppers how to scroll down and find the item descriptions.
I suspect that Etsy statistics show that the observation by @MockturtleStudio that "Customers barely read descriptions as it is" is correct so at least part of someone's thinking is that it will not hurt Etsy to make them even less prominent.
I know I read descriptions of anything I buy anywhere online, so I think more people do than don't. Just hoping customers have the patience to search all over for one since Etsy is essentially trying to hide them.
Okay, so why bother offering the option to write a description!!! I also put a link to a youtube video which now is not even visible!! Sales not happening
Is there any news when this new test for the change of the product description will revert back to normal? It's rather vexing.
It's part of testing apparently... I'm seeing them in the "normal" space where buyers can also see them. Someone should compile a list of all the threads about this; maybe Etsy developers would realize how awful this is for everyone. Descriptions are VITAL when selling online; pictures are also but those can be misleading when you are zoomed in at a macro level to show detail (like earrings for example). Some people have metal allergies so need to know what metals are used in the product and should not have to search all over for that information.
I just noticed this on my product page after a customer messaged me asking questions about the product that are very plainly visible in the description but now the description is below reviews and photos!!? This is without a doubt one of the stupidest, most asinine moves I've ever seen and I'm thoroughly pissed off beyond words.
I just checked my listings and the descriptions are where they normally would be. I don't see a change on my shop -- yet . . . . . .
This has been going on for several weeks, my descriptions moved to the bottom, then a few weeks later in moved back under the title. I thought great, they came to their senses. It remained there for several weeks but as of yesterday my description moved back to the bottom. What is the point of all this.
Seems Etsy has no idea what they're doing. Mine came back to the top, too, and I hope they stay there but I won't count on it.
Some customers seem helpless lately. For the past few months I've getting quite a few people who want me to shop for them. Also, I'm getting sooooo many questions where the answers are in my descriptions. Which tells me they are not seeing them. All of this takes more time, work and out of control confusion for me than usual. I've called Etsy and asked about it but they assure me nothing has changed. Coming up on 11,000 sales, at this point I can sense when changes are happening. Don't bs me...
Yes, Etsy has moved the description so that nobody will find them! They are now below the feedback and below photos associated with feedback. I spend hours writing my descriptions, and now they are no longer visible to anyone unless they know about this!! I think it's a terrible change.