Anyone else noticed incorrect Dashboard activity.
Mine is showing activity from October 8th and nothing more recent!?
Same. I was just coming to post this. Mine shoes October 5th in one shop and September 12 in another
October 7th and 8th for our shop
Just noticed it in mine and came here to see if any else was seeing this. Mine is back to Oct 3rd. Silly. Kinda got a little excited because it said so and so purchased one of your listings. Happiness for a slit second. But then I noticed the date.
Yes same here right now, recent is 2 months back. I assume some kind of mini glitch that they will fix.
The same here!
Same here! And a major shipment I sent out this morning is still showing new and not complete!
I just had an order and the dashboard corrected back to today instead of October 7th and 8th
Pages and pages of faves, purchases and reviews ... dated October 4th through October 85th.
I meant, of course, Oct 4th through Oct 8th.
yes, Oct 8th for me too
And now, Poof! they're gone and the dashboard is back to normal.
They are not fixed, I just cleared cache and still showing October data.
Same! Super nervous anytime there are glitches on Etsy because things don't always go back the way they should. Does anyone remember around 10 years ago when many of our best sellers disappeared from search altogether and then completely lost the search rank they had been building for years or am I the only one still traumatized from that?
Just noticed this as well!
Hm...I'm just noticing that my stats seem to have paused. Not updating a sale I had, and also just really low visits number.
Etsy Admin - Hoping you can review and advise asap.
Anyone else have issues with their morning shipping? I bought shipping from Etsy, printed the label, put it on the box and the post office picked it up. No record of the label in my payment account and order still shows "new"
I did not accidentally put it on a different order as the payment account shows no labels purchased.
Oh geeez, just what we need during holiday time, more glitches.
Me too. Everything after October 8th is missing.
Absolutely! I couldn’t find any information about this. I reached out to chat support, and they escalated my case. Clearly, there’s a glitch in the system since we’re all facing this issue. Thank you for posting!
Yes me too and I reported it...
same. mine says october 6th. Been like it all day
Mine cleared up last night but now--It's baaaaccck!
Same here