Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Dashboard is messed up and unusable on large tablets, no longer displays 'desktop site' on Android, browser is set to 'desktop site' but it's being overridden by etsy, now have to click the stupid 3 little horizontal lines to the left of Shop Manager to bring up the menu, doing this greys out the dashboard plus making everything really hard to navigate, it's as awful and useless as using the seller app. Cleared history, cookies, etc no difference, same in another browser. 

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23 Replies

Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Yes, I am seeing this too on my laptop, a test perhaps? Totally annoying and unnecessary!


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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Glad it's not just me, is the whole dashboard page aligned to the right / big gap on the left where the menu should be? 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Ugh! hope it is a glitch...this change would make no sense! Why should you have to make an extra click to see sidebar!

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

It's virtually unusable, you need to click 3 lines menu which is now almost in the top centre of the page, then select an item, then the whole menu closes and you have to start again. Plus you can't see the red dot notifications on the menu. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

And then the the page doesn’t reclaim all the real estate lost where the menu used to be.  
Another dumb change with no forethought. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

I know, thought it was just me!


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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Nope, this just happened in the last 2 hours (4pm ET).

Once again, a release that wasn’t properly tested. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Same here

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Lets hope they fix it quickly. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

It’s Friday so I doubt this will be fixed for the weekend,

Who in tech does a software release right before a weekend?

Oh, I know, Etsy

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Yeah, I noticed this too (iPad, Safari)….now have to add yet another click on the three bars on top to access other shop manager pages. Not helpful, not expedient, not efficient. Somebody buy the programmers a doodle pad, please, then maybe they’ll stop messing with what works for our shops.

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Etsy and the developers are clueless to any seller needs. You should know this by now. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

@DivineCrossings - I have a vintage Etch-A-Sketch around here somewhere...been hanging onto it, but they may need it more : )

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

I've got this on my Android phone too.

I really dislike using the app - mostly because it doesn't have the same functionality as the desktop site.


I can only assume this is another effort (like the big banner on desk top storefronts) to push people to the app

I'm hoping it reverts to the regular display, but I won't be surprised it its a permanent change.

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

I'm really hoping it's a bug, the app is completely useless. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

The app should always be a secondary option as you can do so much more with a desktop/browser version. 

Having been a web developer I know this to be true. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Looks like another Etsy release heading into a weekend that was never fully tested. 
I'm truly stunned 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Or worse and it's intentional

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

I searched column in technical and so glad I found you all to know I am not alone. I hate it. I want to see everything and click as little as I have to. PLEASE ETSY FIX THIS ASAP. I am on a Microsoft tablet with Edge all updated. I want to see my left column while seeing whatever is on the right side. I accepted I have to click now 3 more clicks to get to my tracking in Orders for USPS website tracking page. ok I can live with that. But this, NO. Please do your best to take me off this test. Or fix glitch. Thanks Appreciative. k1

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

You’ll also notice the default sort order has changed when looking at orders. 

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Mine is now fixed! yeh thank you tech corp for working this friday night to make it all right. I can work again. Thank you k1 PS hope everyone else is fixed as well.

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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

Yep - me too.


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Re: Dashboard Shop Manager no longer obeys 'Desktop Site' on Android rendering it unusable

The question is, “How did this happen to a primary interface?”

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