I've noticed this but don't rememeber when it started but it is a real pita now during the holiday season. Is there a setting now in the shop I am not aware of to allow them to attach before I message them back? I tried to set my auto respond with a message like sorry you can't attach an image until I resond this is an auto reply try now. That does not work everyone says it did not work so I have to monitor my inbox all the time. my business is timely I used to be able to get messages all day with attachements then when I was done with my day job I could prepare the customers proofs and get back to them usually that same day with the proof ailbeit it would be later in the evening but it was done. Now I have to wait until my day job is over to check my messages and I saw sorry about that try now and seems like by the time I get to respond to that initial message to allow them to attach images they have already gone to a different shop and made a purchase because they thought something was borken. I never got spammed or messages with attachements I did no want so what gives this just plain sucks I am loosing money now.
Etsy has been implementing stronger security for messages due to the amount of scammers messaging sellers attempting to gain control of their etsy accounts/financial information.
I do suggest, though, that you read up on Etsy's creativity standards: https://www.etsy.com/legal/creativity/
and then this: https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/intellectual-property-infringement/22398703823
Whats the point of reading up on either of those? Neither of those has anything to do with the issue at hand. I never got scammed nor did anyone ever attempt to gain control of my shop.
I think a better read would have been on how to avoid scams
I am having the same issue. Have you found any way to resolve it yet?
No I have not. I ended up loosing business this holiday season.
I had messages going to spam for no reason at all that I could see and I don't often notice that sometimes for a couple days and I lost that business too. Their messaging just keeps getting worse.
Etsy is taking stronger security measures. There is no way of knowing if that attachment has a worm in it or other malware. Etsy is simply asking that you accept the message and then work with the buyer. Perfectly reasonable.
You can also use the personalization box to ask that they attach the photos as an alternative,
And the seller above was simply observing that some of your items may need licensing to use such as school mascots or tv series. The seller above was trying to be helpful.
So tell me what is to stop someone from sending me a message, me saying hi go ahead and send my your file, then they attach something with a worm. It is not reasonable it accomplishes nothing. In my business if it is not a picture that I can see within the message stream I do not open it and I tell the buyer I do not click on any links it has to be an attachement that is a .jpg or .bmp or other format that I can visibly see in the message thread. I can see if they send me a picture what it is so if I get a picture of Lars from Metallica I can tell them no.
I don't use the personalization box to instruct buyers to send their photos because there is often a delay before receiving them if I do at all.
For this reason, my listings request they send photos for pre-approval, this way when the order is placed I can get started quickly which is essential based on my short processing times.
I'm running into the same issue as SlapDaBassMon, and this new policy restricting attachments is hindering the process and ultimately eliminating potential orders.
I respond quickly (sometimes immediately, almost always within an hour or so unless it's overnight), but sometimes I never hear back from the customer at all.
Are seller messages going into the customers' Spam folders like theirs do ours? I would appreciate it if someone from Etsy could confirm this is not true.
I understand if this policy is deemed necessary, but please make it more user-friendly and clear to customers as many seem to have no idea why they aren't able to send an attachment or how this new system works.
I 100% agree with SlapDaBassMon. This solves absolutely nothing and wastes more time on messaging customers back and forth instead of creating/fulfilling orders (the stuff that actually makes sellers AND Etsy money).
Can Etsy improve this new functionality by only restricting certain types of attachments? I could be wrong but it sounds like things like .pdfs are the primary concern. Wouldn't allowing images (.jpg/.png) be safe as those cannot contain links? This would be an extraordinary improvement for me.