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Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears

Please review my account as I believe my message response rate has been miscalculated. btw-I have had no luck with the chatbot. On Jan 1 I got a message congratulating me for being a Star Seller. On Jan 2 my SS status was gone with the message response rate now appearing below standard. Chatbot stated I did not respond to a buyer within the 24 hour timeframe. I downloaded my stats and have screenshots showing I did respond within that timeframe and will provide them as requested. Apparently the chatbot is not capable of understanding time or screenshots as our discussions were frustrating at best.

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Re: Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears

Hi, I should not have received Star Seller this month, but I did receive an email in error about this. Here is the Thread. I posted an Update at the end; today I received an Announcement in my Dashboard about this glitch. So I don't know if you're experiencing the same glitch. Hope this helps in some way.


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Re: Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears

I too received the email that I was a 'star seller' in my Other shop, which I thought was off. Sure enough within a short time,  one of my 'badges' was gone, {I received a 2 Star Review from a 'happy' Customer}. 

computers, glitchy. glitchy, ya, ya, ya.....🤪


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Re: Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears


etsy have been sending out the congrats message in error, so ignore it, check your actual stats


go to service standard stats

click on PREVIOUS review period (default is - current - which is what we are working towards for feb)

download the csvs, and you can see which ones you missed

.... don't forget etsy works on UTC for the calculation, so everyone is calculated in the same timeframe - and it will be 24 hours, but you may be looking at the times wrongly

etsy only gives hours up to 24, then , once it's over 24 hours, etsy just says - 1 day ago, etc, so no idea how you have screenshots of actual etsy messages with times on them, because they don't have them.

e-mails don't count - as there can be a lot of delays, and their times will be your local times, and won't match etsy's UTC

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears

Thanks very much for your comments. I just got the email saying they made a mistake on the "Congrats Star Seller."

I'm guessing bc I didn't respond to the "Order Request Help" message (on Dec 4 15:03:51), and instead chose to respond on the listing page where we had been communicating (also Dec 4), that I got dinged (still within the 24 hr timeframe).

I am probably putting more weight on the Star Seller than is warranted but I am frustrated with Etsy's increased reliance on ineffective bots and algorithms. 


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Re: Congrats Star Seller There Jan 1 Then Disappears

the help request message are separate, as they are the ones the clock starts to open a case,

If you don't reply to them in time, and they open a case, the bots automatically refund - from you, whatever the case is about

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