For a while now, orders in "in Transit" status show when I click to pre-transit filter. They used to get filtered out as soon as they changed to In Transit but now it takes a day before they are filtered out when I selected "pre-transit"
Is this a known bug that is being worked on? If so is there on ETA on when it will be fixed
I am experiencing this as well - I have been for a while now - I reported it to support but shrug we know how that goes. Drives me crazy we are shipping 30-40 things a day and makes it so messy to not have the pre defined filters. I am seeing it take even a couple of days.
I am also having the same problem. "Delivered" shipments appear in the "in transit" filter. and I guess that might stop me from being a star seller. this is so sad.
I've bug reported this repeatedly - why won't etsy fix this? It's such a basic thing to not have fixed for months!
A number of sellers are experiencing this issue
I'm also experiencing this problem.
hey etsy any chance you can respond to this thread?????
I think we are in trouble I just got off of a chat with support and they didnt know what the pre transit filter was vs the in transit filter. No hope for this one.
We have to keep chatting up support, or else they will not make it a priority.
I just started having this issue the other day. COMPLETED ORDERS must be fixed to sort on all the options: Pre-Transit, In Transit, Delivered.
I chatted with Support yesterday about it, and they said it's not a priority issue.
For shops with many orders shipped weekly, and Etsy's insistance that we use ETSY LABELS, please make it a priority to fix this issue.
You just went in there to add "Schedule a Pickup," so we know you've been tooling around in there.
PLEASE FIX. We need to keep track of our shipments!
I dont know about you guys but these only seems to be getting worse for me so I wanted to keep the thread alive. I now just have about 20-25 orders stuck in transit in my pre transit filter that wont leave and I have to message etsy once a week to get delivered orders off of my board.
yes, it's super horrible
This is still an issue. Makes it impossible to use the check all check box to print labels and packing slips. On days when I have 20+ orders to ship I have to manually check the boxes and hope I dont miss one.
Recently became an issue and continues to be an issue for me as well.
Bringing this back to the top as it's still not fixed.
I'm trying to filter to see my in-transit orders so I can follow up with AusPost if there are any delays. But all the delivered orders come up as well which makes it very difficult to keep an eye out for issues and follow them up, and takes a lot longer than it should.
Any chance this will be fixed Etsy...?