Client having issues purchasing- error messages come up

Client having issues purchasing- error messages come up.

Not getting anywhere with the BOT


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Re: Client having issues purchasing- error messages come up

@ironartcanada  I just tested and added an item to cart, and see all the payment options.

Ask the Buyer what error they see, and at what point.  Perhaps they are in a country you don't ship to, or have multiple items in their cart and are trying to check out with Paypal (there's a limit of 10 different shops per single transaction when paying with PP - at least that used to be the rule).  Other items in cart may also affect their purchase, if they are doing a multi-shop checkout.  Maybe they had your item in their cart for a while, and something has changed.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE take the transaction or communication off of Etsy - if they suggest trying that - run! - and mark their messages as spam.

You could suggest they clear their cart and try again, try a different browser or device, or try the Buyer app or the browser app for mobile.  Hard to tell what may be happening without more details.  

Good luck!  Gorgeous shop!

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