Inspiration Seeker

Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I have a message for an order that I have replied to several times and have received messages back from buyer, yet the chat still says first message from potential buyer respond within 24 hrs. I am concerned that because it's not updating that I have already messaged the buyer back that it could dock me for my star seller status. 

How can this be fixed? I have refreshed the chat, I have sent reply back on desktop and phone app and still is showing I haven't replied back. 

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31 Replies

Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I had that last  week in one shop. I complained here and after about a day it corrected. Not sure if it was the complaint or what. It's happening again this morning in my husband's shop.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

same here, I contacted Etsy Help but I was just told that I can mark the messages as spam later on to remove them from the stats. Not sure it worked..

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

same here

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I've had this issue in both my shops, run on 2 different browsers, firefox & chrome. Chat says the techs know about it and it will be corrected by the following day & won't affect your *seller. 

But didn't it make me look like a pro when I sent that second message when the blue etsy message said I hadn't responded yet? (not)

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I do it all the time, send two messages to get the blue thing to dissapear

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

me, too.  the Etsy chat peeps said (paraphrasing) "it's a test and you won't be affected on your star seller reports". 

i guess time will tell.  meanwhile.... i'm shoveling all these messages into the spam folder just in case i *WILL* be affected.....  i can fetch them out again if the star seller message report shows the message "was" sent.... why do we have to jump through these hoops?

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

update: i discovered that messages shoveled into the spam folder do not count on the star seller grid...... fine then.  

i will UN-shovel the messages and see if they show up as 'replied to' after 24 hours.... they can always be shoveled back in the spam folder.

*rolls eyes

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

Check and make certain that the buyer did not start a second thread for one (or more) of their responses. If they did, it will be considered a new message and not part of that thread. Otherwise, it is another Etsy glitch. 

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

For mine, it has the number on it telling how many parts to the conversation there are - so it is obviously a glitch. 

That said - the flags are no longer there as of this afternoon. Hopefully that means Etsy has fixed it.

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

@ButterflyFeetDigital :  pardon me for asking, but you say "it has the number on it" for your conversation.  

i am not seeing that on my conversations.... can you say WHERE your see this number?  

i am experiencing this same "blue banner" issue.... 


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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

@pennyemporium  The number of messages in each conversation is at the top right  in a tiny gray circle (before you actually click on the message.)

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

@ButterflyFeetDigital:  YES!  i can see that now, thank you SO MUCH for this information!  i appreciate your response!

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I had that happen to me last week.  I sent a second message & noticed the banner went away the next day.

My star seller is showing that I haven't had any new messages at all this month, which is incorrect.  

Im just waiting to see if it corrects itself.  If not oh well.  Not going to try to contact support since I think they'll be useless.

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

The same thing has been happening to me for about a week. Almost every new message I get continues to show the "First message from potential buyer" banner even after I've responded and even gone back and forth with several messages. 

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

Same thing here all week...?

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

Same problem. I sent two replies and the blue "new request" is still showing. The conversation number in the right corner has changed so I guess I'm "safe" from being penalized for not replying in time. I'll check tomorrow to see if it's corrected itself. I also sent a convo to the customer from her order page to make sure she received my reply.

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

It's still happening. 

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

Yep...still happening here as well...!

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply


Etsy is broken.



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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

This happens to me on every message, 

It creates two individual messages sometimes and you have to repeatedly reply to get the "well done you responded within 24"  hours message

It also always keeps the blue message up telling you to reply even though you already have, 


I would share a screen shot if the forum let me. 

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

me too ... it's a bit nerve racking, I hate pestering potential buyers with unnecessary messages, but I don't want to lose my star seller badge either.

I answer messages from repeat customers every single day. But because only net new messages count ... I only have a handful factoring into the message badge.

I've asked Etsy to restart message threads after 3 months or even one year ... some of my message threads are very unwieldly because they go back years. Interesting that Etsy considers responding to first message for new customers in customer service metrics but not first message per new transaction.


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

I am having the same problem with the blue banner coming back.  I get the "Nice work! A quick response always makes a great first impression" green box each time, but the blue first time request keeps comes back.  Even after a sale, the first time blue banner is still there.  I have Etsy open on my computer and the app open on 2 phones.  I answered from all 3 devices, and still the blue banner still says, "A potential buyer is reaching out for the first time... Send a reply within 24 hours."  after multiple communications with the buyer within the first 24 hrs. 

We all want to keep our star status, as Christmas Season is approaching.

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Re: Chat saying first message from potential buyer even after reply

@YarnProj: Based on the numerous threads about this, the new message banner not going away appears to be only a user interface glitch which is not affecting any stats such as Star Seller. There have, however, been reports about other Message issues that are impacting a shop negatively.

Best to check the applicable CSV file on your Star Seller page regularly. Keep in mind that usually a new incoming thread is not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed regardless of when you replied and that Star Seller stats (and the CSV file) seem to be updated only once per day so there may be an additional day's delay.

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