Hello. I am not sure if it's a bug or a rule, but I have encountered the following problem:
My products are being shipped from the Netherlands, but I want to sell in the German market. When I set up my shipping profile, I provide the country of origin and the zip code. However, it automatically creates the Netherlands as the place of dispatch, which I don't want. I am unable to delete it. The only solution seems to be adding Germany as the country of origin, but this is incorrect.
What can I do?
You need to put your location where you are based, but if the items are Dispatched from another country you have to mention this
You must enter a country of origin - you cannot leave it blank. Where will the product be coming from if not the Netherlands?
Hi Amaradorn,
The products are coming from the Netherlands, but I only want to sell them in Germany. The issue is that when I add the Netherlands as the country of origin, the app automatically adds the Netherlands as the shipping country as well.
You need to put your location where you are based, but if the items are Dispatched from another country you have to mention this
Thanks. What's best place to mention this?
Your profile at the top should have your current location, then your delivery profile will have the dispatch location
Alright, I got it. But I want to know where is the best place to mention that the products are coming from the Netherlands? Product description or is it enough when I enter in production partner profile.
Personally I would also highlight a small part in the description that they are being dispatch from another country, customers appreciate transparency and hate surprises, unless they are good surprises of course but receiving an item from another country then you thought is not one of them
You are very welcome! Good luck with your new shop!
You have to ship to the country, from where you dispatch from, you can ship to other countries too, but you HAVE to ship to the "dispatch from" country
You have to put the correct "dispatch from" in the shipping profile, or people can claim "not as described" and win cases against you.
If you ship from the Netherlands, you have to ship to the Netherlands, and then as many other countries as you want to.
There is not other way to set it up legally on Etsy
Thanks for your answer. I understand, but I can't sell to Netherlands due to fiscal disadvantaged. There must be a way to solve this.
There is no other way to do it legally on Etsy,
If you ant to do this, you will have to sell from a platform that lets you do it legally
You can sell to the German market but since you're in the Netherlands, your items will be dispatched from the Netherlands - so what you're seeing is correct.
Thanks for your answer. Okay, I see as last solution to write the product title and description in German language and hope that people from Netherlands don't buy it.