I am not able to add photos onto my messages with customers. I have been having this problem for over a week. I click on the add image icon and nothing happens. This happening to anyone else? I use this feature constantly and it is really hindering my customer service abilities.
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@MyMemoriesInBloom: Are you having this issue using an Etsy app (on which operating system) or via mobile browser or desktop browser (which browser and operating system)? It makes a difference as to possible causes and potential solutions, otherwise we have to guess.
I am also having this problem constantly!
You are replying to a nearly two-year-old post, it is best to start a post of your own with your problem to get advice/help.
But, I uploaded a photo to a customer message this morning with no error or problem. I clicked the "upload photo" icon and selected the photo to upload. This was using the mobile app.
Before posting on the Forums, please check if you are not bumping an old thread that hasn't seen any activity in a while. You can do this by looking at the dates of the most recent replies.
Since this thread is indeed a bit older and the information contained here may be outdated, it will now be closed.
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