I have cancelled an order 3 times. It's still showing up on my order page with the "overdue shipping" above it.
I have not heard back from my customer. I did message her in addition to the message with the cancelations (again, 3 times).
What do I do? How can I resolve this? I don't have the item in stock.
Use a browser - refund and cancel from there.
Was the order shipping to Colorado?
this is a good question. I saw 2 threads about this yesterday.
I think they needed to contact etsy to have them refund that last 29c to close finalize the cancelation.
I'll bet it's to Colorado too - there was a recent tax added that Etsy hasn't figured out how to refund yet.
It's a stupid annoying fee, according to State of Colorado. Not a tax. That is how they got around rules about voting on tax increases to get is passed.
I live in Colorado, and it is a fee charged per shipment. But lots of companies are having problems with it.
If I order 4 different items on Amazon at the same time, that is one order. Except depending on the warehouse locations and a variety of other things, it could be 1, 2, 3, or 4 shipments. Not everything is in every warehouse in the US. So do they charge me once or 4 times? It's always a question. So far, I think Amazon is only charging me once, but then that wouldn't be in the spirit of the fee, would it? Are they going to up-charge me after the order is placed for the other fees? That would leave a pretty bad impression to suddenly have extra fees tacked on.
Anyway, rant over.
Okay, not over. As a seller with my own website, the fee is supposed to be filed on a separate report from my sales tax. Because it is not sales tax. So twice as much paperwork.
I don't get that many sales to Colorado on my website. And my website provider doesn't offer a way to add this fee anyway, so it's out of pocket to me if I want to stay legal. So if I have 3 CO sales, I have to file a separate report for 84 cents that comes out of my own pocket.
What a fricken time suck.
It's annoying enough that I frequently consider just cancelling all orders from my own state.
It is from Colorado!
On October 2nd, I refunded a customer (from NJ) for a shipping overage.
The refund page did not close out as normal, instead there was a gray spinning wheel like the process was glitching or still processing.
My account was credited for the processing fee and tax on 10/2
It was not until 10/4 that my account was credited for the transaction fee for shipping and Offsite ad fee.
There have been other threads where the grey spinning wheel has appeared while trying to complete simple refunds.