The title, plus it can't adjust it correctly, it always go right-ways and it keeps remembering it so I can't even get the thumbnail to be in original size. It doesn't do it for every picture so I can't predict when it will go haywire, but when it does go haywire I can't get it to it's original size, so I usually wind up with a completely useless thumbnail
I would really like to say nice things about the thumbnail adjustment tool on the website, but it is a disaster.
The zoom area jumps around randomly, and the edits done don't stay saved.
Not only is it difficult and frustrating to use, but it does not reliably save the results after you have beaten it into submission, so you have to go back into the listing and wrestle with it again.
Using Firefox 132.0 (64-bit) on Win 10.
Did nobody at Etsy test the code functionality thoroughly before dumping it on us?
Lawrence (Clare's other half)
Thumbnail adjustments are also not working for me!
I agree, not working at all for me. Infuriating !
Not working here too. And it seems that etsy is playing with my listing and shopformat at moment.
I don't think Etsy (employees) read the questions posted in the forums. You need to send them a message through the Help Center.