Can’t add new listings because the core details page will not load fully and properly. And if does it freezes, seizes and then have to exit page.
Well…must be an ongoing thing,.. was searching to see if this was just me or happening to anyone else…l can’t believe they haven’t fixed this! Happening to me today! And it’s 2/19/25! Wow! Can’t add a listing, can’t make a sale and No money for Etsy! Oh Wow! You would think this would be a priority to fix! They need to stop messing with so much stuff! Oh please! What next???
@AQuiltIsBorn @ThePeddlersPocket @PillowsAndMore4U @ApricotCatCrafts @lorraineshandcrafts
If at all possible go to a live listing that is somewhat comparable to what you want to list, from your shop home page. Click on duplicate.
I know you might have to change a lot of things but what I do is clear everything right from the top of the page that I will be changing.
Since I sell a lot of sewing patterns I usually look for another pattern that has the same sizing, then I don't have to type that again in my description.
This will not impact the one you are using.
Thanks I’ll try that :). I did copy and paste some of the description from another item. But, that didn’t work. Maybe this will. Some aren’t even having this problem. So bizarre! Didn’t even know what I was talking about.
Well tried that,,,,seems it will change my whole live listing,,,,ekkk,,, I’ll try again tomorrow. Thx so much! I hope they fix it soon! Good Grief!
It is true core details come up again later in listing but that does not work here either. All these work around do not work. Only way lve managed is to go Etsy .com then click top right desk top but on my monitor that is very small can barely see anything and will crash and very glitchy . Takes too long to list. App no good for listing atall. Even had problems trying to set up sale last night on app. Only good for dispatch items. Messages to problem with messages was unable to reply to customer Etsy try again later. So year pretty un happy month latter after 3 Etsy star sellers chats no outcome. Messages via email again reply all automated and no option to call them anymore here in UK..Listings seriously down result sales seriously down big time.
Please get this fixed. Still happening today. Makes it hard to work your shop.
I have hardly listed in 5 weeks…. Loosing all my sales…. Will this ever be fixed?
Still not working for me today either. :(. So discouraging. So many I know this is not even effecting them. They are having no problem added new items. I don’t get why it happens to some and not others.
I may try and duplicate a Sold Item. Maybe that would work? I don’t know! I am so sorry so many of you haven’t listed in weeks! This is terrible! I make everything myself. Ready to list alot of items and “Bam” I can’t!
bottom line, we should t have to be trying to find a way to list! Ridiculous!
The only way I can add new listings is to copy a current listing or to edit a deactivated listing. Core details has not been working for me for quite some time now.
I use an Ipad to list. I enter the core details in portrait mode and then add the listing in landscape mode. Seems to work for me.
I use a browser to list ... the core details page is frozen, but is easy to maneuver around with the click of a mouse to move the scroll bar up & down in order to fill out all the details (hold down button if need to move scroll bar up & down). I'm sorry to hear there are so many still affected by this dilemma, I really hope it gets fixed soon. I would recommend everyone reporting this to any of the various websites when you google "etsy down".
Here are the steps I used to create a new listing. Step 1; Go to your Etsy shop and click on the filter to access your old sold out listings.Step 2) Click on the edit option. 3) You will have to remove the title, photos and description of your old listing and add in all of the new details. The only issue I ran into was one of my listings stated "Made in the 70's " which wasn't the case with the new one I was adding. So I added the following to my description; Please Note: Disregard where Etsy states this item was made in the 70's. I am editing this listing from an old sold listing. It is the only way I can publish a new listing as the screen freezes up when I try to add the "Core details" and won't permit me to any further. The only way around this glitch is to re-edit an old sold out listing.
I hope this helps you and others on here.
This issue has been going on for far too long. Etsy deleted the date I made an item. Now I have to get back to core details but those first 3 questions: who made it, what is it and when was it made do not come up anywhere so I cannot edit. So frustrating. Who on earth is getting a fat salary for changing stuff that never works?