I have seen multiple threads about valid customer messages going directly to Spam in the last couple weeks so I’ve been checking ours, no issues until today!
This afternoon I saw a thread on another site- a shop owner complaining of missing Star Seller for April because of multiple unanswered messages. They were never-opened / new messages from legit customers that went straight to Spam.
So I just checked ours again- there was one from 11 hours ago from someone in my state asking a question!!
Not sure why Spam messages would count against Star seller regardless of how they ended up there -
Perhaps that wasn’t why that seller didn’t qualify for SS in April, who knows. Regardless, missing a potential sale because of this would be ESPECIALLY irritating!
@MomsantiquesNthings Yes, this truly sucks, particularly when you’re losing orders!
In addition to having lost an order last week due to my delayed response, last night Etsy moved an entire ongoing conversation thread regarding a different custom order into spam! I was messaging back and forth with a customer about design ideas before creating a custom listing for him, and when I was checking if he had answered my latest question, the entire thread had disappeared. This is getting really stupid. If I am engaged in a back and forth conversation with someone, then clearly it’s not spam!
@DOKOcreations OMG yeah, that's ridiculous!!
@LemonsLoot awww, cellphone typo there! You reading along eh? How's it going?
I had to reply to four of my customers' messages late because they were in spam. When you look at the Seller App on your phone, you definitely cannot see these messages. Etsy should not let us lose the star seller badge because of these messages. It's not our fault.
I saw a post about this yesterday and I checked my spam and there was a message there that was not spam. I used to always get notifications when a message came through. I will now check my spam daily.
I just looked and my Star Seller for Messages dropped because I responded to one of my SPAM messages after 2 days. So if we respond to these messages, we get penalized???? So flipping aggravated!!
Eileen- I used to live in Everette PA. Is this the town nearby? I loved how historic it is.
@PersnicketyPie - Yes! Everett is just east of Bedford. I am actually in Bedford Valley near the MD line so I don't get there often enough but I do love that town!
I checked this morning. I have 4 messages in the spam folder from the last 5 days.
If you mark NOT SPAM and respond they will count against your Star Seller.
I just found 7 in my spam messages dating back to March 23rd. Totally unacceptable!!!!
Just found a custom order request in Spam!! Is Etsy fixing this?!?!?!?!
Me too, almost missed another freakin' order. Thought it would've been fixed by now.
This just happened to me as well. This needs to be fixed @FabioMcMustache Can Etsy send an update/communication regarding this?
Same here, I just had an irate buyer following up why we have not responded to their urgent message... doing research why we never saw the first message - yes there were 25 messages in the spam folder, all legit messages oldest one from March 19th. I was horrified, I ve been on Etsy for over a decade and Spam folder was always perfect, e.g. Etsy used to be very good in identifying spam. Etsy - did you unleash a new AI Bot? If so, with all the useless announcements I get, it would be nice to get one useful one with something like
... Hey Sellers, heads up, we have a new spam filter testing, while in the beta, please keep an eye on your SPAM folder and report any errors here..."
I had 4 in my spam, and they were normal messages. WTH? It was from April 2 around this time period.
Yup. I had an inquiry sitting in spam for 14 hours. If not for the forum posts regarding this problem it would have surpassed 24 hours. 14 hours is already too long.
Bot is still doing its job overall. 1 of the 2 first messages that was in spam turned out legit but still kinda iffy, bargain hunting.
I just checked my account and I’m now down to 67% response rate due to not replying to a SPAM message. Don’t Etsy realise how flawed this is? It’s absolutely ridiculous!
I found 2 more in my spam that I missed!! I keep forgetting to check the spam.