CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!


I have seen multiple threads about valid customer messages going directly to Spam in the last couple weeks so I’ve been checking ours, no issues until today!

This afternoon I saw a thread on another site-  a shop owner complaining of missing Star Seller for April because of multiple unanswered messages. They were never-opened / new messages from legit customers that went straight to Spam. 

So I just checked ours again- there was one from 11 hours ago from someone in my state asking a question!!

Not sure why Spam messages would count against Star seller regardless of how they ended up there -

Perhaps that wasn’t why that seller didn’t qualify for SS in April, who knows. Regardless, missing a potential sale because of this would be ESPECIALLY irritating!

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120 Replies

Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Thank you for this update. I just checked my Spam folder, there's a message in there from a customer from 3/24. What's going on Etsy? How come this hasn't been addressed and fixed?

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!


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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Triple GRRRRRR!! I just lost a $245 order as the buyer needed the item in hand by April 4th. 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

So sorry!

The potential buyer who messaged us today was specifically asking about faster shipping too! 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Ugh, I'm sorry for you as well! 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Thanks for the heads up! I just checked and I had 2 messages in my Spam folder. One was from a customer who'd asked me a question. I answered the question and then her response landed in my spam folder.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

This just happened to me!! Five days ago, how embarrassing! 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Thanks for the heads up!

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

@VINTAGEnfinity: "Not sure why Spam messages would count against Star seller regardless of how they ended up there" They would not as long as they are unanswered - a Message replied to after the 24 hour window, even if it is in SPAM, will still be considered as answered late.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

@BagmakerSupply ,


Thankyou, didn’t know that…along with the 7000 other stupid things like that! 

(Here’s another…why, as I type , are some words repeated twice but not all? 

(The double words disappear when I post.)

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

That would mean I even have to answer to a Scammer, which I moved directly into the Spam folder? I can't believe that...

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

One thread had many of us having messages go to spam that contained links.

They were NOT spam but I suppose Etsy thought they were.

This is unacceptable.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

I saw a previous forum post about this and have checked my spam folder daily since. I hadn't seen a genuine message in there until tonight. I know Etsy tinkered with the filters, etc to prevent the spammers, but I think the filtering or whatever the messaging spam bot is doing has slightly gone awry!

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

For the life of me I will never understand why Etsy can’t just be up front with us about these types of things and use one of those f$&@ing annoying pop-ups to tell us all there’s a glitch and to check Spam! 


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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

 I contacted Chat to hopefully light more fire about this issue. I didn't move the message from my Spam folder initially, as I wanted it documented when I chatted with someone. I asked if my response to the buyer would have been received, since I responded from the Spam folder. They told me to move the message to my Inbox, yet there isn't any way to do that so I marked the message as NOT SPAM and it disappeared! The chat person acknowledged that their suggestion wasn't doable and that they had no idea where the message went. Luckily they initially asked me the persons name and I typed it into the chat box so I was able to search for the message using their name. It brought the message up but it's not in any folder, it's the only message in the list and the chat person doesn't know where the message is contained. I have no idea if my potential buyer ever received my response. There are no words for this, or at least words I can type here.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Oh no!  This is making me really nervous!  I think if I saw a legit customer message, I would reflexively mark it as "not spam" !

For those that are seeing this - does the number next to the spam folder on the menu go up / change?  Because I wouldn't keep checking, if I knew that new ones would show a number there.

My spam number stays at 1, even though I keep checking, and see multiple past spams.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

I was wondering the same thing about the number. After I read the Spam message the number disappeared, it was the only message in that folder. My trash folder has tons of messages in it, yet there is no number next to it. Regardless, I wouldn't trust anything regarding the messaging system right now, I will be opening my Inbox and Spam folder a few times a day now. 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Update: I think I figured it out. After I replied to the message in my Spam folder I marked it as NOT SPAM, the message then went to my Sent messages, not my Inbox.

Sadly the chat agent didn't understand the messaging system and stated that if I responded to the Spam message then maybe it would pop up in my Inbox, which it did not. The potential buyer has now responded, her response seems to have pushed the message into my Inbox.

Yea, whatever they're doing to the messaging system is working out swell! On top of that, maybe there needs to be some training for the Chat agents on this situation.

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

I marked a message yesterday that was in spam, as "not spam" and it moved to my inbox, I did reply to it before moving it. So far it has stayed there.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

I am having the same issue where messages are going NOWHERE! I found one message in my phone notifications and can only locate it on Etsy by typing in their name…very frustrating 

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

This morning it also dawned on me that the last 4 requests for shipping quotes (which I answered almost immediately) that I have given out received zero response even though I literally quoted a fraction of the real cost to try and get a sale- (like $150 to deliver a large dresser from FL to Detroit). I know there are a lot of tire kickers but out of 4 quotes at least a couple of them would typically respond back with I’m thinking about it or make an offer- Nothing from those 4 and nothing from the gal I responded to whose message was in spam. She asked if the item could be shipped by a certain time and I told her we could have it out in 2 days- no response. 

Obviously a sale isn’t a sale until they checkout, but the idea that these customers are not receiving my messages is VERY concerning as it adds up to about $5000 in potential sales…(and we haven’t had a sale in 2 weeks). 

I hate to annoy them and ask “did you receive my message” like I’m being pushy but I may consider it if I don’t hear anything from any of them by tomorrow.
This sucks…

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

I also tried to delete the old (real) spam messages a few times and the system doesn’t allow me to delete any individually nor all at once. I have never deleted them! I have some dating back to 2015!

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Conversation Maker

Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Crap! I just had a second customer question about a possible order land in Spam. There were no links, nothing phishy, just asking me if I could ship it out quickly and now I've lost time and probably the sale. Come on etsy! Get it together!

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Re: CHECK SPAM For real buyer messages!!!

Actually I take it back there was a link, but it was to my own listing, the one she was asking about.

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