We are based in the UK and we have a buyer in the US who is trying to buy. When she goes to checkout the system is telling her “the price has changed” and won’t let her proceed.
We haven’t touched or adjusted the price on the listing so not sure what’s going on.
In an attempt to rectify we cancelled the original listing and uploaded a new one but with the same result.
Has anyone else come across this and any ideas how to resolve?
Could it be currency conversion? If you list in Pounds Sterling and she put it in her cart in US funds, the amount the customer sees will change as currency fluctuates. If she put it in her cart a few days ago and is now buying, perhaps that accounts for the difference.
Tell the Customer to remove the item from cart, then visit your shop and add to cart again.
You deactivated the item, made a new listing, and the Buyer added that to cart?
Does the Buyer have other?
Thanks but she’s already done this when I set up the 2nd listing.
Did she update her shipping address or anything? I get that message if I switch from shipping something to my parents vs. to our front door. It's almost always a few dollars in taxes so it could be the associated fees/shipping instead of the item price?
Not sure if she’s changed her details or not but will ask. Thanks
It could be the issue isn't your item. Is there anything else in her cart from other shops?
Thanks I’ll add it to my list of questions for her.
Could it be currency conversion? If you list in Pounds Sterling and she put it in her cart in US funds, the amount the customer sees will change as currency fluctuates. If she put it in her cart a few days ago and is now buying, perhaps that accounts for the difference.
Excellent point. Never thought of that. I’ll check it out. Thanks