I'm really frustrated with how creating a listing causes Safari to lag. After spending time carefully adding alt text to all ten photos, the program froze and erased all my work. Also, when I try to publish a new listing or update an existing one, I’m always asked whether I want to stay on the page, and it never publishes immediately. I’m not sure if this is a Safari issue or an invisible bug on Etsy.
I know that some listing creation tasks are particularly labor intensive, like uploading new photos or attaching photos to variations. I've started saving my listing as a draft ... to make sure my work is saved, and then go back and do the next step. Less efficient than I would like, but better than losing work and starting over.
And browsers do make a difference. The new listing from seems to work better with some than with others.
I was getting the 'whether to stay on page' pop-up which was really confusing. In Edge I can select 'don't allow opening new pages' and then repeat publishing and that box goes away. Takes more steps to publish a listing but at least now I have a sequence of steps that works.
For your first issue, it sounds like you need to delete cache files and history.
I've tried this before without success, but I'll give it another go. Thank you!
Clean out your utilities. Clear your cache and the history. Remove any programs that start with starup that you do not use right away.
Is this an older computer? Eventually even upgrades means reduced browser usage. Computers are now designed to only last about 5 years now.
Thank you very much! It’s considered new—I purchased it just 8 months ago.
The asking if you want to leave the page when you are publishing is happening to many of us with the new listing form. And even before the new listing form, it often took several minutes for my new listings to show up, so I don't think Etsy would consider that a bug.
As for your info getting lost, that just sounds horribly frustrating, and I hope you find any answer.
I have been on Safari all day-- not having any problems.. I have listed a bunch of listings today. So I am not sure why your issue. I am not on the app- I am in a browser window on Safari on a few months old MacBook Pro
I feel you - with the new listing form, now I have cursor lag when adding alt text. It's maddening. I also get the leaving page warning when publishing a listing.
I have the same issue on Chrome when I try to publish a listing. When the Do you want to Leave pops up, I click cancel, then I go to Preview (the listing), look at my listing, I go back to publish and it goes without an issue. I hope that they will fix that