All day I've been getting the following error message when trying to update a listing:
There was a problem saving your changes. Contact Etsy and make sure to include this error code in your message:
Error code: EuVAZgMQ19JQ8LIqbNb5dXhvJB42
I've contacted etsy but wondering if anyone else is encountering the same thing
it works !!!
Need to change from Physical to Digital .
And you'll could change.
Than change back to Physical and add Shipping profile as it was turned off.
And its still able to change stock quantity .
Same for me, I cannot edit or duplicate any published listings. I get the same error code.
One of our ads cannot update quantities or options. Get error code.
Sent to Etsy no solution yet.
Yes, I’m getting the same message.
I have been having trouble this week adjusting the thumbnail image. Everything works as typical until hitting "apply" then it shows up wonky and the edit/change isn't being applied properly. Otherwise mostly good with adding listings no other trouble.
@GGKPOTTERY The duplicating works fine for me but adjusting the thumbnail is murder and does not work properly half of the time. The 'funny' thing is that I had the same issue with the old listing form and when the new form was implemented, I was happy to see that the issue had (apparently temporarily) disappeared.
Same here. Unable to update or duplicate listings. First noticed it last night, and still happening today. Has anyone found a resolution or workaround?
Yes, I noticed it yesterday on one listing (so far). Same error code. Etsy support has a mile long list of what I need to try. I'm sorry but I am so busy right now trying to get my remaining gift orders out in time for Christmas, there's just no time for experimentation. Can't they just FIX IT???? Sorry to be a whiner, but this is a huge problem for me.
I have the same issue. The only way to fix it is by deleting disabled variations. Definitely an internal problem with their system. Hopefully they will notice it someday and fix it.
Same here
it works !!!
Need to change from Physical to Digital .
And you'll could change.
Than change back to Physical and add Shipping profile as it was turned off.
And its still able to change stock quantity .
Also check you variation after all.
I don't get that they are lost and made several sales for my lost.
I unfortunately have noticed that when this change was fixed, there was a change made to my variations which are amounts and I’m not able to set them as zero anymore in market as sold out I have to hide the variation, which is very upsetting. I used to be Villa market is zero now you are required to market as one to 999. This was not a glitch. This was deliberately done and it needs to be reverted back. It has led to me over selling stuff because I don’t like hiding an option. I’d rather it be Shawn that it was sold out so I don’t know why I can’t make this an option anymore.
THANK YOU! Yours is the only solution that has worked for me (even though it's a pain in the butt to do since I have so many listings with the error issue). THANK YOU!