Inspiration Seeker

Anyone else having this issue with RSS feed emails being translated into Dutch?

I set up an RSS feed email campaign on MailerLite that sends my subscribers an email every time I've posted 10 new items, showing them those 10 items. (This works for me because each of my items are unique and sold only once). I had been doing the same on aWeber before that without issue, but I decided to switch and pay for Mailerlite because of some of the options they offered. 

But the Mailerlite emails from the etsy RSS feed for my shop are in Dutch!!! 

Mailerlite says that because of Etsy's automatic language translation, it's causing their web crawler (which presumably is in the Netherlands? I'm unclear on that) to translate my RSS feed into Dutch.

To be clear, I'm not Dutch, I don't speak Dutch, my very smart husband knew it was Dutch. I thought it was German, haha. I have nothing set on Dutch on my computer.

I do have Etsy's automatic translation on because I have customers all over the world. I will not be turning off their translation.

Mailerlite doesn't think they're to blame for this. I disagree. I think it must be them because the RSS feed is in English on aWeber. My listings are in English. They think it's Etsy.

Is anyone else having issues with your RSS feed emails being in the wrong language? Anyone on Mailerlite? Anyone on any other email list service? The answer to this question would really help Mailerlite's technical team, who I do believe would like to fix this issue.

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Translate to English There was a problem fetching the translation.
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