I noticed a large (for me) cost for listing fees in my finances. When I checked, every one of my listing had auto-updated at the same time, despite me only listing or relisting some of them less than 4 months ago and despite me having many of them on 'manual listing'.
Chatted online with 'Fatima', who seemed confused about what I was saying and passed me over to the technical team, who haven't come back to me.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I've never had them all do it, but sometimes a few would and I was always meticulous about making sure they are manual. I wonder if it's because of the new listing format layout - have they reverted everything to defaulting to auto-relist?
This happens to me all the time. And yes, I believe it has to do with the new listing format (@BlaqKat stated above). I find it best to check every listing that is about to expire to make sure it is not on automatic renewal. Yes, I know.....what a pain!