Please Etsy. Do something about this.
If you even touch the 'adjust thumbnail' button it will distort the photo and make it so offset that it makes no sense. And it's impossible to re-adjust it afterwards.
It's such an old problem, can it FINALLY be solved??
I am having the same issue today. And to your point, you can google and find this issue was a problem back in 2017.
I had this issue a couple of years ago, but it resolved quickly. Clearly it's a known issue but whatever causes it to randomly happen has never been fixed.
I am having the same problem today. I am using Firefox.
I just found some suggested solutions on another thread. I tried the one where you crop your photos ever so slightly then adjust the thumbnail. This worked for me. I am using Chrome.
Thanks for the work around! It was happening to me today as well, so frustrating that this issue keeps popping up.
It works for a bit and then randomly switches back to a random off-skew after a couple of hours!
I did crop, adjust, even uploaded new photos - if it worked then only for a bit.
So frustrating!
Well, it worked for a bit and now they are all off again.
Very frustrating. It definitely makes our shops look like we don't know what we are doing.
This cropping method also worked for me. I'm using Firefox.
God bless you! It helped!
I uploaded two new listings, one thumbnail worked and the other didn't. No rhyme or reason, no matter what I did I could not get the second one to work so I uploaded it anyway. Checked my listings yesterday and now it looks like that second one is ok. Weird that it took that long for it to adjust. I hope it stays that way, very frustrating.
I listed two items yesterday and have attempted to adjust the photos multiple times to no avail. These two are still messed up and nothing I do fixes it. This has been a problem for years, and worse off and on.
Is this bug being addressed?
It seems to be getting worse. It used to take an hour or so but mine from yesterday haven't changed.
The photos need to be square 4:3 If they are more horizontal than square then the thumbnail focuses on the wrong place. It needs to be able to focus on the middle of the photo and it works best with square photos.
I have older photos that are more horizontal than square and the same issue occurs with the thumbnail. My photos that are truly square, it works just fine.
I have both square and rectangular photos.
I guess I am going to try and get a perfectly square photo posted that will capture the detail on my design mockups.
The issue is, Etsy has known this is a bug for years and has yet to address it. If photos only work in one size then they could eliminate the other size options and force photos of one size without an adjustment option.
Just published a new listing and it's fine, but I still can't get yesterday's listing photos to adjust.
This is so frustrating. For years and years this has been an issue... and I fear it's getting even worse. I've had a couple items where it offshifted my adjusted thumbnail way over to the right. No matter WHAT I did the image would not center. I ended up selecting one of my other images as the number one... without making any thumbnail adjustments. Not what I wanted.
I couldn't even undo the thumbnail to just display the whole image without an adjustment.
You know, I also sell on eBay. Image adjustments there are soooo slick and smooth... with far more options than the one single thing etsy offers (and etsy can't even get that one single thing right).
Oh it's worse alright! I have two listings from a couple days ago which are just completely wrong. And I look unprofessional because of it.
AND I'm afraid to post more listings lest they look bad.
Yes, please fix this! It makes us look bad.
Ive been using Firefox for years, so yesterday I tried Chrome. Same results.
Going to list today, hope its been fixed. LOL.
ETSY get it together please- this is a crucial tool that has been malfunctioning for many months and now not working at all for weeks!!! Very frustrating!!