Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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This is completely ridiculous, but I have my Shop set up to entertain offers that people make. The beta “make offer” option. 

because it’s still in Beta phase it’s super wonky to use and you can’t see it in the app ..and it makes you go to a browser online and then it becomes a little cumbersome to use. 

I opened it up and was trying to review the offer and respond (the offer was way too low) . I was going to answer the person with the lowest price I would take.. and then write them a message.

my cat jumped on my lap and my finger must have accidentally hit “accept offer” 🤦🏻‍ and it excepted the offer. I could not figure out how to undo it. So for the time being, I messaged the person and explain to them what happened and I deactivated the listing


it’s actually one of the most liked items in my shop right now, so I need to figure out how to cancel the offer that I accepted and get the listing back up


because I know Etsy support takes forever. Does anyone off the top of their head know how to cancel an offer, accepted in error,  





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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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yes, I think both of you are right.

in addition, after doing some reading into it.. apparently, if you change the price of the item, it automatically voids any offers accepted or made. so I just changed the price a little. The offer should be voided. 


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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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No, but I think the offer is only good for 48 hours.... so as long as that clock isn't paused with the item deactivated, it might be a shorter time frame to just wait out that then to try and get through to support (or at least get through to someone that knows how to help). I'd just double check in the program, but pretty sure it's only valid for 48 hours. 

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Deactivate it for 48 hours?

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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yes, I think both of you are right.

in addition, after doing some reading into it.. apparently, if you change the price of the item, it automatically voids any offers accepted or made. so I just changed the price a little. The offer should be voided. 


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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Buyer made an offer, no matter what the original price was, or the altered price after receiving any offer... it's still an offer and you can either accept of deny the offer.  I think no matter the excuse (cat, BETA, aliens landed), you did accept the offer and therefore should honor the offer, even if it is not feasible for you.  Lesson learned the hard way?  If it is truly your "most liked item", you obviously sell enough of it to make up for the difference.  If not, then why else would you ever include it in your "make offer" listings?  Beta or not, I think this is truly a case of seller's remorse!

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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@TheEtherealMenagerie  Do what you want to do. So what if you accepted on accident. There is no reason on earth you have to punish yourself for an accident. Good Luck.

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Just pointing out, accepting the offer is not binging, on either end. Since the customer is not obligated to purchase when an offer is accepted, you shouldn't be required to follow through with it. Just one of the flaws of the system. 

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Good thing you are not on ebay!  There when a seller accepts an offer it goes through automatically via the buyer's credit card.

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Since you are allowed to cancel orders for any reason on Etsy, you should re-activate your listing. If they end up purchasing at the accepted offer price, even after you told them what happened, just cancel the order.

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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I just posted a similar issue about accepting an offer. I was just trying to read a message with an offer, and the app said I accepted, when I certainly did not mean to whatsoever. So it may be a bug, not your cat after all.  

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Re: Accidentally Accepted an Offer I don’t want to accept

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Yes it asks for final price and when I responded with a higher price it said offer accepted. I did not accept! 

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