Hi All,

I am frequently getting a 400 Bad Request Error only on Etsy. Every other website I visit is fine. The webpage that comes up says this:

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.



The browser tab (title) says "400 Bad Request". I am on Microsoft Edge browser. I have researched this issue and have cleared history and cookies etc. I'm convinced it's Etsy as this is not happening on any other website for me. 

It started about 2 weeks ago. I am a conscientious computer user who runs antivirus Defender and Malwarebytes and never clicks on sus links and virus websites etc. I am sure my computer is fine and has no viruses or trojans (I scan frequently and scanned with these two programs today, which had 0 viruses etc). Can you help? I seem to be getting this Bad Request a lot, like every second page load now. It is very bad when making new listings, I have to make them five times over. Also, shopping turned into a huge exercise with this issue (I attempted to buy something and took a long time with lots of browser refreshing to complete the transaction). It would be deterring many buyers who have this problem.

Maybe it's me, maybe it's you. I would love some help! There seem to be some recent new forum posts on social media about this same issue too, so others would find any answers useful as well, to clear this up...

Crafty Poster

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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This is still happening to me today, anyone else?

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Community Maker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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@KDemARTe  Yes, still happening to me! I'm sick of it.

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Conversation Maker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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Same here! I am having difficulty with buying labels can’t upload. It’s insane. I changed my internet provider lately, I was thinking does it have anything to do with it, or it’s just Etsy issues. 
Also the shipping late issue, I just got an order last night, I went to print my labels, it’s telling me, you are shipping late. Go figure!

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Crafty Poster

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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I'm tired of it too! Thought it was just me.

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Community Maker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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@MarioTreasureChest  It's not a browser issue - it's an Etsy server issue!

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Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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Add me to the list. I am unable to publish a new listing, and nearly everything I look at gives me the 400 error or the red oopsie banner.

I'm copying a listing, and the category was removed, my return policies have been removed, the photos keep having issues uploading, and now the "publish" button is greyed out -- just after I have fixed everything that was auto-removed when I started the listing.

I'm pretty sure the "preview" and "publish" buttons are greyed out because I cannot choose a return policy. I cannot choose one because (although I just recreated one within this listing) the section still shows up blank.

Grumble grumble. What a waste of time. There's no way to refresh without losing the entire, ready-to-publish listing.

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Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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No, happening here for about a week - can’t do much of anything, edit listings, publish, etc.  Very disheartening to say the least.  

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Conversation Maker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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You know, when Sellers can't perform basic functions pertaining to listing, getting labels, etc.. w/out receiving a "400 Bad Request" Error, Etsy certainly is losing money as well. And respectively, there are Buyers out there who are having trouble shopping and/or checking out. If they run into trouble, they are not going to stick around and fiddle about, trying this and that browser, etc. Frustrated Buyers will shop elsewhere, and no one wants that. When this certainly appears to be an Etsy server issue. I do not understand why this isn't being addressed by Etsy. There are enough Sellers having the same issue, for it to be a coincidence. No such thing as coincidences.

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Conversation Maker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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I don't want to jinx myself but about 5 hours ago, I was able to publish two listings with no problems, knock wood. @ChillwolfArt I also don't understand why Etsy hasn't addressed this with us. The people who you talk to on the Chat pretend they don't know there's a problem. THAT is frustrating. At least if I would have known Etsy was on top of it, I would have felt better. I would have thought, okay, they are taking care of it. But I've been in the dark, worrying that this could go on for who knows how long and really affect my business. I am relieved that maybe it is over. I hope I didn't just get lucky and hit it at the right time.

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Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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It's not doing it anymore for me either! Crossing my fingers : )

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Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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Try using Mozilla's  Firefox for your browser. It is safer than most browsers and they don't allow tracking. It is free.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 400 Bad Request Error

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I tried yesterday and today. I see 400 error message. and I also tried share listing  button on esty to pinterest on my iphone, but it does not work. Any solutions?

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