I had some items that I added a snap closure ribbon to a baby lovey and gave the customer option to purchase teether which is 65mm or 2 1/2" in diameter, totally safe for baby and smooth round silicone. All of a sudden 3 of my listings were removed due to safety danger for infants/children. I revised and relisted the first listing that offered the silicone teether once it was deactivated and offered without the teether even put in the description information not included....it was removed. Different photos. I revised a 3rd listing, photos not showing the teether just a snap closure on one ribbon so the customer can secure something to it themselves.....it was removed. I relisted this one off another listing using the "copy" and revised it with new photos and description so no connection to the deactivated listings. I have tried to contact someone from Customer Service and their help is so vague and unhelpful, unclear and just plain waste of time....keep telling me to review the email I got.
I searched other similar listings online on Etsy to see if other sellers offer teethers and if others have snaps on ribbons.....absolutely. And they are exactly the same as mine.....exactly. They are offered by at least 10 different stores that I found. They can sell but I cannot. I am beginning to think someone didn't like my listings and reported me. I cannot understand how me alone have been targeted by Etsy only.
I am so frustrated...you can't get any help, every reply is a automated form. One agent told me that I could request a call back....can't find a number or information to request this. Another agent told me that phone number is only available to a select few. Why is this fair? I certainly can understand if I did something wrong, but I did not and there is nothing wrong with my listings or the items I use. How do you get any fair support on Etsy as a seller? They indicate that they will close your store if you keep repeating....I don't know what I did wrong no one will tell me. Measurements of the teether is larger and is not within the choking sizes. Completely safe composition of the teether.....snaps very secure and safe.
Did another seller just have it out for me and report my listings, yet Etsy doesn't do any research to see if it is legit, fair report/complaint? How do you get to talk to someone that will actually help you? That will listen to your concern?
@BabyLuvnHugs -- You might need to be careful with your Lovey (taggie blanket) too ... it appears this is a patented item and the company takes great strides protecting their intellectual property ... there are quite a few forum discussions about this particular product. Just thought you might want to know!
"I cannot understand how me alone have been targeted by Etsy only. ..."
You alone aren't being targeted by etsy. You have no idea how many other similar products were removed today or yesterday or for all time. I'm sure you are not the only one especially since many baby items aren't allowed to be sold here
"Small Parts and Choking Hazards
Etsy prohibits items intended for children under age 3 that present a choking hazard. This is inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
There are so many teethers and exactly what I offered being sold on Etsy. Mine was 2 1/2" in diameter.....round, larger than what is listed here.So many are selling beaded teethers...but I am not getting involved with other sellers just myself. Yet why are teethers being sold and allowed if teethers are dangerous? My item size did not fit into the "Small Parts and Choking Hazards.
"why are teethers being sold and allowed if teethers are dangerous? "
Simple, because etsy is not a juried site. There isn't an approval process for listings. People list things that aren't allowed allll the time. Etsy can't remove them all in a single day only to have hundreds or thousands posted again and need to be removed the next day. It's a never ending battle which is why they also use bots and AI to remove things with specific trigger words or phrases in some categories etc.
I know that it may feel personal and as if you are being targeted but you really have no idea how many others had similar listings removed too.
Many sellers write to us saying that they’ve searched Etsy for a certain item to determine if they could sell similar items. Others say that they created the listing using materials purchased from Etsy. These are not reliable tests.
Etsy is a venue comprised of third-party content generated by our sellers. An Etsy seller may post content that’s not authorised and it may be visible on our site until we receive an infringement report or is otherwise removed.
There was a seller here a couple of days ago that had their teethers with snap on ribbons deactivated
you don't see those any more, and you don't see all the others that were deactivated,
you just see the ones not caught yet
this time it was you,
don't try to fool etsy into believing they are not teethers, it will end up much worse when they catch you a second time.
accept that they are not allowed to be sold here, and move on
you can report other shops if you see them selling them
I am not trying to fool anyone. I am a honest person and have no problem following rules. Just want rules to be the same for all.
You still have an item in your shop that has the option to include a teether.
I suggest removing that option before Etsy deactivates that one as well, causing yet another strike.
The rules ARE the same for all shops, but because items aren't vetted, you will find many other rule breaking items here.
You can find medical drugs, counterfeits, illegal drugs, tasers, used panties, poisonous plants, endangered animal parts... you name it.
But many are removed over time, and many have been removed in the past.
Now that you know the rules, you can focus on producing items that are allowed.
Good luck.
I would stop relisting them before they shut down your shop permanently.
Are security blankets not allowed?
@BabyLuvnHugs -- You might need to be careful with your Lovey (taggie blanket) too ... it appears this is a patented item and the company takes great strides protecting their intellectual property ... there are quite a few forum discussions about this particular product. Just thought you might want to know!