Inspiration Seeker

2 orders 4 days apart


I received 2 orders from my shop in 4 days. First order was 2 car coasters (only qty i had ) then 4 days later same address and 4 more of the same item ( I put 4 more to qty). I need to ship this 2nd one out by may 15th and the first one has not been delivered yet tracking said that it should be there may 15.  I don't know what what to do? i feel it can be a scam. I have reached out to see if they have received the first one and no replay yet. But for the 2nd order they did use the coupon code I send out. All help is welcome this is new to me having this happen. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I’ve had similar purchase patterns, and I just assume they were encouraged by the additional discount code to buy more. Never had any issues on them. 

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Maybe they bought them, showed the listing to a family member, and decided to buy more. I have had people do this too.

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I may be missing something here, but I can see no evidence of a "scam". In fact, this is exactly what the "Thank-you" Coupons are designed to do- encourage a Return Customer to purchase again. This is no accidental order as the Buyer used a Discount Code. 

You had only 2 Coasters available in the Listing and the Buyer purchased 2.

You relisted the item, this time with a quantity of 4. The Buyer returned and purchased 4.

Could be just a case of the Buyer favoriting your Shop and receiving a "Notification" when you relisted the item.

Then you gave them extra "incentive" by sending a "Thank-you" Discount Coupon and they came back to purchase the "extra" coasters.

Why question the Buyer's motives?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I never even thought about them getting a notification. But i would have thought they would have wanted to see the first 2 orders before ordering again with in 4 days and shipping still in transit 

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

This doesn't send off any scam bells for me personally.     Maybe they got the renewal notification or maybe they realized they needed extra/gifts.   If they're coasters, they could be Father's Day gifts and some families are very particular about keeping things "even" when it comes to gift giving because of the challenges dynamics present for holidays like that.

Package and ship that order!

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Conversation Maker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I would be more concerned about the trademark violations in your shop…. 

You’ve been paid. Ship the order. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Thank you for the reply back. I was tryingto be positive and was so excited about the order. I did reach out to see if they have received the first order and maybe tracking is delayed on my end. Waiting for response back. since it is going to FL from CO. I was just thinking it was weird they ordered again without receiving the first order.  

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Did you track directly through USPS?   I never count on Etsy's interpretation of tracking because it's often incorrect.  


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Yes! it should be delivered by may 15 and i need to send out the other 4 sets by may 15

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

@CaliCoDesignLLC   Look at the tracking.  It will tell you where it is located.  If it is in the region then it is qetting ready to be delivered.

I would not read into the decision by the buyer to purchase more that there is an issue.  Maybe they found out they needed more.

And you can ship earlier in your processing time frame. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

This happens in my shop all the time.  I always assume that they either realized they wanted more than what they ordered or someone else said oh hey I like that and they ordered more for them. 
 Plus I highly doubt a scammer would use a coupon code lol. 

I would worry about this zero. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

True. Thank you 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Thank you Everyone for the Reply. I will Make them, package and Ship them out 

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

@CaliCoDesignLLC I really wouldn't be concerned.  I've had many people order a skein of yarn and literally a day later (after I just mailed their first order) they order two or three more.  It could be that they were impulsive the first time, and then payday hit, and they said, "Yay, I can get the other one, too!"  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Thank you. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I have had a customer order more of something before first order arrived. Like you, I was thinking if it was me I would wait to see original order first but not everyone thinks that way. Ended up fine for me, no problem. In fact two great reviews followed. 

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I wouldnt really think much of it. I have customer buy multiple times a week sometimes. Honestly I do the same thing. Sometimes I dont buy everything I wanted from a shop and then place a order with a day or so. 

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

The customer originally ordered the only 2 you showed available, but maybe they actually wanted more from the get-go. Then, they saw you listed 4 more and jumped on them before they disappeared. A nice "problem?" to have!

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Conversation Maker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I've had this happen several times. I customer places an order then a few days later places another. When that happens, I usually send send a thank you message along the lines of "Thank you for the 2nd order you placed today. I will get started on it as soon as possible. If this order was placed by mistake as I have already shipping the first order you placed a on x date, please let me know if you wish to cancel the 2nd one or if you intended to purchase another set. Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you soon."

I don't see this being a scam but if this is the first time its happened to you, I can understand your hesitancy with all the scammers out there now days. Best of luck to you.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

That is a perfect response. This is the first time i have experienced this. Most of the time people would have waited to get the first order. I have had a customer reach out and see if i have more available in stock. But this is a first i have send out a message the first time they ordered and said "thank you for you order it will be shipping out first thing is the morning" 9 times out of 10 i will be a "perfect thank you" back and this person has not replied to any message even the one i sent yesterday about asking if they received the first 2 sets. I have known a few people on etsy and that had people say they "never received even with tracking shown  it or they do a thing with the bank and try to get money back .. thank you 

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Conversation Maker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I don't see any issues.  I have had many buyers purchase from me return to purchase more items within days or weeks from the initial order.  Sometimes they use the coupon codes and sometimes they don't.  Buyers get coupon code notifications through email and not just on receipts or business cards (whatever you may use).  It's possible they simply decided that they wanted to purchase more or maybe they are purchasing for a friend or family member or colleague at work.  Could be future gifts.  Who knows?  Don't worry about it.  It's most likely all good.

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Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

I have a repeat buyer who started out just exactly as you describe.  She found me on YouTube by watching one of my videos and bought the item I had featured.  I mailed it out and withing 24 hours of receiving the item she turned around and bought more.  Then she placed another order a week or two after that, and then another one as soon as she received that order.  I got suspicious and contacted Etsy customer service (this was when we actually had a phone number to reach CS) they assured me there was no fraud, so I just mailed the 4th order and thought well, at least I checked into it.  It turns out she loves my product.  I mean absolutely loves it.  Whenever I have a new launch of new items, she's right there to purchase them.  I have often said that if I had 4 or 5 more customers like her, I could retire from my day job and my Etsy shop would supplement my retirement quite nicely.    

All this to say, this might be the start of something really good.  Think positive....see how it plays out.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 2 orders 4 days apart

Thank you so much. This helps happy to have the orders but was worried about being burned but i'm going to be positive 

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