Hi everyone,
September was such a busy and stressful month for me that I had to put all of my goals on hold while I dealt with the internet problems I was having by switching to a new company, completing one of my Conflict Resolution classes which ended last Thursday, requesting letters of recommendation which I did and now I have two! :) and prepping for the LSAT, which I took today!!!! :) So I am freed up to focus once again on my shop and begin setting my goals!!!
I can not believe that it has almost been a month since I have painted! I know that getting back into the routine of painting might be a little difficult at first and I probably wont be able to be as prolific right away so I do not want to put a goal on the number of paintings that I will produce this month but I will say that I want to try to paint at least 2 days a week.
My goals for October:
- I still want to work on an idea that I have for a second shop so I will try to come up with a shop name and begin working on inventory.
- I would also like to look into other avenues for selling my artwork.
- I still need to look into offering prints of my art.
- Paint at least 2 days a week.
- Put more effort into social media and promotion
I am still going to be busy this month with law school application stuff but i am hoping that I will have time to pull all of this off. :)