Pants Patterns

I've sewn for a while. Long enough so I think I can call myself experienced (although I will always reserve that kind of phrase for the people who have been creating amazing stuff for years and years). However, there is one thing I am interested in and that I feel I don't understand well enough, and that is pants and shorts.
I've made several pairs of pants and a few shorts, and- as long as I don't make any mistakes- they've come out pretty well. However, I have not always been satisfied with how they fit on me. So I was wondering if anyone here would have tips on tweaking pants to make them thoroughly satisfactory.
I specialize in Simplicity/McCall's/Vogue patterns, and I want something with a zipper rather than elastic. What's everyone's favorite pattern that fits or works really well?
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3 Replies

Re: Pants Patterns

I personally haven't created any pants or shorts from patterns for this exact reason. However since deconstructing several pairs of blue jeans I am noticing each pair have looked entirely different.

The only advise I can give to you is to take an old pair of pants, that can no longer be worn due to holes or fading, and deconstruct those to make your own pattern. From that pattern you should play around with rise and fit, to make an AWESOME pair of fitting pants/shorts.

I personally hope to try this out soon for myself, as I have found the perfect pair of blue jeans that fit me, and want to make them in other colors (NOT bleaching them and dying them into different colors, since bleach is not friendly, in any way).

I really hope this helps you, and feel free to contact me if you do go this route, or have other questions. (I am personally more of a dress/leggings person, but I would love to try to help!)
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Re: Pants Patterns

Thanks for the advice, it sounds very helpful! I'll go ahead and try deconstructing the pair of pants I have when they fade or get holes.
Thank you!
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Re: Pants Patterns

you're welcome! i did this to a pair of leggings that i tore, and it went well for me!
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