Before anyone gets started take a minute and set up google analytics if you haven't already. Here's how:
1. The first step requires you to have a Google account. You will need to set one up if you don’t have one before you set up your Analytics account. Go to and sign in using your Google account information. After you sign in, you will click the grey “Sign Up” button located on the lower
left hand corner of the screen.
2. On the next screen, in the “Website’s URL” field, enter “” without the apostrophes. In the “Account Name” field, enter your shop name to direct tracking for your shop. Do NOT put “www” before your shop name. Example:
3. The next few pages require additional information from you and includes the Google Analytics Terms of Service page to which you must agree to set up your account. Note: You do not have to give Google your telephone number if you don’t want to! Click “Continue” after you sign your life away and agree to their terms. The next page contains some HTML tracking code. You don’t need to do anything on this page. Click “Finish”.
4. Your account is now setup and it should direct you to your Analytics “Overview” page. In the middle of the page, you will find your UA number(also labeled as “Web Property ID”). It looks like UA-XXXXXXX-X (with numbers in place of the Xs). Highlight this number and copy it.
5. Log in to your Etsy account. Select: My Etsy Shop Settings Options
Web Analytics
6. Paste the UA number you copied from your Analytics Overview page into the box entitled “Step 2: Enter Tracking ID” on this page and click “Save Changes.”
7. That’s it. If you did everything correctly, you will see a message on your Etsy Web Analytics page that says “You’re all set.” It will take 24 hours before it goes into effect and your traffic data will be updated every day afterwards.