I was just having this same exact problem. I was literally working 12 hour days everyday.
So! I decided to just jump in the pool and raise my prices. I was pretty terrified, but I just couldn't physically do it anymore.
And guess what?! My sales haven't plummeted :) In fact, I'm still selling the same amount, which isn't good for my sleep patterns, but--hey--at least I'm making a nicer hunk of money.
Worse comes to worst, you're basically given a break if you choose to raise your prices. If you can't sell anything at all (which I highly doubt!) with higher prices, just make sure to take advantage of the slow time and put your feet up for a second. If this is the case, you can *always* lower them again. There's no rule saying that once you've risen them, you can't bring them back down.
Or--more likely--your sales will stay the same and everyone will continue to work their butts off, but at least you'll be making a much prettier penny.
Either way, I hope for a very happy medium for you!! Good luck!