I'm sitting here with tears pouring down my face. In about 20 minutes our electricity will be turned off. So many things have happened in just a short amount of time that I feel like no matter how hard I run, I keep moving backwards.
My shop was doing so well, I picked up a ton of sales over the past 5 months... then one thing after another - the latest being my husband of 22 years being diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder. Of course, this came on the heels of a manic spending spree that has left us completely tapped out.
I'm looking for work outside the home - have been since June, but nothing yet and now i won't even be able to add new products to my shop. With no electricity I can't sew, can't charge camera batteries for photos etc.
I'm not quitting though. I intend to go to the library daily and at least re-list as I can, process any new orders and ship, etc. I can't print shipping from there but I have my paypal card and can do that at the post office.
I've been trying to get this business running for four years and there is NO WAY I am giving up now. I may be down.. heck, I may be WAYYYY down, but there is no way I'm out! So.. if you're facing struggles trying to get your business off the ground.. do not quit. Don't give up. Because if you don't believe in your dream, no one else will either.