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Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

I'm sitting here with tears pouring down my face. In about 20 minutes our electricity will be turned off. So many things have happened in just a short amount of time that I feel like no matter how hard I run, I keep moving backwards.
My shop was doing so well, I picked up a ton of sales over the past 5 months... then one thing after another - the latest being my husband of 22 years being diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder. Of course, this came on the heels of a manic spending spree that has left us completely tapped out.
I'm looking for work outside the home - have been since June, but nothing yet and now i won't even be able to add new products to my shop. With no electricity I can't sew, can't charge camera batteries for photos etc.
I'm not quitting though. I intend to go to the library daily and at least re-list as I can, process any new orders and ship, etc. I can't print shipping from there but I have my paypal card and can do that at the post office.
I've been trying to get this business running for four years and there is NO WAY I am giving up now. I may be down.. heck, I may be WAYYYY down, but there is no way I'm out! So.. if you're facing struggles trying to get your business off the ground.. do not quit. Don't give up. Because if you don't believe in your dream, no one else will either.
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13 Replies
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Yikes, and I think I have challenges! My heart goes out to, you are a strong woman. Have you tried prayer? It can help.
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Cherise! I'm so sorry to hear about this! Make sure to stock up on candles so you can see safely during the evenings. Utilize public spaces to keep your vital electronics charged. Keep plugging away and applying to jobs even part-time jobs to get some kind of steady income flowing.

Although you can't add new products to your shop at this time, utilize other resources to get products sold, (ie ebay, friends/family). Can you have a yard sale to sell of some things in your house that are no longer of use to you? Use this hard time to get back to the basics and get on a shoestring budget and creative money-making ideas.
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Here's an old post I posted in the Business Topics in my other shop:

Cost Cutting Tips & Ideas

& my most favorite topic of all-time:

Ways to Make Money When You're Dead Broke:
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this! I'm not sure if it's available in your city/town, but could offer you a place to work, at least for the day, and I've heard people are very productive in that environment (I'm considering trying it this Winter). Also, and very important, never be ashamed to ask for help. There should be resources that could help you with emergency funding for things like electricity. I once received a grant to pay for my electricity for a Winter, and without it I don't know what I would have done. Do your best to support your husband, but remember that you can't take care of him if you're at the end of your wits, so put yourself first sometimes, too! I hope everything will work out, and I think it's great that you're still so positive and determined.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through and I admire your determination. You positive attitude is wonderful. Hope things work out for you soon.

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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Oh no, I'm so sorry. :( But on the bright side, now that your husband has got a diagnosis, he can get treatment, and things will improve, hopefully, right? So maybe this is the bottom, and things will get better from here? I admire your determination. Sometimes when things get tough I remember that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes in the moment it's hard to see exactly what that reason is, but there is always a reason.

Some good tips above--that site looks quite interesting!
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for the encouragement. My husband is now getting treatment and I'm so glad, unfortunately, it doesn't cure what damage has already been done. I checked out loosecubes but they don't have anything in our area and I've contacted every agency that helps with utilities. Two are closing their doors for good at the end of the month and have no funding, and the other doesn't do anything until the beginning of the month and then its only first come first serve. We are selling everything we possibly can. Sorry to be such a whiner. I'm just so tired right now. Have been utilizing public spaces and free wi-fi to check emails, sales, etc. I feel stupid. I should have kept a better eye on things. I just thought he was being such a sweet husband to take care of everything after I had heart surgery. Until then, I handled all of the finances. UGH.. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 right? I started a thing through and have gotten some help through that. I will keep plugging away.
Hope you all have a wonderful (and WARM) day. Its freezing out here this morning LOL.
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Make sure you're first in line for that first come first serve program!!

Attitude really can be everything, and it sounds like you're on the right track. I think it's great that you have a place to vent, too, and to get support from other people in similar situations, or who have been through it and come out on the other end. Just keep your chin up, and don't give in to negativity!
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

I'm feeling a fraction of your pain. It's tough here, too. But hang in there, and thanks for sharing with us! Sounds like you have a warrior's heart, and that's what it will take. Take care of your health as best you can, and finding some quiet time can be really important, whether it's prayer or meditation. Like Sharon said, if this is the bottom, then you can only go up from here!
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this, Cherise! You seem to have a strong will though, so I wish you all the best. Take care of yourself, and the team's here if you need our help (even if it's just to vent!).
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

Can't stay online long today but wanted to pop in and tell everyone thank you so much for the supportive words. When I've got two family's treating me like I"m public enemy number one... its very encouraging.
God sent me so many angels and now I"ve got the electric paid and the gas also. And the rent! Can you believe it?? AND.. I started counseling as did my son.
I've got a ton of things to do and some huge decisions to make but I'm encouraged and feel stronger than I ever have that things will work out. I'm here for anyone that needs to vent also. Sometimes, that's the best support a gal can get. We know everything can't be "fixed" but it sure does help to talk about it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

So glad to hear it's turning around Cherise!
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Re: Feel Like I'm Moving Backwards

That's great things are starting to get under control, Cherise! I hope things keep getting better.
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