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At the gym, using the one rowing machine available, it’s directly in line with a tv with Fox News. For nearly 20 minutes the “news” was Joe Biden and his unwelcome hands. A self admitted serial sexual assaulter in the WH, but Biden who isn’t running (yet), not holding office at the present, warrants all the breathless coverage? What a farce....who believes this foolishness????

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Looking ahead, so we can focus on the positive for a moment, who are your fave candidates for 2020? 

While it’s a long way off, it will go by quick. So far I’m liking Beto & Pete, I like the grassroots campaigning, because it feels like it is more about the people than the corporations,  but I am looking forward to hearing/ reading more about other candidates and their positions. Hope to go see some of of them speak. 

Not thrilled about Bernie... his time came and went in my opinion. Biden, while experienced... I think his time has passed too. I would love to see someone young and fresh with new ideas. 

What do y’all think?


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I like Pete, but I don’t care...whichever Democrat who runs against trump gets my vote. Anyone, dead Ronald Reagan for all I care, as long as there is D next to their name.

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My favorites are Mayor Pete & Beto. I also want to see some fresh, new talent. I'll vote for whomever gets the nomination though. 

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I agree, voting anyone Dem is the best approach. The worst of any of them is still better than trump. Kind of how I will vote in our election this Oct, whatever keeps the Conservative out will get my vote. We have one running our province and he is vile and useless like trump. 

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Crafty Poster

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Not sure who I'm voting for yet--- just keeping my eye on what's going on.

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I don't know who I will vote for since my state primary is usually one of the last states to have their primary and the person I like at the beginning doesn't make it to the primary. On side note Tim Ryan Dem. from Ohio has announced he is running for president. It is getting crowded on the Democrats side.
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I agree, Bernie's time has come and gone and I am from VT! I think it is time for some fresh energy - not too much to the left as we need those in the middle, but someone with a willingness to tackle universal healthcare, climate change, money in elections, less giveaways for the rich and less corporate welfare.Whoever can handle these issues will also be able to handle any pther issues. 

Getting rid of Fox News and allowing ONLY real newschannels the use of "News" in their names would be a huge bonus.

Maybe Beto? I'm afraid Elizabeth Warren is a bit too far to the left. But ultimately I will vote for any democratic candidate.

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To me, Bernie is the fresh energy we need.  Beto just seems like more of the same.  My top three right now are Sanders, Gabbard, and Warren.  That said, whoever the Dem nominee is will get my vote.

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There are marches planned all over the US tomorrow for the release of the Mueller report. To find a march near you:

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Since the US is alone in how they manage healthcare it shows that other countries have found better options. We don't have that problem of being on different healthcare systems. Still those 20+M people who are now able to access basic healthcare is s giant step in the right direction. At least Obama triedm something that trump & repubs have not been able to do in 10yrs.

I will always disagree with those who are willing to go into medical debt to access bassic human right of healthcare.

Change is a good thing. It opens up the world. I believe in life long learning. I do not accept that things cannot be changed because this is the way we have done it for decades.

Good healthcare equals healthy people which equalls a stong economy,

I would like to say hello to those who are in disagreement with my comments & ask that they come out of the shadows and contribute to the conversations.

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“Good healthcare equals healthy people which equalls a stong economy,”


this is is exactly right.


So is the statement that the GOP has had 10 years to offer up a plan and never did it. trump PROMISED he would introduce and sign a repeal and replace bill the moment his HHS director was confirmed. Never happened, there was never a trump plan - as usual trump lied. And the GOP never had a plan either...and we learned this week the GOP has NO intention of ever coming up with a healthcare plan for the American people.

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No surprise that Investigators on Robert Mueller's team are vexed at Attorney General Barr's characterization of the special counsel’s report. They say Barr “failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry," NYT

A number of special counsel investigators told associates that the evidence they gathered on the question of obstruction was both “alarming and significant"

I can believe that they would compile the report in such a way that their summaries would be able to be released to the public.

Highly unlikely that it would include in these summaries sensitive informative that shouldn't be released to the public.

This is Robert Mueller's team, not the trump team.

When trump's spin doctors keep saying, "There is nothing to see here folks," you better start looking.



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No one is paying attention to anything that the US has to say on China's Belt & Road Iniative

China's expansion in Latin America of its Belt and Road initiative to build ports and other trade-related facilities is stirring alarm in Washington over Beijing's ambitions in a region that American leaders since the 19th century have seen as off-limits to other powers.

China is  focusing on countries in Central America such as Panama. It's a country of just 4 million people but its canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans makes it one of the world's busiest trade arteries and strategically important both to Washington and Beijing.

"We see a big opportunity to connect Asia and America to Panama," Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela said during a visit to Hong Kong this week.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said he is considering joining Belt and Road. That would give it a foothold in a country bordering the U.S.

Trinidad and Tobago agreed last May to take part.

trump's MAGA policies are not making him popular in the region. trump has yet to name a replacement for U.S. Ambassador John Feeley,

"They are leaving a vacuum of leadership that obviously the Chinese are trying to fill," 

Two months after Pompeo stopped by, Varela welcomed Xi on an official visit and proclaimed his support for Belt and Road.

Malaysian PM - The sprightly 93-year-old took veiled potshots at the West during the 40-minute interview. He slammed President Trump's trade war against Beijing as a strategy that “doesn’t have any positive, good results”.

"I’d side with rich China over fickle US: Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohamad." This was a purely economic consideration," Mahathir said. But we cannot just follow actions taken by other countries because Chinese technology seems to be ahead of Western technology,” he said.

EU leaders are on board. Italy became first G7 country to sign onto the iniative.

Canadian businesses can also follow the lead of a handful of pioneer companies that have already decided to take steps to invest in countries along the Belt and Road route. That’s the approach Quebec-based Bombardier has taken

What we are seeing  is an modern version of the Silk Road.








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If anything, imo, people should be concerned about Trump's policy making & policy ideas (never mind that he does it all over social media). The border will close because of immigrants, Central American Countries/Mexico doing nothing, then it won't close because Mexico is doing a good job, but then there's the drug issue, then it's the Democrats fault & they need to do something about the border and oh, the damage to the economy, if border closed, well.....My head is spinning. 

Never mind Trump's promise of 'repeal & replace" immediately upon becoming President - now health care is being worked on (by ??) and while it may be a campaign issue/promotion, the hard facts on the plan & a vote not until January 2021. 

And for the moment we hear nothing about trade talks with China, tariffs on EU & Canada or the "new" NAFTA, how are we dealing with the threats of Russian (& others) interference in upcoming elections, Venezuela's problems, disaster relief for flood victims in the mid-west & the continuous need for assistance by Southern States affected by Hurricane Michael & all the other storms, last year & year prior. North Korea, well guess there's no photo-ops anymore, so no more updates on talks with them(?)

Have come to the conclusion Trump wants & needs to keep changing the "news of the day" - it's easier to create fabrications & use it all as a distraction - instead of stand by the facts.

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"Trump has Canadian and Chinese aluminum confused

A year ago, the Trump administration started imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports under the pretext of “national security.” Listening to the administration’s arguments, one would have thought that it was about protecting American industries against Chinese overcapacity and dumping. Well, think again.

China is mostly exempted from those tariffs while Canada is hit the hardest. That’s right: George Mason University’s Mercatus Center found that importers of Chinese aluminum obtained waivers on 86 percent of their imports, while importers of Canadian aluminum obtained waivers on a meager 0.2 percent of their imports. Apparently, China is not a threat to U.S. national security, but Canada is.

That’s not how it was supposed to be. Last year, when I wrote the U.S. ambassador in Ottawa to express our concerns, she replied by praising our “unique security partnership” and complaining about “Chinese overproduction.”

I was convinced that common sense would prevail. Alas, three months later, our aluminum was deemed a security threat and tariffs were imposed on us for no apparent reason.

Let’s be clear: Quebec, where 90 percent of Canada’s aluminum is produced, is not a security threat to the United States. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When it comes to aluminum, the United States has never been self-sufficient and has always relied on us to supply their military and industrial needs....."


I'd like to say I am surprised but it is trump and facts aren't his thing. Canada also supplies the US with steel for military equipment, produced locally. We are still laughing that trump is scared of us ;)

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trump has alot of confusion. Alarming in a person who is supposed to be responsible & mature enogh to make crucial decisions.

Rather than ignoring comments in a book, trump chooses to attack a deceased woman. It is just dandy that he can public say that he dislikes someone, but when he is the subject he turns to his narcisstic, childish tendencies of schoolyard taunts. People still want to vote for someone this. I don't tolerate this is a child so I wil not tolerate it in a 72yr old.

I have no problem telling Trudeau & Sheer what I think of them and no worries that they will block me. I just sent an email to Sheer about this filibuster fiasco. We all know that the Conservatives response to the scandal would be the same as the pattern of action that Trudeau is following.

Now is the time for the NDP & the Greens to step up & offer a different political landscape.


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Canadians I am interested in your thoughts on Jody  Wilson - Raybould.  I was behind her until the latest developments. I don't like when politicians use the race or gender card unnecessarily.

This is not about indigenous people or about women, it is about conflicting views on the rule of law. For me I didn't like her trying to impose  conditions in her talks with Trudeau that are very similar to what she was complaining about is.

 It may not be illegal to secretly tape but the privacy issues come into play. Whenever we make calls to companies or to govt entities, the blurb is always the reminding us that this "call may be recorded for quality assurance purposesasses."

I like Elizabeth May of the Green Party assessment of the situation. She looks at the whole picture.

I don't understand why Philpott & Wilson-Rabould don't get why they were kicked out of the Liberal caucus. Negotiations were going well until the report of secret recording comes out & they have to go.  Makes sense, trust gon, out you go.



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I agree with you. So many people really need to look up what feminism and misogyny actually means. Being a feminist does not mean special treatment for women and certainly doesn't mean they can't be fired. It had nothing to do with gender and was especially rich coming from Conservatives who actually legislate in an attempt to hurt women. 

I liked both women and still think Philpott may have got caught up in Wilson-Raybould insisting her being a 'truth teller' meant that her truth is absolute and that everyone else is lying. It doesn't and the truth likely lies somewhere in the middle. First the recorded phone call, that she says was for her record, which if true there would be no reason not to inform him. I listened to the full thing and it felt scripted and an obvious attempt to catch him on something which in my view she didn't. It has to be considered that she knew it was being recorded and she made sure to tout how virtuous she is several times. She is not a delicate flower and if that was pressure I'm not sure how she gets thru a day. Then that they are both using the crap from Conservatives to further paint themselves as victims is just gross. Their colleagues are right not to trust them and want them gone.

I also don't believe Trudeau or his team were completely innocent but he is a politician and shocker they are self serving. Unfortunately she may have helped Scheer in the election and if she can't remember the horror he was for Indigenous people there will be many people reminding her soon. Sometimes taking the least worse politician and moving slowly towards improvement is better than the alternative. I like Jagmeet but I don't think he has a chance this time round, maybe next.

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Crafty Poster

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Good grief, I agree with both you completely. I liked her and believed her too. You can have people on opposite sides of an issue with valid opinions and different facts. (facts are facts, but interpretations can be contradictory).

But after hearing the tape, nope. 

And even if I liked both of them, I just can't see how they could or would want to be part of the Liberal Party until things get sorted out.  


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There is still time for the Liberals to bounce back. This will blow over as people move on with their lives. There were some that were gloating about Macron & his dropping approval ratings. His approval ratings have rebounded.  55 % - 58% want the "yellow jacket" protests to end. The support for right wing agenda's has dropped considerably over the past 2 weeks. Macron is now considered to be a good President.

I dislike the phrase “speaking one’s truth,”. Different people will have different opinions about truth. Truth to one person can and will be false to someone else. Everyone involved maybe "speaking their truth" as they see it, but not as the other person sees it. Both testimonies seem to indicate that the parties had different views on what constituted undue pressure.

I agree that Wilson - Rabould was not "speaking her truth" when she wanted assurances that the new attorney general did not give SNC-Lavalin a remediation deal. That was the very thing that she was raising an issue with. I don't agree with the NDP & the Greens, when they say this was  completely justified given the circumstances.

Not newsworthy outside of Canada. Brexit & Washington woes are more newsworthy and much more of a concern.














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Dept. of Homeland Security Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen is O-U-T.

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trump will keep going thru people, going from one vile person to another, and he is too dense to realize HE is the the problem. He wants to break the law and it's good thing the courts are there to stop him. The self proclaimed 'mr law and order' doesn't have a clue. He is a vile twisted hateful racist.

Stopped again by the courts.

"Federal judge blocks Trump administration program forcing asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while awaiting court hearings"

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