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I seen an interview and it essentially said it may be time to open things up and cross fingers or see how it goes. Frustrating that herd immunity may not be reached because of misinformation causing hesitancy. Some of the claims are really out there and hard to see how anyone believes them. The Q-nut thing is still out there though so...

Good news! I got my mom an appointment for the vaccine. On May 14 in the morning. I booked it online and turns out I could have got one on May 7 but assumed the early ones would be full. Still happy it will be done, the vaccine deniers are growing in my family and I was afraid they might get to her. Baby steps.

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So good to hear your Mom is scheduled.

On the news today there was speculation that India's current covid crisis is the result of the Country being lulled into a false sense of security. Yes, they'd done a good job on keeping the virus tamped down & then decided to let life go back to pre-virus normal at the start of last month. 

The news out of India is scary & it makes you wonder if variants of the virus will emerge from this.

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Many of the cases in India are from religious events, some of which continue to happen. That seems to be a common thread in countries and really makes me wonder what the priority is, both for those leading them and those attending. From comments some think they have extra protection because of their faith but that thinking also means the safety of others does not matter to them. Well I suppose those who they deem as 'faithful' would be protected but everyone else are on their own.

Sometimes people show who they are and what matters with the decisions they make. The freedumb crowd put themselves above others, though they don't see it that way. On May 1st there were freedumb protests/rallies across Canada, most were not well attended but the numbers will likely go up some in a couple of weeks.

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From AP News - 

"Former President Donald Trump won’t return to Facebook — for now.

The social network’s quasi-independent Oversight Board voted to uphold his ban from the platform after his account was suspended four months ago for inciting violence that led to the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

While upholding the suspension, the board faulted Facebook in a statement for the way it made the decision.

The board said the ongoing risk of serious violence justified Facebook’s suspension at the time, but said it “was not appropriate for Facebook to impose an ‘indefinite’ suspension.”

The board said Facebook was seeking to avoid its responsibilities by applying “a vague, standardless penalty” and then referring the case to the board to resolve.

“Indefinite penalties of this sort do not pass the international smell test,” oversight board co-chari Michael McConnell said in a conference call with reporters. “We are not cops, reigning over the realm of social media.”

The board agreed with Facebook that that two of Trump’s Jan. 6 posts “severely violated” the content standards of both Facebook and Instagram.

“We love you. You’re very special,” he said in the first post, and “great patriots” and “remember this day forever” in the second. Those violated Facebook’s rules against praising or supporting people engaged in violence, the board said.

The board says Facebook has six months to reexamine the “arbitrary penalty” it imposed on Jan. 7 and decide on another penalty that reflects the “gravity of the violation and the prospect of future harm.”

The board says the new penalty must be “clear, necessary and proportionate” and consistent with Facebook’s rules for severe violations.

The board says if Facebook decides to restore Trump’s accounts, the company must be able to promptly address further violations.

A Trump spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment."


From NBC - "Singapore said Tuesday the “double mutant” coronavirus variant first detected in India has been found among locally transmitted cases in the city state."

This is disturbing. Here in Florida some State vaccination sites closing. Many Stores & Pharmacies now doing "no appointment needed" which may actually be good since I'm sure there are folks out there who either can't navigate the online appointment process or won't take the time to do so. 

Everyone stay safe & healthy!

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Good that trump is still banned. Too bad facebook doesn't ban the Q-nuts too, the lies continue without him. Amazing that they can be wrong on everything yet still believe the conspiracies. I seen on twitter that trump started a site, I never looked at it but some who did said it's kind of like a blog.

I seen on our news that vaccine supply is outpacing demand in the US, hopefully it picks up with younger people so  it gets closer to herd immunity. I don't think we've seen the end of covid yet.

I managed to move my moms vaccine appt to this Friday, so a week earlier. Today I was able to book her partner and my guy for Saturday the 15th. It hasn't reached my age group yet so I'll wait patiently and continue to stay home. Likely next. Good that my guy will have it since he does the shopping.

There were several more cases at my sons job. He is an electrician and in there as a contractor and he found out by accident, they weren't going to tell them. He was in the office changing lights and overheard them. He walked out yesterday and said he is staying home until he hears it is safe. I hope he sticks to that. Easy to see why it spreads.

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In response to a reporter's question about Rep. Cheney this from the Senate Minority Leader: "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he is "100 percent" focused "on stopping" President Joe Biden's administration."

Well, then let me see the details on the GOP's "counteroffer" on Pres. Biden's proposals. Don't just stand there like a spoiled brat & yell "no, no, no" .

It's sort of like Faux News & other GOP members criticizing Biden for not "forcing" schools to open up to in-person learning. Yet, for anything else they want to scream "States Rights". Give me a break.

Finicky - Do hope your son stays safe. One look at the crisis in India should be a lesson for every other Country. They all need to think about that phrase "there but for the grace of god go I" & encourage everyone to reach the finish line & not sweep the past year under the rug.

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I've posted before about Gov. DeSantis telling people who are vaccinated to "act like you're vaccinated", that he signed an Executive Order making it illegal for any Businesses to require a "Vaccine Passport" (think legislature wrote bill, passed & signed by DeSantis to replace EO) & that Florida wants to/will sue the CDC over their stance on Cruise Lines.

This from AP News & also a much discussed story on local morning news:

"Norwegian Cruise Lines is threatening to steer clear of Florida after the governor signed an order banning businesses from requiring that customers show proof of vaccination against COVID-19.

The company says the order by Gov. Ron DeSantis is at odds with guidelines from federal health authorities that would let cruise ships sail in U.S. waters if nearly all passengers and crew members are vaccinated."

Yes, VACCINATED people can go on cruises & if 99% of the passengers are vaccinated, it might be a relatively smooth sail. While I'll agree with DeSantis' comment that some of the Port Stops at "exotic islands" may not have many residents vaccinated, at the least the Cruise Passengers Are! For all we know Norwegian may caution folks about certain stops & suggest wearing masks if in crowded situations. And maybe some of these Island Destinations are much more vigilant about who can enter their Country, whether by liner or plane.

But the minute Cruise Lines just allow anyone - vaccinated or not - to board for a cruise they are opening up a huge can of worms. Can you imagine if 50% of the passengers weren't vaccinated & they had an outbreak of covid? This would be 2020 all over again. 

DeSantis just doesn't seem to understand that & I applaud Norwegian & any other Businesses willing to challenge his "Money First" attitude.

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People would have to be nuts to go on a cruise that didn't require vaccination first. Does he not remember the ships floating out there that no one waned to let dock because of the outbreaks on them. My son and his wife were just returning from a cruise just as covid was breaking, it was a very stressful time. Some decisions are so easy yet Conservatives still manage to make the wrong choice. Head desk.

My mom got vaccinated today, good news! Then i spoke with her and her partner, who I booked a vaccine appt for next Saturday, now has symptoms. He retired several years ago, with a full pension, but still chooses to work for another company because he is bored. I'm not a fan but this is next level stupid even for him. He went to work today, with fever, chills and dry cough, and was sitting next to my mom while she was on the phone with me. Not to mention all those he exposed today. I booked him an appt for a test tomorrow morning but honestly I am ready to explode right now with his lack of any common sense. So difficult understanding the thought process, or lack of.

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Not exactly politics related - but last week's Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit tested positive for drugs after the race.  If it's overturned, it will be only the 3rd horse to lose victory in the 147 yr. Derby history.  And the trainer, Baffert, has had 5 horses test for PED (performance enhancing drugs) in the past 6 months.

Think about all the people who bet on the 2nd place horse!  What do they do in other countries, like the UK?  Holy cow!

Lie, cheat steal - there's your politics tie-in!

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Just a sidebar on this: Trump called the horse a “junky” (Lol) and Baffert went on Fox complaining of “cancel culture.” (So he made it political.) Said things Are “different in this country now.”

After watching the Preakness & seeing Medina Spirit lose and Baff’s other horse (Concert Tour) come in 9th out of 10, I feel certain that Medina was intentionally medicated for the derby no matter what excuses he comes up with. As a condition for them racing in the Preakness, they each had to be drug tested 3x before racing. 

As of now, all his horses are banned from racing in New York. 

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Speaking of the UK - Scotland may get to vote this year on whether or not to break away from the UK? 

Wonder what all the OTB establishments do on the Derby winner? Even if the odds were in the winner's favor, they probably had to pay out something to anyone with a winning ticket. Never mind all those complicated bets like trifectas & such, or do they have that on the Derby?

Pres. Biden scheduled to meet on Wednesday with Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell & McCarthy as a group. Being a fly on the wall might be interesting.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! Stay safe & healthy.

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If it weren't so sad I'd laugh. Yesterday on CNN/Don Lemon's Show, their contributor Dr. Reiner "called out" Tucker Carlson. He mentioned Carlson constantly posing questions such "are the vaccines really safe?" & other baloney. He then mentioned that Carlson Never Has A Real Expert On to answer these questions. He continued by stating that Carlson has never stated whether or not he has been vaccinated. Dr. Reiner then said that Carlson is either a Liar, he's Lying, or he's Stupid. 

Then to further the blend of politics & health Sen. Rand Paul tweets out a one liner saying how he's looking forward to today's meeting with Dr. Fauci & included photos of himself, Dr. Fauci & Rep. Jim Jordan. 

I need a vacation!

ETA:  "Dr. Peter Hotez said Tuesday that the optics of having to incentivize the Covid vaccine do not put the U.S. in a positive light to the rest of the world.

“When people are clamoring for vaccines in India and in Brazil, it just makes us look like a nation of sulky adolescents. … So if it’s absolutely necessary, sure, although it’s tough to swallow,” said Hotez, who is the dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine"...

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More thoughts on "States' Rights". 
That I know of, Texas has not forced any Utility/Electric Companies to upgrade their systems. Apparently this past winter's calamity was a repeat performance of 10 years ago. Back then the Texas Legislature was more than willing to let these Private Companies do what was best for them.

Now we have the ransomware thing involving the Private Business that runs a major pipeline thru the east coast of the US. Now how any major corporation hasn't upgraded their system(s) & is continuously remaining vigilant for new threats is beyond me. But, it happened. 

So now some GOP members & Faux News are out there criticizing Pres. Biden & his admin. for not doing enough. 
Not doing enough about the (probable?) involvement by Russia Government & not just Russian Hackers? Well, Trump loved & trusted Russia didn't he?
Not forcing Private Business to upgrade & maintain a certain level of cyber-security? Well, what's the difference between that & a Utility Company's protections for their customers? If the majority of Texas residents can be subjected to the whims or desire for a Private Utility Company to keep their profits sky-high, why should a pipe-line Company be different?

I must be missing something, just haven't figured out what it is yet.

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Conservatives/Republicans are all about hypocrisy and neglect. They take office and destroy everything, then Dems/Libs take office and try to repair the damage. Rinse, repeat. Imagine if Dems/Libs could maintain power for any length of time, things might get fixed and some actual progress might be made.

You'd think they would have it figured out by now to at least if things are private to make sure standards are in place. Maybe if the whole power grid goes down instead of a pipeline they will wake up. Texas didn't wake them up so maybe it will take something more catastrophic. Neglect always costs more, why we replaced our roof last fall instead of waiting for it to cave in then acting surprised. Some things should be easy.

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I just booked vaccine appointments for me and my son for this Thursday! My partner had his this past Saturday. Hopefully no major side effects but I can handle it if I do. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather. Maybe not as much of an event when the weather is mostly nice where you live but after six months of winter I am taking advantage of it before it gets too warm here. It is already 25C today but maybe that is a glitch and it will cool down a bit again.

I hadn't watched US news in a while and seen a bit and looks like the Reps have decided they want to be the trumplican party. They had a chance to move on but chose whackadoodle politics, may it bite them in the behind!

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@finickypatternshop - Good to hear about your Appointments! I think for most people the side affects are mild. The worst story we heard was from a friend who got the virus, was in the hospital for 5 days or so. He was given the all clear to get vaccinated in & he was in January. He said it felt like he had the flu & was down for a couple of days. And sometimes I think age & the past year of no new activity or travel took it toll on us. Any little ache or pain gets magnified. 

We're keeping an eye on the Country & hoping to get out on trip even if it's just literally driving along & looking at different scenery! We'll go equipped with masks despite being vaccinated because it appears each State is different when applying CDC guidelines. Not a big deal - we wore masks today on our grocery run - with only about 1/3 of Florida fully vaccinated, it still feels like a smart move to play it safe.

Right now we're in a warm - 80's - spell & it's very dry. No rain in sight. I'm going to have to dig out the sprinklers for the Humming Bird garden area - don't want to disappoint them. I scared a mother turkey & her brood yesterday out of their hiding spot. I felt so guilty.

I find myself watching less national news & I think that's because I have much more faith in the individual who is the President. 


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I'm not overly concerned about side effects, more aware that it is possible. I tend to react to meds etc and feel unwell most of the time from chronic illness so not sure I'd notice the usual things mentioned. Maybe I will get lucky and feel better than usual. Some said they felt tired and if it corrects my insomnia for a night or two that would be a good thing too. The reward outweighs the risk, when things open back up here I will feel safer out and about.

I hope you are able to take even a small road trip soon. I love where we live but the same walk up the same roads are getting a little old for us too. A change of scenery will be nice.

Isn't it great not feeling like you have to watch the news. I happily know little about what has been happening in the US for the past few months. I get bits of info from our news or tweets and am good with that. The conspiracies do seep thru sometimes but seems less are believing them so good too.

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Finicky - Will you be receiving one of the "newer tech" vaccinations that are RNA based? I wonder if that will make a difference? Do hope you don't have any problems. Having chronic issues is so different from "stuff" suffering wear and tear as the body ages. 

Speaking of whacky politics:

"House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday he opposes a proposal to form an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, almost certainly eroding GOP support ahead of a vote.

McCarthy said he wanted the new panel to look beyond the violent uprising by supporters loyal to Donald Trump, who were trying to stop the certification of President Joe Biden's election. He pushed to have the new commission also investigate other groups, namely the Black Lives Matter groups that protested police violence in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd."

Me, I see BLM protests over George Floyd's death and the January 6th violence at the Capitol as two totally separate "things" & think a Commission should be "laser focused".
To an extent their findings may affect if the Capitol Police receive additional funds, if any security upgrades are made etc. 
I see this as the GOP way to cause a distraction or an attempt to lay blame where it isn't warranted. In other words a "CYA" moment. 

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It says I will be receiving the Pfizer vaccine so yes an mNRA.  They stopped using AstraZeneca in our province and others. I'm not sure if that was necessary and those who got it as their 1st dose and want it as their 2nd are hopefully able to still get it. Millions of doses are arriving so everyone who wants a vaccine should have one by mid or at least the end of June. My daughter already got her 2nd shot and those numbers will begin increasing now. There doesn't seem to be too much hesitancy here, of course some of my relatives. 

Seems the trumplicans might not want to know how Jan 6 occurred. I'd not be surprised if some were involved somehow, even if it was just looking the other way. No surprise they try to tie BLM protests in with it, easier than acknowledging PART of their base are white nationalist conspiracy nuts. Again, why not face it and make steps to change it, instead they wrap their arms around trump and the further right nuts and embrace it. A choice.

Can't Dems push forward without their support. Not a time to both sides things, be forceful.

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Good luck with your vaccine! I'm going today to see if I can get the Pfizer, as it's been recommended over the Moderna.

Regarding the Investigation over the January 6th Insurrection, as an American, I am so disturbed that the Republicans are actively against it or trying to distract with bringing up the Summer 2020 protests. Sounds crazy, but I almost was brought to tears this morning over it. I really believe that the Russians (or Trump?) must have something over these people--- and they are willing to destroy democracy over it. It's shocking that they're THAT afraid of Trump and his followers...

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I got the vaccine, no problems so far. I ended up getting Moderna because it was the one they had today, first day using it here. It is mNRA too so should be alright. It is hot and humid so wearing a mask in a building was the biggest challenge for me, I don't do heat. Back home now in our nice cool home! Waiting for my internet connection to improve with that 5G chip Bill Gates snuck into the vaccine lol, (one of many conspiracies).

There are small groups that are still having mini rallies that are still pushing that trump is still president, or that he will be again soon, and the big lie including that Jan 6 was anitfa or fake. I watch the videos once in a while if I'm really bored and it is seriously bizarre stuff. The common thread other than supporting trump seems to be religion. It is getting much smaller but they created an echo chamber and reinforce the garbage to each other. No main stream media allowed. Sadly they also believe the conspiracies about covid and the vaccine so claim they won't get it.

I still believe trump isn't bright enough to be the ringleader of all the crazy and that he is more motivated by the adoration he gets from them. What gets me is that dates they claimed things would happen have gone by several times and they just keep changing the story and they continue to believe. It's a cult. I find it upsetting too and worry about what will happen when/if they wake up. Some have lost family members to it, hard to come back from.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Thankfully the numbers in Florida are finally improving, but I also worry that the State will be closing State Run Testing Sites in many places by the end of the month. There was a two day lull in Hospitalizations but it looks as if Florida still adding 200+/- on average each day. 

The micro-chip - well then someone got a rare treat out of us today! We made an unusual run specifically to look at options for an outdoor project. But since the "options" all displayed outdoors we didn't mind & actually it felt rather nice to get out more than once this week.

Made the mistake of watching the news while eating lunch. Between the GOP's votes on the Jan. 6th Bill to the latest Louisiana State Patrol body cam video of an "arrest" 2 Years Ago, sometimes I wonder what's happened to common sense and human beings in general.

Finicky - don't hesitate to give yourself a day off if you feel punchy. Maybe get a mini-school teacher bell & ring for service when needed! 

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Florida is first in so many things. Too bad so much is questionable:

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a law that gives the state the power to penalize social media companies when they ban political candidates, escalating a fight between the tech industry and Republicans such as DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.

The law to prohibit "deplatforming" is the first of its kind in the nation and may be a model for other states to follow, even though one tech business group said the law runs counter to the First Amendment....

Florida's law says that social media companies may not "permanently delete or ban" a candidate for office. Suspensions of up to 14 days are allowed, and a service can remove individual posts that violate its terms of service...

Companies are excluded from the law if they operate "a theme park or entertainment complex," a provision that was added to the law to protect Disney's streaming service, according to Orlando Weekly... 

"By forcing websites to host speech, this bill takes us closer to a state-run internet where the government can cherry-pick winners and losers," he said in a statement. The First Amendment prohibits the government from compelling or controlling speech on private websites, he added.
("He" is Carl Szabo, VP & General Counsel to NetChoice)

Matt Schruers, president of the Computer & Communications Industry Association, another trade group, said the law is "unconstitutional.""

I am so tired of so many people kissing Trump & was rather amused at the 'exemption' given Theme Park operators.

Hope every one is staying safe & healthy.

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This week's news a mix of saddening & enough to get one riled up.
The shooting in San Jose is so sad. Something needs to be done - what exactly I don't know. Faux News has decided that rather than give much air time to the anniversary of George Floyd's death, they want to focus on violent crime.

Okay then, but it's imo two separate issues. There are the issue within Law Enforcement - they are supposed to "protect & serve" & then there's violent crime. But at some point, besides just saying there should be more police what about addressing the fact that guns seem to be as readily available as a pack of chewing gum? Something, somewhere has to give.

Then ex-Gov. Christie saying that people don't want to be "lectured" about vaccinations. They just want the facts so they can decide. Okay then. In the meantime, our County hasn't reached 50% of the population being vaccinated. Granted there are kids under age 12 in that number. But a trip to the DIY Box Store for a plumbing need the other morning - at least 90% of the people entering weren't wearing masks. So, only vaccinated people were entering the store? The excuses that the CDC's guidance is "confusing", don't lecture them, let them be "free" is to the point of idiocy. 

I'm watching NY's possible prosecution of Trump. And his response to the lawsuits against him after Jan. 6th - that he's protected under the 1st Amendment & if that won't stick, well he was POTUS & has immunity on anything & everything.

Let's hope that the weekend is calm, nothing exciting.  Everyone stay safe & healthy.

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As a friend stated, "it's nice to have a dull, boring President". Yes, it is so nice to not have to keep up with the latest tweet &/or insult.
Now as for issues such as Voting, Infrastructure, it looks like some things hold possibilities, while others may be doa. We'll see soon.

We got brave & took a trip to the Northeast. The weather cooler & it was so good to see different scenery. A quick trip but still worth it.
It was interesting to see the various covid policies/how businesses are reacting to the pandemic, as we traveled along. In Georgia we encountered a sign outside a building that basically read "if you're entering be aware that covid is around & you accept that responsibility". In ruralish Virginia I was lectured for wearing a mask, since per the clerk covid isn't (wasn't) really that bad & I can take that as fact from someone who had it. 
Yes, we wore masks since it was easier than reading up on each State's rules & with the variants out there, well even though we're vaccinated, it seemed like a good thing to do. 

Then we arrived in the Northeast/New England. Maybe because it was "ground zero" but masks were still required in some businesses whether a person vaccinated or not. No one complained, it was just something you did. Some States appear to be doing very well with over 70% of their populations vaccinated & less than 1% infection rates. We've returned to Florida where last week's positivity rate was 5.3%, the Delta variant is almost 25% of the new cases & goodness, even a handful of Rescue Personnel working on the collapsed condo near Miami have tested positive. (That is leading to problems no one was expecting)

Today we did some prep work for the probable arrival of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Elsa here in Florida. Looks like it might be a long hurricane season.

Hope everyone is staying safe & healthy. 

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