Here's one of my new scarves; I write a tale for each of my hand-woven scarves:
This scarf is called: "the enchanted seeds" hand-woven wool scarf
the enchanted seeds
she was grateful for the legend,
for it had given the town hope
it had given the town heart
a fringe benefit of the myth,
imbedded with a few lucky clues
of finding the hidden seeds
of the enchanted pomegranate tree
that would save the village
from its descent
into a season of eternal winter
it was all a part of the larger cosmic plan
she had been dealt the playful hand of fate
she who was born
under the glittering glow
of the rising northern star
on the blackest of black nights
as the light turned
in the depths of darkness
during the winter solstice
the legends foretold
she would return the stolen light
the circumstances of her birth
enlisted her into service,
named her the journey’s leader,
she knew must trust herself
on this lone aquatic journey
for the legends told of the tree
across the vast uncharted sea
she knew this was a test of courage
for she couldn’t even swim
and being alone and adrift
across the deep dark depths of the ocean blue
was her only and greatest fear
she set her teeth and cast out
way out, onto the enormous open sea
determined not to become
the lunch of the great sea serpent
determined to find the
enchanted pomegranate seeds.
written and hand-woven by Susan Eileen Jizba, The Weaver of Words