Mama - I make treasuries partly because they are fun and partly because they increase traffic to my shop. Free advertising. Don't think they've translated to sales at this point. Like I said... I have fun with it. For example, I just made a Harry Potter themed treasury.
I'm not terribly fond of new review delay either. I did get my first review though. A 5 star review even!! I thought about sending the buyer a thank you note but I wasn't sure if that was a weird thing to do.
Congrats on the review, Jeana! I think it's definitely fine to send the buyer a thank you note. At least, that's what I've been doing all along! I figure if they took the time to leave a review, I ought to take the time to thank them. Hopefully they don't see it as spammy? a buyer, would you find it spammy?
Thanks Michelle! I already wrote a thank you note on the invoice I mailed with the package and I think I sent a thank you post card with her order as well. Guess I don't want to seem overly thankful. I hadn't thought of it as being spammy but that is a good point to consider. I think I've been more afraid of looking needy or desperate for business than the spam angle. Perhaps I could come up with a coupon code that I send to customers who leave me a review. That way I could thank them for the review and give them the coupon code. Is that completely transparent though?
Michelle- I always forget to look in the forums. Looks like half of them say yes to thank the customer for the review and the other half say not to. That's real helpful! : ) I can certainly see both sides of the argument...guess that's why I'm still on the fence about it. : /
Wondering about canceling an order... I have an order that has been hanging around since mid-November. Customer selected pay with money order, but insists that she paid with her credit card. I have sent her a copy of the invoice showing that it says 'money order' and her only response was, 'Cancel the order, I will rebuy with my credit card when it's canceled -- I still want it.' (Not too terribly much, apparently ;-) ) I requested Etsy cancel it during the last week of November (to hopefully avoid paying the fees,) by clicking the "Cancel" order tab (which then disappeared) but the order never went away. I did some further investigations in the forums and finally sent a detailed email stating conversations with the customer, etc. and requested that the order be canceled. Got a form letter/email back saying click the 'Cancel' button -- but it's not there anymore! It's not really affecting me in any way (other than the fees that were paid) because I don't select the 'Paid' button it appears the customer is at fault. It's just sitting there. Buggin' me. Any thoughts? Agnes
I'm also curious if anyone knows how to access the emails generated by the "Contact" customer button on the invoice page. They do not show up in your Convo file until the customer responds back. How can you prove you sent them (or even remember what you said?)
Agnes, Sorry it took so long to get back! I'm still trying to catch my breath after the holiday season :o) I've never had to cancel an order, but it looks like if you go into the invoice for the order, about half way down the page, all the way to the right, you will see in the "order" box little blue writing that says "cancel this transaction". Have you tried that or is that what disappeared?
Yes! That was it. I did not see that. The button I selected (and it is so long ago now I might be imagining it) did not give me the link to the cancellation form. (Which I read about in my investigations in the forums.) This one did. Thank you, Nicole!
I have a question for you all: one of my customers provided an address that does not match up with the USPS version--the discrepancy is one digit in the zip code. I've contacted them via convo and email, but it's been a few days and I haven't received a response. confirms the USPS version. Would you continue to wait for a response, and if so, how long would you wait? My "scheduled to ship by" date is today, but I'm not sure which address to use if I were to go ahead and send it out. Has anyone else dealt with something like this?
Michelle - that is a very good question!! I've never dealt with that could be that the customer mistyped the address or it could be one of those weird nuances - in my area we have two towns with the same zip code... I would suggest taking this question to the big etsy forum to see if other more experienced sellers have come across this!! But definitely let us know what happens for future reference!! I'm sorry I can't be more helpful!' I just don't want to give the "wrong" answer :o)
No worries, Nicole! It seems that people on the forums have varying opinions. Some said to send one last message to the customer saying you need a response by X date, otherwise you'll have to cancel the sale. Some said to go ahead and ship to the address found in Google/White Pages. Those seemed like the two most reasonable answers, but thankfully I didn't have to choose between them because my customer finally did respond. It turns out they had made a typo after all.
Oh good! I'm so glad it all worked out! It's so tricky sometimes because we don't know the area we are sending things to! In my neighborhood, I've had the same postman for 30 years, so even if the address was wrong, he knows me and delivers it to me, but I know many other neighborhoods are not so lucky!!
Michelle- I had something similar happen. Even though my store policy states that I am not responsible for items that are shipped to the wrong address due to customer error, I did contact the customer to verify the address. Luckily I heard back from that person and all was well. Glad to hear that everything worked out for you.