Congrats Kristin!! I hear even the etsy veterans are feeling frustrated with the new reviews :o). At least now we know that we really made a positive impression because the buyer took the time to come back! :o)
When she received her order, she sent me a convo telling me how happy she was. I thanked her and told her to "feel free to leave feedback if she would like". She said she tried but was unable to do so yet and would check back on it later. I was just surprised (and grateful) that she took the extra time to go back in and leave it so much later. It gives me hope for other sellers too. I'm hoping that after everything settles down and everyone gets used to the new review system, feedback will pick back up.
We are on the same track, I just recently got my first stranger feedback. I was so happy to see 5 stars and her comment said "well constructed". Deep down inside I have this fear that the first time people wash things it will all fall apart in the wash...a totally unfounded fear, but there nonetheless.
Not sure if its cheer-worthy (I love summer!) but we got our first...very quick....snowfall here this morning! I'm hoping the new cold weather makes everyone want to buy Christmas gifts and we all start to get busy :o).
Ahhh the first snowfall is always so nice! Now that I live in California, there's no snow for me. Plus everyone complains that it's cold when it's 60 degrees haha...
My sister lived in Los Angles a number of years ago and I visited her over my Christmas break from college. I'm used to cold and snow in December. December in LA was just weird. It didn't really feel like Christmas... Guess it's all a matter of what you are used to.
I second that Jeana! December is cold and snowy to me, too... My cousin lives in Florida and I went down to visit him one year right before Christmas. We went to Disney, and it was so strange to see everything decorated for Christmas while we were in shorts! But to people there, palm trees with Christmas lights are probably normal :o).
Funny, so I grew up in the LA area, but maybe because of media/TV/movies or whatever, I also associate Christmas with cold and snowy! When I was a kid, I was sometimes disappointed that our Christmases were never like what you saw on TV. I did love Disneyland at Christmastime though...I remember after the fireworks they would do a fake snowfall, which was actually quite magical for a kid (and kid at heart) to see.
I used to work at Disneyland. I LOVE that end of the night "snowfall", it really is magical. :) The music is quiet and you always hear kids laughing. Gosh, I think I miss it!
On a completely different note...I just wanted to share that I just made it to 100 sales tonight! Thanks to you all for sharing my journey so far--here's to many more sales for all of us!