This is a designated chat room for all of us game room groupies! A great place to hang out, ask questions or just get to know each other. A great big thanks to Jane and Elizabeth for getting our games back running again. XOXOXO
Lori - aka "Packy"
Thank you for the appreciative words, and hope you and yours have a happy and safe 4th too, Cheryl!
Perfect sentiment, Cheryl. Ditto!!!!!!!
Too hot for a cup of coffee. Iced coffee late instead.
Good idea:)
Harvesting tomatoes and peppers today, about to make salsa. Any other gardeners? What are you growing?
Hope your salsa turned out great, @TexasRockstarVintage .
We are gradually turning our yard into a "foodscape". We have fruit trees (peach, apricot, plum, pear, apple, lime, lemon, fig, tangerine, golden berries, blackberries, okumquat, a passion fruit vine, and blood orang I have a nice sized strawbeerry patch, with 3 varieties of strwaberries that pioduce spring through fall. We also have an herb garden with perennial oregano, mint, thyme and lavender; pus annual basil, cilantrol and Italian parsley. Our annual vegetables include kale, chard, 4 varieties of tomatoes, Japanese eggplant, zucchini, melon and okra. Hubby is trying his hand at some unusual / tropical fruits; hopefully we will have some pinapple bananas, guava, goji berries. I let some of my roses go without dead-heading to produce rose hips, which I dry for tea.
It all sound more grandiose than it really is. The weeds rule over everything else most of the time. LOL.
Homemade salsa from your garden - what could be better!
Nora, I love your foodscape!
Wow sounds amazing! I would love strawberries until fall...yum. I have planted a small orchard also, mostly peaches. My garden has several varieties of lavendar, sage, jasmine, Texas sage, nopales, peppers (serrano, cayenne, banana), tomatoes, basil, oregano, zinnias, and several varieties of grapes. I have been watching a mockingbird from my window diving into the trellised vines, and coming out with a Concord grape!
Weeds are taking over here, too.
I started listing new items on etsy yesterday and put off making salsa until today. :)
Have a great week. :)
So far we haven't harvested much but we are looking forward to cucumbers, tomatoes, zuchinni, etc. I love to make Italian marinara with homegrown tomatoes - so good!
Sherri, it sounds yummy!
Hi Jane! It is good - I hope to make some to freeze this year since I don't can anymore.
I have tomatoes everyday now. I am growing several different varieties and a new variety I am enjoying this year produces a deep, dark red kind-of-black tomato. Soooo good.
Cucumbers and zuchinni get ravaged here by vine borers that are hard to manage. Really loved growing zuchini in the past. Love zuchini bread.
I grow tomatoes, peppers and three sorts of pumpkins- We also have a perenniel Herb Garden in spiral form but most of all I grow weeds. Had a slipped disc this summer so no garden weeding for a while. I hate to see the garden this way. Hope my back gets back in shape soon.
That zucinni bread sounds sensational. Must try it out. Also the italien salsa.
Ugh, sorry about your back problem. It seems that your herb garden is well established, so maybe it will survive the weeds.
Who else is excited about the new Star Trek series that is coming in 2020 called "Star Trek: Picard"?
I hadn't heard! Is it Patrick Stewart? I was a big next generation fan all those years ago. Patrick Stewart was (is) amazing. @sarahsmemory
Yes, it's Patrick Stewart. Also, Data, 7 of 9, Riker and Troi. Here's the link to all the info and also a trailer. I'm a big "Next Generation" fan too. It is my favorite Star Trek series. :)
Aww and he has a DOG :) He has one of the best voices ever... looking forward already! Thank you for the link.
Thank you rain for the cooling respite. Hope all people affected by storm are safe and get electricity back speedily.
New Star Trek... my sici fi sons and daughters wonder already what is people going to handcraft to sell at Etsy.
I am envious of all you gardeners. This year(gardening season ) has been rough on us here in central Texas. So very hot and dry. I had to let the garden go :-((((
Here in Yankeeland too. The winter-like stayed untill May. June and July were extremely hot. The plants and flowers are in pots and indoor...
We had perhaps, only two weeks of spring. The summer arrived all of the sudden and wild.
It makes me to think about the agriculture...
The year of topsy-turvy weather for all.
It has been an odd year for sure. We still don't have ripe tomatoes and cucumbers - we were dealing with snow late in May, so no growing much.
I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner. Maybe salmon with swiss chard from the garden. Maybe not, don't know that I have energy left for picking and cleaning chard. What are you all making for dinner?