We love to hear how seller got started selling on Etsy. Here is your chance to get featured on Handmadeology and get some exposure for your shop.

Handmadeology is currently seeing over 50k visitors per month and over 100k page views.


Answer the following 3 questions right here in this thread.

1. Tell us your Etsy story.. how you got started in your craft and how you started selling on Etsy.
2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?
3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.
4. When a new story is published help spread the word via Twitter, Facebook , bookmarking, or blogging.

The easiest way to know when a new "My Etsy Story " is published is to subscribe to Handmadeology's RSS feed.

Oh and you will get my Handmade Blogging Blueprint for subscribing as well!

To start things off here is my Etsy story!!


Remember there is strength in numbers. Handmadeology will do the featuring and publishing, but with the sharing is up to the team!

Go HMET!!!

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1. Tell us your Etsy story.. how you got started in your craft and how you started selling on Etsy.

I will tell you a story about how I got started in this craft. And the operative word here is "this". I have been crafting and dabbling in different mediums all my life. I know I am in the right element when I am around creative people. I have finally though found what I love doing, and have fun doing, and gain a sense of satisfaction on a humanistic level. I am not sure how I found Etsy, or if Etsy found me but it started out as many people do. I made something, listed it and sat back waiting for sales to fly in. I did not realize there was more to it. I started listing vintage pieces that I owned and sold them and that for awhile. It was while I was doing this that I found my passion. Due to a stress related job, I was seeking out alternative health options. I started educating myself for my own health reasons regarding Aromatherapy. The more I read, the more I reached out to other people in the field. I started making products for myself and family, and then grew from there. I received much support and love from my family as they too understand the importance of not only the products but the importance of me finding what I am passionate about.
I worked in the behavioral health field for 25 plus years as a therapist, behavior analyst, counselor, addictions therapist and knew there was alternative methods.
I started making more products and enjoyed the passion that rose up in me. Making products for body and home in a healthy non chemical way with a method that has been around since Biblical times was what I was looking for. I hope to continue to grow this business and reach people who are also looking for products that are made in a healthy beneficial way.

2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?

I do not know where to start, I have learned so much invaluable information that it is ongoing daily. What I want to say here is that without the community and people at Etsy and their passion, I would not have learned so much. I have gained knowledge about marketing, branding, tagging, networking, social media. I have learned about Google and its workings, I now check my Google Analytics every morning. I learned about community, most of all. It is the community that makes us all successful. I have learned about my camera and am still learning how to take better pictures of products. It is endless and every day is an education to me at Etsy.

3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.
The most important piece of advice for a new seller is do not give up, you can get frustrated, but do not give up. Keep seeking out advice, read the forums, attend the labs, sign up for all the newsletters so that you get them in your email from Etsy and read them. Join a team, I do not know why I took so long to join a team, I am now in 3 teams. Ask questions, read the handbook. Be present and participate in the wonderful network that is available here, then you can start branching out. Trust me, I did not even know what a blog was. I had heard the word, but knew nothing beyond that about them. Read Etsy Blog too. It is all here, your shop will get better and better. It is a process.

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I have had an etsy account since 2009. I didnt start selling stuff till yesterday...
I am a jewelry metals major and thought etsy was the way to go for me because of my different and creative pieces of jewelry. Traveling to jewelry shows and selling in boutiques gets tiring after a while. So I thought I would give Etsy a shot!

And it has been great! Open in less then 12 hours and sold 1 piece already!
I know that pictures and catching peoples eye is the main key along with some good tags.

Thanks for everyones advice!!! Especially you Tim!
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1. Tell us your Etsy story.. how you got started in your craft and how you started selling on Etsy.

I've been drawing since I was old enough to pick up a crayon, in fact you can see a dinosaur I drew in my closet from when I was about six. I got started making jewelry from a number of things that kinda converged around a year or so ago. Between seeing other sellers on etsy, wanting a creative outlet, and working at a neat little jewelry/antique store over the past year. I tested the waters by making a few things and found I loved it and that others loved it too. I've been making jewelry ever since.

2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?

It's hard getting started and I'm still new to etsy and running a buisness in general, but the more time I spend reading about others here, the more confidence I gather about my own shop.

3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.
Be patient. It takes awhile for most to get their first few sales. Also I would suggest making sure you work on your photos and networking. Creating a following with beautiful pictures is key to making your shop popular.
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Sometimes stories are not that easy to tell. That being said, I will give it a try. I have been creative all my life. I live to create. On November 3, 2004 I was finishing up painting our two story house. I fainted from atop a 20 foot ladder. When I woke I lifted my arms and both hands flopped straight down. I shattered all the bones in both wrists. I asked the surgeons before surgery if I would be able to use my hands and they couldn't give me an answer. Nine hour surgery, ninety seven staples, lots of screws and metal, second surgery and 6 months of therapy later, I decided I had to keep mobility in my hands so they wouldn't get stiff. I started bending aluminum and making robots. I sold them here and there, and in 2008 I heard about Etsy. I opened a shop. I posted one robot. It sold within 24 hours. I am lucky in that my art is my life not my livelihood. It is my hobby. I have a day job and am married with 3 children.

I have learned that the more time you spend on promotion the more successful your shop will become. Which is hard for me because I just want to create and not do the computer work. Read, ask questions, get involved!

My advice to someone starting out is, Do what you love. It's that simple. You can't fake it.
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1. Tell us your Etsy story.. how you got started in your craft and how you started selling on Etsy.

After being surrounded by boys my entire life - growing up with six brothers, then marrying and raising 4 boys with my husband, I think my girly side was a tad suppressed. My brothers made sure that Legos and blocks were my toys of choice growing up, so when our little girl was born, I think all things foreign, frilly, frivolous, and doll-related woke up in me! Hence, FrivolTees was born! It has been a personal challenge for me to find toys, accessories, and clothing that will interest my little girl. So you can be well assured that all items in my shop have been through the wringer!! My creations started with a 3D fabric version of the paper dolls I used to hide and play with as a kid when my brothers weren't watching. Then I moved on to illustrations involving my dolls, a unique non-Victoria-Secret-model fairy line you can be comfortable letting your little girl play with and fun jewelry for all ages! I am a stay at home mom for the time being until my baby girl goes to school in a couple of years, so my days are fairly loud. I am getting used to squeezing in a minute here and there to create a new item! I found out about Etsy little over a year ago, opened up a shop and have been a slow starter, because the community side of Etsy was so intimidating for a nonblogger like me. Which leads into question #2.

2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?

I have learned so many things that I never thought I would have to learn. I learned that you cannot simply list an item than sit back and watch it sit. You have to get out there and promote, relist, list new items, etc, etc. I just recently have gotten involved in several teams, virtual lab chats, making treasuries, and other things related blogwise. It is truly amazing how much helpful information you can glean from these places on Etsy. I would say success on Etsy is directly proportional to your involvement in the community and constantly looking at your shop in different ways. Research is always helpful, also when you are listing a new item - trying to find that extra edge over your competition. I have also learned to not give up if one item does not go. Photography has also become a personal challenge for me, working on taking pictures of my items that will catch an eye and drag people into my shop!

3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.

I actually have 2 pieces of advice. My first is to get involved into the community of Etsy right away. Do not wait, like I did for a year, because that could essentially be a wasted year if you are not promoting your items regularly. This involves joining a team, making treasuries as much as you are able, etc.
My second piece of advice is that you must mentally be a little flexible in your creative process. The best part of creating is going in different directions than where it began and I have learned that sometimes if something isn't working as is, go a little sideways with it, or that idea, and create another truly unique item! The public knows what it wants and its your "job" to find out what that is! The art of creating is an everchanging process!

Don't get bogged down with slow weeks or days, just keep creating and it will happen!

Thanks for giving us this opportunity to share!
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amazing stories!
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Moving to the top.
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These are great inspiring stories, thank you for sharing. I needed to read these today.
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Re: New Blog Topic - My Etsy Story - Get Featured on Handmadeology

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1. Tell us your Etsy story.. how you got started in your craft and how you started selling on Etsy.

My sister Susan and I started sculpting miniature foods for our dolls when we were kids. 20-odd years later, we're still sculpting miniature foods, but fashioning them into jewelry instead of overfeeding the Barbies.

We started selling our tiny food jewelry back in 2006, at our local Charlottesville City Market. We were lucky to have such a thriving local weekly market where we could get great feedback from customers, really refine our product, and get our feet wet with the business side of things.

By the end of the year, we realized we definitely needed a web presence, especially since Charlottesville is a very touristy town (Monticello, UVA), and we wanted to be able to connect with our out of town customers easily.

We listed the first pieces for sale on etsy in early 2007, and have been selling here ever since.

2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?

Etsy has been an unbelievable place to learn how to sell our work online. It's a crash course in photography, marketing, branding, SEO, everything e-commerce. At first, it was overwhelming, but by taking small steps and constantly tweaking (to this day!), we've gotten the swing of things.

Etsy is a fantastic place to get feedback on everything since there is such a diverse community of both sellers and buyers. For direct feedback on the business side, there's been nothing more helpful than reading the forums, the links to crafts-business blogs, and countless tips from other sellers.

Beyond that, every time we'd like to update something about our online business, we always test it on etsy first before applying it to our own website.

3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.

Before you're actually a seller: Set yourself up as a seller- talk to an accountant and find out everything you need to do from the beginning to be a business. Start things off right with your paperwork and bookkeeping and your life will be much easier in the long run.

Once you've done that- jump in. Seriously. After a year, your shop won't look much like it did initially, but the best way to start learning what works and what doesn't is to simply begin. It's so much easier to edit than it is to create from scratch. And you can get lots of good suggestions once you have something to ask questions about!

Bonus: advice for established sellers
Spend out. One of my favorite blogs is the happiness project ( http://www.happiness-project.com/ ), and one of her best pieces of advice is to spend out. By that she means: don't hoard ideas for fear that you'll never have another good one. Develop them, share them, and trust that you'll have more.

Whenever I focus on creating new work, and get excited about sharing it, I get 20 new ideas in a creative wave. Or our fans on facebook offer great suggestions to improve or expand upon an idea. Sure, lots of ideas I love kind of flop, but the creative process itself generates new ideas and some of them are huge winners.

~Jessica & Susan
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1. ~My etsy story~ How it all began...

I had a boyfriends mom show me how to make a granny square when I was 15. I made one gigantic granny square but my attention span was short.
I always thought about making that granny square and how great it felt to actually make a useable item. When I was 30 I was looking for an easy transportable craft....so off I went to buy some yarn and a crochet hook. Do you know how much of your memory gets wiped out in 15 years? I scooted over to youtube and the rest is history. I have been a hooking fool for 3 years now.

2. ~ I have learned~

Rome wasn't built in a day:)

3. I have no advice other than jump in and give it your best shot!

Sorry not too wordy but it's my story...for now :)

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Get some exposure for your shop.... tell us your story!
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For my entire life I have been an admirer of all types of art, and an artist. I am a primarily self-taught mixed media, altered art collage artist, photographer, poet and now also a jewelry designer. I owe my deep love of art to my mom, who fostered it by giving me paint-by-number kits and craft-of-the-month club kits instead of dolls and tea sets. I am inspired by color, and also by patterns in nature, by other artworks – pretty much by anything that is beautiful.

In 2007, I opened my Etsy shop and named it Cookala’s House of Cards because my nickname is actually Cookie, and because I was selling original ATCs (or ACEOs) – Artist Trading Cards. So that was how my Etsy shop got its odd name. Unfortunately, business was pretty awful. I’d sell a card now and then, maybe once in four months. The biggest highlight was selling an altered slide book to Courtney Love. I still can’t believe a celebrity bought my art!

Time slid by, and retirement was nearing at a swift pace. I wanted to do something to keep busy after I retired in 2009 and make a little money doing it. I was completely burned out with working in the IT field – tired of the continual schooling and having to always be learning new technology so I decided that if I was going to work at all then it would be doing something I loved to do. Since I love jewelry, I decided to see if I could make some money selling it. I thought I should try to establish the new venture before I actually retired, so I invested a little money and started to make and list jewelry in my shop in 2008 and I have watched my shop start to prosper and grow this past year.

Since I have been selling on Etsy, I have developed what I call the “3P Mantra Strategy for Survival” – patience, perseverance, and promotion – all to be practiced daily and in great abundance. I’ve learned different ways to keep my fingers on the pulse of Etsy through hours of searching out and researching the competition, and to watch for buying trends – be it color or style or fad – and try to accommodate it in my shop. I’ve learned where and how to purchase my supplies at rock-bottom prices and how to price my jewelry so it sells. I’ve learned to throw frequent sales and how to add little extras that keep my customers coming back. I’m in the process now of learning how to use the social media and blogging to extend my shop’s existence out into the global world. I’ve learned how to read and read and read again the many excellent tips and tricks and how-to articles here at Handmadeology and also in the Etsy forums, as well as at other on-line resources.

Etsy has been a never ending learning opportunity for me. I am determined to build my shop up enough so I won’t have to seek a part-time job to supplement my pension check. I have set myself a time limit to accomplish this. If I cannot, then I will probably close up shop and consign myself to returning to the work force, even though I loathe the thought of it.

I think the best advice I can give to new sellers on Etsy is this: be prepared to invest a lot of time learning how to increase your shop traffic and then be prepared to invest a lot of time doing what you’ve read – be it blogging, be it the social media, be it a never ending quest for free knowledge on the web. You are the captain of your ship – it is you who will sink it or make it fly with the wind. The choice is yours.
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Thanks for the invitation (and all the other help)!

(^_^) Lisa at MoMuertos

<3 My Etsy Story <3
I'm a cubicle drone by day, crafter by night. I don't want to quit my day job ... I just want to have fun! My family loves the D-I-Y lifestyle. My mom always encouraged imagination and creativity. She had my brother and I crafting from an early age and we never stopped. A fellow Etsy lover suggested we open a shop, so we set aside the karaoke and gave it a shot. It's been a great adventure. You can see we each have our own individual styles, and it's been fun seeing them come together in our colorful shop. While we started off with a Day of the Dead motif, our growth has been organic as we find more things we like to create that our customers enjoy, like romantic crochet accessories and kittehs. You can never have too many kittehs, right?

<3 I Have Learned <3
I have learned that knowing your strengths and working with them is key to your success. It helps you develop your shop's goals and it drives the way you will set up and run your business. Every one of you, sellers, has something special that you can use to your advantage!

<3 My Advice <3
My advice to new sellers is to find out what that something special is as soon as possible. I highly recommend Handmadeology's seller personality quiz. Like all of their work, it's clear, concise, and complete. In other words, it's hella good. It wasn't a surprise to me to find out I was detail oriented and a go getter (although it was nice to see the opportunities that those traits offer). However, it was a complete surprise to find out I was single minded, and the description of challenges that could create was an eye opener. For example, obsessing over the perfect tax-tracking spreadsheet and a tiny bit of MSIE-buggy tumblr code? Not so important in the grand scheme of things. Now the things I want to focus on are fresh in my mind again. Thanks Handmadeology!
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Shared this great story on my Facebook Page, thanks Ashley
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Moving to top.
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Moving to top.
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Woot, featured 02.10.2011 Thank you everyone again!
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Post Crafter

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When I was about 13 years old I went to visit my Grandmother, who had immigrated from Switzerland with her husband and oldest child when she was in her 20s. She was always either knitting, crocheting, or embroidering something. During that visit she taught me all three of these handcrafts. Over the many years she would visit and I would again start a project or just practice the different stitches. I had already been sewing many of my own clothes since I was 10 years old. She had 8 granddaughter and at a family reunion I learned that she had taught all of us these crafts. It seems that I am the only one that has continued to crochet, knit, embroider or do counted cross stitch. I find it relaxing and a creative outlet. My daughter, who has not interest in handcrafts, would alway ask why I "had to work when I was watching TV"

When my granddaughters came along I started making toys for them, but I like to keep making things and their toy boxes were overflowing. My daughter told me about ETSY after I had sent bath mitts/hand puppets to her daughter. When my son and his wife saw my different projects they suggested that I sell them. So now I am on ETSY.

I have learned to be patient and that a sale will happen. I am still trying to decide if this is a hobby or a business. I sell enough for a hobby and can pay for my supplies, but at some point I would like to turn a profit.

What have i learned about business? I think it is that you have to know your target audience and how to reach them with advertising. With this I am still struggling.

I would tell other to be patient. Do not expect(although I hear that they do happen) a sale right away. Another tidbit would be to be organized and keep track of your business information. Organize it on a routine basis and tax time will be much easier.
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I always loved jewelry. As a kid, I would drag my mother to see all the pretty pieces - no matter if it was a high end fine jewelry store or a handmade piece in a craft show. No mass produced, cheap costume jewelry, though - I was quite the young snob!

I also loved stones. Smooth cabs with interesting patterns, gemmy sugarloaves or faceted stones - all are beautiful to me.

One day it hit me. Why didn't I make jewelry myself? It seems so obvious, but it was quite a revelation. I found a teacher, took classes and learned to saw, anneal, forge and solder. Then I learned more on my own. And I found some workshops. And so I learned my craft.

I live in Brazil and handmade artist jewelry is not much appreciated. We do not have many craftshows and galleries still turn away jewelry as not "artistic". I needed to get word out to people who would appreciate my work and value it. I wanted to reach the world, not just my little corner of it. So I started listing on Etsy.

2- Selling on Etsy has been an eye opening experience for me. Perhaps the hardest lesson for me has been opening up to the buyers and exposing who I am and what drives my work. Since I am a very private person, my first listings were very cold and impersonal. Until I was told that my shop was so cold that it was like buying from a large chain. That shook me! I redid all my listings, my photos and bio to reflect me and my passion for my work.

3- My advice to new buyers is to get good photos that look polished and professional. That is what will draw buyers to you and make sales. And it doesn't have to be expensive - a simple white or grey background, some good lights and a point and shoot camera will do it, if you research first how to use them.

Also, open up to the world. What makes you different, what drives your work?
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"My Etsy Story"

I've always been artistic. I grew up in a very creative family. I am a self-taught metal artist. I began dabbling in metalsmithing shortly after my son was born 2 years ago. Each project became more intricate than the last and I loved the challenges and goals I set for myself and the satisfaction the end result provided. A friend told me about Etsy and I ran home and googled it and started my shop that day.

I've learned a lot over the past two years. I never knew how much time and effort you have to put into an online shop. I thought you just open a store and let the customers flood in. That only in a perfect world, right? I've spent uncountable hours in chat rooms, reading forums, following threads etc. I think the most valuable thing I've learned is to stay true to myself. Stick to my own style and do my own thing. That's what makes my jewelry unique. There's a LOT of jewelry out there and I don't want to blend in. Persistance has also been a key element for me. There have been times that I wanted to just throw in the towel, but I kept plugging away at it and it has definately paid off.

I think the best advice I could give a newbie is to be dedicated, patient and persistent and to stay unique.
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Some wonderful stories here!

1. My Etsy story:

Up until a year ago I had never really put pencil or paintbrush to paper, but I had always wanted to learn to draw. I was working in the Defense industry and there wasn't a lot of room for creativity in my day job.

Finally I decided I had to take that first step and I enrolled in an online drawing and painting class. I had so much fun I also enrolled in a university night class, started a blog about my creative adventures, and participated in seven collaborative art projects, including the worldwide sketchbook project.

This year I decided I wanted to grow further, do more with my art, and share it with others. Someone told me about Etsy (I can't believe I didn't know about it before) and I think I spent at least 3 hours that first time just looking at all the amazing treasures for sale. I opened my shop in January this year and I haven't looked back!

2. What have you learned about business since you launched your Etsy shop?

That customer service is paramount. I think I always knew that, but having ordered a lot of things from Etsy I've really found that it is the extra touches, or the personal communication that makes such a big difference to your experience. I try to give the service I would like to receive.

I've also discovered that you have to market yourself. You have to be relentless, even when you're doing well you have to keep doing it, every day. It can be exhausting.

3. Tell us one piece of advice for new sellers.

Use your profile to tell us about yourself. For so many people the joy of shopping on Etsy is that it is so personal. We want to know who we are buying from, what their story is, and why they are special.

Thank you!

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