Hi , I decided to make a group just for us geeky gals. I am pretty much a well rounded geek, likes comic, manga, anime, books, video games, star trek, dr.who, superheros, dungeons and dragons, and I did play WOW once too.
If you check out my shop you can see my geekiness has influenced my work.
I hope to make some new friends and spread our geeky products out for many people to see.

Re: Introductions.

Hi all!

I'm a huge sci-fi nerd, raised on original Star Trek and Arthur C. Clarke. I'm a PC gamer and board game geek. I have an unmanageable stack of comic books and I love astronomy.

Pleased to be in such great company!

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Re: Introductions.

Hello! I must say, I'm not much of a geek. More of a punky nerd than anything!

I just started reading comics a year ago, (Watchman!), but I have spent entire days watching every Batman movie, including the 1966 version, so the extreme love of superheros and villains is there

I probably know too many cult classic movies. Harold and Maude anyone?

And, I have an unhealthy obsession with zombies. I dress up for the Richmond Zombie Walk every year, I've read the zombie survival guide, and I've filled my shop with brains.

Oh, and I'm a MCR Killjoy. My computer background is evidence of Frerard.

Nice to meet everyone!!!
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Re: Introductions.

I must be more out of the loop with MCR than I realised, or it's an American thing - what's an MCR killjoy? Is it a fanclub?
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Re: Introductions.


I'm Allerz, and I like to think I'm a geek. I've had a crush on Data from Star Trek TNG since the day I was born, and I've played pokemon since it came out. And I'm still running strong, lol. I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, carrying a sonic screwdriver (10's) wherever I go, and I always wear my dark red Chucks. <3

It's a pleasure to be here <3<3 ^_^
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Re: Introductions.

Hello everyone! I've always enjoyed anything the evokes my imagination and brings me somewhere new. I love books, crafts video games (especially Mario), The Big Bang Theory, cooking shows (Hell's Kitchen Top, Chef, etc.), nature, traveling, anime, and theatre. I make computer parts jewelry using colorful beads to make them pop. I make bracelets, necklaces, earings, and keychains and I planning on adding more items soon. All of my computer parts come from computer salvage and would have otherwise been thrown away. Nice to meet everyone and I'm looking forward to talking to you all more!
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Re: Introductions.

Hello, good people.

I don't know if the correct term is "geek" or "nerd" for someone like me, though I have a sneaking suspicion both may be appropriate.

I'm fairly new to gaming, though I've really dived in since I purchased my Xbox 360 a few years ago.

I'm a bookworm, a writer, and a word-nerd.

I'm learning Sindarin Elvish, thanks to a little help from a friend here on Etsy, I absolutely LOVE RPGs, I've begun to dabble in D&D recently and have a feeling this may be a delightful deterrent for my social life, and I'm a Netflix junkie who revels in the exploits of figures like Xena: Warrior Princess.

Oh yeah, and I'm a wannabe elf.
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Re: Introductions.

Hey everyone! I just joined this team and am pretty new to etsy in general. So far, most of my jewelry is inspired by nature, but I have always been a geek, and intend to start making more geeky stuff soon!

My main geeky interest is fantasy type stuff, I love RPGs and anything that is about mages, and warriors and that sort of thing.

I am also a huge feminist and looove any woman super hero!

I'm glad I found this group, I'd love to be in a geek girl artist community, and support any woman who tires to make her way in the so far male dominated world of geek stuff! <3
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Re: Introductions.

Hi everyone! I just joined here and recently on Etsy too. Still working on getting my shop up.

I am a broadway geek, and a Disney geek (I AM a Disney princess. cool, right?), and I've recently becomse a super-geek about superheroes (Puns?) Favorite superhero is definately Batman. I even dressed as Batgirl to go to con.

My shop is going to have mainly things for kids, though I'm trying to find new things to make that includes my geeky-side.

So happy I found a group like this!
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Re: Introductions.

Sup, my name's Chelsea. My shop MakeItSick is directly influenced from my geekery obsessions.
I love comics, everything DC and Green Lantern are my obsessions.
Star Wars has been my life since I was young, and things like Nintendo, Pokemon, and superheros kind of shaped my childhood. I had an older brother so I never really liked girly things.
I love everything scifi, and have a unatural obsession with extraterrestrials and the Ancient Alien theory.

Hope you like my shop! Everyone in this group is AWESOME and i'm glad to be a part of it.
Power to Geek Girls!
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Re: Introductions.

I think I'm gonna like this group.

I'm a big ol' sci-fi, fantasy, and lit geek: Stargate, Star Trek, Farscape, Highlander, Firefly, LOTR, Harry Potter (- book7), superheros, mythology, Auturian legends, fairytales, and on and on. It doesn't show in my products directly, but it has influenced some of the names. Most of it comes through in my blogs and stories.
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Re: Introductions.

Greetings! So I've been reading manga since before you could find it in american bookstores, which was a very expensive habit, and I've been a gamer for many, many a year. My geekiest point is debatable, but I would say it's either being an ex-costumer for several conventions, notably comiccon, gencon and dragoncon, or custom-making all the genetics for my sims so I can do breeding experiments with them.

@Kirei I just looked up MCR killjoy and found this: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Killjoy-%28Mcr%29 I don't get it, and I don't know if I want to, but rofl.
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Re: Introductions.

Hey everyone! So, now that I'm reading everyone's introductions, I'm starting to think I'm more of a nerd and less of a geek! But hey, I'm still in good company :] Mostly I'm a history nerd, and oh my god would I love to talk your ear off about the Inca or the Aztecs.

I guess my geek qualification is I do play a lot of computer games. I'm addicted. It's a problem.

My shop right now is all handbound journals I made out of old library books, but soon (!)--for all you techies--I will be adding kindle cases! Huzzah!
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Re: Introductions.

oh boy. where to begin.

i'm a geek herder (organizing groups for pax, game nights, and so on). i'm an xfiles geek (and thus a fringe geek), a sort of star trek geek,an hp geek, a firefly geek (and thus a castle geek). i do some tabletop rpg, some video games, a lot of research.

i think my biggest geek out though is tech. especially phones...

also into steam punk, renn stuff, and *all sort* of other things.

and i basically teach myself how to make stuff. i took a trade a couple weeks ago in which i was shown a picture and asked to make the item. now i know the basics of wire wrapping :P
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Re: Introductions.

Hi, my name is Ashton. I'm a nerdy art student who likes to do nerd things and hang out at local comic shops drinking tea.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Acid-Rainbows/ is my facebook fan page.
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Re: Introductions.


Thanks. That Kind of makes sense - I guess it's like MCR cosplay.


There's probably a bit of both in all of us - we just focus on the geeky side. I myself am a huge lit & tech nerd (My netbook is nicknamed Ophelia).
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions.

Hi all, just joined.

Hueg nerd/geek, though trend more towards nerd than geek, honestly.

LotR, SW, ST:TOS & ST:TNG (or, as a buddy of mine puts it, the old testament and new testament, and there was none written after), B5 (my favorite all time TV show), Dr. Who (more an old school fan), anime, manga, etc. In fact, I met my hubby at an anime club meeting. He's a ginormous geek, too.

But, my real passions lie in more nerdly, academic avenues: historian by education, lawyer by education and trade (though I quit practicing), science fan-girl.

So, hi!
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Re: Introductions.

Hi all, introducing myself (been perusing etsy teams)... I make fantasy art and more fantasy than it used to be (embracing my geek-side more i guess)
sci-fi/fantasy geek. HUGE comic/cartoon geek. and I used to be an SCA re-enactor for about 6 yrs so all that fun stuff that went with that! a huge history/anthropology buff, also astronomy.
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Re: Introductions.

Hi everyone!
My name is Lori,aka Lucie39, and I am a life long geek, and quite proud of it ;-)
I developed an obsession with comics almost as early as I could hold a book in my hands, and I was raised on a healthy diet of every sci-fi show to grace the television back in the day. Actually, the SyFy channel is still the one on my tv most days,and I love all things BBC sci-fi related as well (Doctor Who and Torchwood!!!!)
I am a bit curious, are there many older geek gals on this team?
I am enjoying reading all your posts and look forward to getting to know you all ;-)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions.

So excited to find a team for Geek Girls! Hurray! I'm a Sci-fi geek and a super Fantasy geek. I love playing video games, but unfortunitely don't have as much time for them since I have a 2 1/2 year old mini geekette running around. ^_^
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Re: Introductions.

This is by far one of the most awesome Etsy teams out there. I am so glad to be a part of it!

I really look forward to browsing through all of your shops. I've already discovered way too much of your items that I want to buy.

I've been a geek/ nerd for as long as I can recall. While other girls played with barbies I preferred Shera and Darth Vader.

Not to diss Barbie or anything; however, instead of going out on dates with Ken, my Barbie would wake up to find a "My Little Pony" head under her pink bedspread covered with ketchup. Let's just say I made her an offer she couldn't refuse.

Nuff said for now.

: P

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Re: Introductions.

Hello, I'm Janelle aka jan553 or you may see me (if I forget and log in with the wrong account ) as mamas2cool from my other more mainstream shop (silk scarves) . I am more techie than geek but that counts right? I do love Star Wars, Harry Potter and Big Bang Theory. I love all things techie; I have worked within the wireless industry for the past 10 years. I worked on the Nexus One tech support pilot program and that is when I started making my Android dolls. When I started making them there were no Android dolls or merchandise. I tried to get Google to buy the pattern ( we got visits from execs from Mountain View all the time) but they were not interested. Lo and behold, now they have a company that makes Android dolls for them. I hope this does not sound self serving but personally I don't think theirs are as cute as mine. See for yourself : http://craziestgadgets.com/2011/02/16/tf11-ganndroids-plush-android-phone-case-and-dolls/
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Re: Introductions.

Hi Just joined. And I don't know how big a geek I am but I was raised to love reading! Yay!. And I'm an older geek so I have a huge list of little geekiness. I love LOTR, Dr. who (old and most of the new), anime, My SO teaches chess for a living and we live in an old falling apart house with three cats! I just started selling on Etsy after buying stuff for years.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions.

So excited about this group- into tons of fun geekery- video games, battlestar galactica, a bit of mtg.. I just keep getting deeper and deeper into it and its nice to have a group of girls who appreciate it :)
I am looking to get more into making props for cosplay- I think we need more of that! If you do cosplay or d&d or larp- what are some items you would love to have available that you just can't find?
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Re: Introductions.

HI Everyone, I've just joined....

I'm Gemma and my geekyness extends to a love of X-Men, Buffy and Angel, some limited programming ability, being a technical illustrator by day, making steampunk inspired jewellery by night, living with a software developer and generally loving all things apple.

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Re: Introductions.

HI there!
My name is Felicia. I would have to say I'm a geek on many different levels... A theater geek, a steampunk geek, an otaku geek, an art geek, a music geek, geez, where do I begin! Case in point, I started this shop after I got lots of comments on my neck pillow inspired by LongCat! http://www.etsy.com/listing/65047408/long-cat-neck-pillow?ref=sr_gallery_3&ga_search_submit=&ga_sear...
I think this team is a really great idea! No boyz allowed! lol
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