Hi Team!

Please report any Twitter Lockouts below whether or not you are auto-retweeting with the Team or using EtsySocial. Tracking what's happening will be helpful to finding a solution.

In addition, I will be working with our app developer, to see if it is something the app is doing that's triggering the lockouts. And of course, if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to share!

Thanks Team!

Re: Twitter Lockouts

@Lilyspad58 :)
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Okay list is updated as follows (this list is on my twitter @swirlingorangeE under lists, #emnttM) for manual retweeting of each other. It is a way to find each other quickly :)


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Re: Twitter Lockouts

I use tweet deck to retweet ... hoping we can keep this team moving while Clarissa works on the app!!! The link to find one another is #emnttM it is shorter and new ... hoping this works. Will check in tomorrow to add anyone else who wants to manually retweet!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

You know ... I'm having some thoughts about all this ... but then I don't sell hardly anything anyway, so you have to take this for what it's worth, which I guess isn't much. BUT ... when everything is automated for me, and I'm not personally involved ... it's not ME! I then have NO CLUE what you all are up to as far as products in your shop and what you are tweeting. I was just on TweetDeck just now and looking at some of your wares and tweets, and I retweeted and commented on some of them. Somehow it gives me satisfaction to be personally looking and commenting to you personally, not a computer doing it ... ME! I did a few on emnttM and also commented and retweeted some others who regularly retweet for me. I would have liked to retweet more of you at this moment, but am afraid to ... I never know what is going to land me in jail anymore. But at least I was "on" for a while and could see what you all are doing. If this is all being done for me all automatically and I'm never actually interfacing with you, my teammates ... and I am, in fact, totally absent ... I don't know that this is particularly bringing any joy to my life ... just more automation. I don't sell much anyway, either way ... so there is no gain on that score. I rather quite enjoy hanging out on TweetDeck a bit and seeing what you all are doing. Kind of fun.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Bonnie I am with you on this. I used to belong to a team that was awesome. IT was Sunday mornings and a bunch of use would actually tweet and converse over twitter it was a blast. There were a LOT OF US ... like 30 - 50 and we all were sellers on Etsy some on Ebay but it was FUN I think the hashtag was #ssps or something like that it was like a twitter party on Sunday mornings and then we would use the tag throughout the week randomly to retweet each other.

I believe what you wrote is the reason Twitter is enforcing the changes they have made to use their service, to make it about PEOPLE not about automation. Though time is at a premium, it is worth the interaction as knowing there are humans on the other end of a comment is cool, you know that person actually saw your tweet. I hear you ... I am up earlier than the birds so rarely am on during the normal hours of a day but hopefully we can help each other out, if not through sales by encouraging each other to keep on keeping on :)

I am in awe of your work ... always. i have said that in my next life I want to come back as an artist not just one who appreciates it.

Off to tweet you :) and the others
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Hi Swirling Orange 11 and Bonnie Lane I know I don't comment much on here but I do keep up with whats going on. ( my non- computer life is crazy busy) I agree with both of you about interaction and auto tweets.
I love Tweet Deck to tweet and see what happening out there in twitterland. I myself use a tweeting program for my own items that I load once a week with maybe 1 - 2 items an hour. So that frees my time up to retweet others.
I was involved a few years ago with a tweeting group and we got locked out alot for way Too many tweets.
I also was selling tweet packages and tweeting other shops items on another site. I just got busy (non-computer) and had to stop.
but this is all I have time to do so Please bear with me! If I miss a day its because I have a Big Dance Recital coming up and can barely keep my eyes open when I get home! :)
Oh well Sorry to babble on ,I just wanted to chime in - See you on Deck and in Twitterland!!!!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

I agree with all of you I always felt uneasy with the bombardment of twitter friends by automation. I prefer to do it myself although my sales are nil at the moment. I appreciate when you take the trouble to retweet me yourself with your own fair hand thank you so much. See you on Tweetdeck. I love the interaction on instagram even more although no idea if any sales ever come from it?
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Karen there are no requirements to use the hashtag it is more to keep our team cohesive while Clarissa tweaks the app. What do you "load" once a week to auto tweet? I would love something like this in the interim. The etsymntt hashtag is being used my hundreds and many not on the team so I only picked the one for manual to keep those of us really interested in the team and twitter as their social media active. I am insanely busy myself and really only tweet a bit very very early am and on weekends, sometimes I miss a day or three, but always come back. Life is life, so do not worry and no need to explain. Glad you're taking part when you can. And a ^5 (high five) to Jan.

I don't use facebook and don't have enough new photos to pump up my instagram, photos for me are tedious and not fun, so twitter is my main gig and I also use weheartit which is sort of like pinterest but not so overwhelming.

I was a beta tester for twitter before it went public so I am loyal to it and it is fast and easy.

Hoping all have a great weekend, and nice Easter. No worries if you are not here to tweet, we will catch up when time allows.

Off to tweet a bit as I actually have an hour or so down time, go figure.
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Not applicable

Re: Twitter Lockouts

swirling orange1 To load my weeks worth of tweets I use Social Jukebox (So Easy to use) also TweetDeck you can schedule them by using the clock icon .
Hope this Helps!
Happy Easter Weekend Everyone!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Thank you, Swirling Orange, for your kind words. Also Karen Donato, good to hear from you, as well as fellow artist, Jan Purves. I got rather side-tracked the last few days and haven't been on TweetDeck ... had a nervous stomach and case of nerves. Our daughter flew to Beijing yesterday (a 13.50 hour flight) along with 11 senior staff members of both the House and Senate ... and I was "wooped" up about that. Didn't like the idea of her being 30 thousand plus feet in the air for over 13 hours, flying over the North Pole, Russia, etc., ... but the delegation is safely there now, and I have calmed down ... mostly. :) I am going on TweetDeck now and get out a few manual retweets. Have a lovely Easter, everyone.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Wow Bonnie your daughter sounds to be s ‘high flyer’ in her work. I know just how you must have felt as I have two daughters. Hope you can relax a bit now. Happy Easter to you and all our teamies.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Well, Jan ... her boss has a lot to do with the U.S. Senate (not a Senator, but an authority on Senate procedure). He also has occasionally interfaced with the Chinese government from time to time. He is busy, over-booked at this current time period, so it was decided to send OUR DAUGHTER instead!!! To be perfectly frank, I was NOT THRILLED ... but it seems to be going quite well (she is able to email me). Lots of meetings lined up in the next four days. I believe it is more of a cultural exchange, not negotiating world peace! :) I was frankly VERY shocked when they told her SHE was going. I can tell you that I got absolutely ZERO done ... or even thought about ... tweeting, retweeting, or anything having to do with Etsy for the entire week leading up to her departure from Washington/Dulles airport. Doing Etsy work was absolutely repugnant to me in the frame of mind that I was in. It's a relief to be calmed down now. I did some retweeting last night on TweetDeck. I will try to do a bit each day this week. As I already stated, I actually kind of like physically getting on TweetDeck, looking at your wares, and personally commenting on them as I retweet them. I hope it helps.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Hey folks, had to work a few days but am here and just retweeted emnttm ... has anyone heard from Clarissa? I notice some are being retweeted "via @etshsocial" I don't see the tinypic thing just "Via @etsysocial" anyone know what that is? PS TY for the social jukebox ... I have been out straight working, but hoping to get to take some new pics of items I have to put up for sale, and hoping all are well. I am manually retweeting as much as I can, and will hopefully have some time over the weekend to add some comments.

I hope we keep this team going, I love it! I was one of the original members way back and would love to keep it going. Hopefully we can make it better and stronger :)

Hoping all are making sales. Will check in early tomorrow, if I can, if not Sat and Sun.

Big Ole Hearts to all!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

OK! ... I just got off TweetDeck, retweeting the emnttM people. There are only a handful of teamies using it ... the same four or five or so, so I retweeted them (with comments) and then also retweeted people who retweeted me (seeing them from my "Notifications" column) ... but they are not part of the emnttM group. I did quite a few retweets, but so far, I am not being locked out BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY ... if I am commenting on what I am RETWEETING, then I couldn't be a robot ... could I!! :) So far, Twitter has been letting me get away with this. So far today, I have had 28 views. I guess that isn't too bad, is it? I received an email from JukeBox that they no longer offer a free service. Since I am already paying for Twitter-Fu, I guess I will just pass on this venue. I could do more with Instagram. I know how to take photos and post them on Instagram. Can one also REPOST past photos on Instagram, or does one have to keep taking new ones?
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

I now have 30 visits to my shop today. I retweeted on TweetDeck not quite an hour ago. Yesterday I was away and did not retweet at all ... and I had 7 visits. Retweeting apparently makes a big difference on shop views. My personal tweets go out once an hour on Twitter-Fu.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

This drives me nuts! NOW ... when I look at my stats at 8:30 p.m. I'm told that I have had 17 Views and 5 Visits ... NEITHER ONE adding up to the 30 that I was told that I had in the early afternoon! WHY does Etsy do this!!!! Grrrr!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Well ... NOW, at 12:30 a.m. my stats say that I had 34 views and 5 visits. The weird thing that happened today was that I started out with a higher number, then my stats showed a lower number than what had been already posted an hour before. That I totally don't comprehend!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Hi Folks,hope everyone is ok, sorry I haven't been around much, a chronic health condition which chooses to misbehave regularly and life stuff has got in the way, I am away on holibobs next week but after that will get to it as and when I can with the retweeting I am currently retweeting and tweeting #ETSYMNTT as I can but will add in #emnttm when I am back, I am retweetng using Tweetdeck as I dont want to risk Etsysocial until its sorted , again sorry for the lack of tweeting , hope everyone is doing ok.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Yes, doing OK here ... Hi Anne! I, too, am only using Tweetdeck for retweets. It was Etsysocial that got me into so much trouble. All was fine until I got signed up with Etsysocial. Then I started getting locked out every other day, or worse!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Twitter Lockouts

Think I'm giving up on Twitter as a venue. Got this message from Buffer when I went to reschedule "Twitter does not allow posting multiple tweets that are “substantially similar”. Please make sure to modify your tweet before scheduling to avoid risking account suspension!"
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Hi, Cindi. Yes, I received the same message. If this is literally correct, it's difficult to see how anyone would have the time to manually alter each tweet prior to adding it to the schedule. They always respond when I email them, so I think I'll ask them for some clarification.
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

Hey folks I am having MAJOR computer issues (laptop charger is fried, may not be on til next week) Praying all will work out and my amazon replacement shows up tomorrow!!!! if not send electronic prayers for a charge UGH
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

So sorry you have dreaded techie problems Swirling. Hope you get fixed up soon.
I’ve switch everything off at Etsy Social for now. Until we have more clarity. So my views are rock bottom. I’m retweeting teamies with the #emnttM hashtag as much as possible on Tweetdeck. I’d so appreciate any retweets from teamies. Thank you friends!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

I am hoping I have a temp fix here, but not sure what I have done with my charger will hold. Checked with UPS on Friday they said they are open and delivering tomorrow. Janet I am retweeting #emnttM on all of my accounts and posting with #swirlingorangeE ... I am using tweet deck too but it uses quite bit of memory so going to charge laptop (doing so now) and take a chance it will hold the charge. If not, will be back Tuesday (Monday if I get my new Charger) Pass the word around about #emnttM so we can get peeps "MANUALLY" retweeting for a temporary time frame.

I have some ideas on using this hashtag once I know I can stay online for more than ten minutes (takes tweetdeck five to load) UGH.

Anyone not on my twitter list for #emnttm, please post your Twitter name with @ so I can add you when I log in to twitter.

Hopefully all will be resolved tomorrow early morning. UGH!
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Re: Twitter Lockouts

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