Hi , I didnt know if this would be helpful to peeps but I have used Link tree for a little while now on Instagram , but didnt know until today you can use it on Twitter , the link is here to create your own :
https://linktr.ee/What it does is create a clickable link for Twitter and Instagram with many sublinks , so basically cheats the one link only system on Instagram and Twitter etc. , it is free but you can pay if you want for a pro version, I use the free version , it shows you analytics of when and how many times your sublink has been clicked.
When someone clicks on your link it takes them to a web page with clickable links that you have created , I have used mine to create links to sections in my Etsy shop, I have just started ceating designs on Redbubble so a link to there , a link to my Twitter account and a link to my Pinterest account, but if you had a blog you could link it to there , you can add to or change the links any time, the link to mine is here if you want to see what others will see.
https://linktr.ee/martisannehandmadeJust to add this link appears to be clickable on Etsy , which I thought only Etsy links were but maybe because it contains Etsy links it works, so double yay
Hope that helps