Hi Team!

As some of you are aware there is a new development with regard to our app where some members have had their twitter accounts locked. After taking certain steps they were able to unclock there accounts, however, I have just become aware of an account that may have been temporarily restricted in relation to what's happening.

I believe I have identified what in our retweeting triggered this response from twitter and I have our developer working on resolving the issue!

I expect to hear from him in the next few hours. I'm hoping for good news that this will be an easy fix!

Those who are getting locked, as a precautionary measure, you may want to deactivate your Auto-Retweets for now. In your EtsySocial Dashboard - on the Auto Retweet Tab - uncheck the "Activate" box.

Please post below if you are encountering any problems.

We will get through this and back on track! Thanks Team!


Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I’m suspended on my Twitter acct. what is it that I need to do to get that up and running again?
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi Clarissa, I’m suspended from shabvintique Twitter acct so I created a new one can you please update my Twitter acct to shabvintiqueflr so I can start retweeting everyone. Or let me know what I need to do to update everything. So sorry about this, I’ve been so busy working that I had no idea my acct was suspended. I know on Etsy social I’ve paid to retweet but not sure if you can change things around to use my new Twitter acct? Thanks, Natalie with ShabVintiqueFlowers
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I think I have everything connected again to the correct Twitter acct. just need to double check the correct hashtags! #etsymntt and do I set it to auto tweet? Or just retweet?
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

As of this morning Twitter unlocked my shabvintique acct so I moved everything back over to that acct. but I’ll have a backup just in case! Sorry for all this, I just hadn’t had time to keep up with all this technology and was unaware I was locked out. So I think I’m back retweeting everyone! Thanks everyone for retweeting shabvintique flowers
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I am ONCE AGAIN not being retweeted (reenabled it) last notification of team tweets was on Nov 9 ... Can someone please explain the issue here????
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi Swirly! let me take a look to see what's happening.

Hi Natalie! let me know if you are still having trouble.

Hi Claude! the number of hashtags was a roundteam setting. etsysocial is not counting the number of hashtags. limiting the number of hashtags is we could decide about if we feel the need. but I think what was deemed too many in the past is not more acceptable nowadays.

Thanks Team! taking a look now...
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Corrected by me! Sorry
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

hi calrissa,

I just saw in my 11/20 account what happens the opposite of the beginning, I have rts but I am not doing any. Except for those that I do manual.
It happens to someone else?
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Community Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi Team! Yes, Paula, you're correct! Some accounts are not retweeting. Not sure why yet, trying to figure it out. It was the twitter authorization expiring for some members but I thinking something else is happening as well. This will cause retweet numbers to be low. So hope to solve this quickly!

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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

tks clarissa

I hope it gets fixed soon, meanwhile I keep doing rt manuals, for the whole team.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

IHEARTDIGITALDRAFT TY for doing this, I have been retweeting manually at random ... Hope everyone is selling !!!!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Okay a heads up here, I just went into my Twitter account connected with etsysocial which is @swirlingorangeE I am only retweeting 3 people on auto ... it is weird not sure if this is because I did a # search for #etsymntt or if it the app ... This is not urgent I just want to be fair so I am "hearting" ON TWITTER manually so you all know it is me :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Another heads-up, I got locked out of my twitter account again around 12:30 pm (central time) on Monday, then after I unlocked it Monday night, I got locked out again yesterday, again around 12:30 pm. I have tweets of my own going out today, but I have temporarily disabled the auto retweets. I want to see if I get locked out today without the auto retweets.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Amy, I got locked out for the first time ever about the same time as you yesterday. I was asked to click on couple of buttons including one swearing I wasn't a robot and then I was unlocked. Lets see it happens again.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I'm giving up for a while ... though I did check into TweetDeck today and did a manual tweet for me and 4 or 5 retweets for some of you. Jerry and I have a paid dancing gig a week from tomorrow and I/we are practicing our brains out. Between that and Christmas stuff, that's all that I can concentrate on now. However, in the New Year, I need to do something about my sales. Right now, I'm too busy to care ... but my shop is dead in the water. This is ridiculous. -----Fortunately, I have never, to date, been locked out from tweeting on Tweetdeck.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

@Bonnie YAY for dancing ... sounds so fun
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I've been locked out three times and now I'm having to do this am I robot thing click on all the street signs over and over again! Help!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Finally managed to unlock my account on twitter should I freeze my etsysocial account to prevent this happening again.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I do not know when they are going to solve the RT issue every time they are less.

Maybe this information will help those who are blocked.
They blocked me a long time ago and one of the things I read just so they do not take you for a robot, are the likes.
If by day you give random likes, they do not lock your account. I have been doing it since then and it worked for me at least.
Not every day strictly, but I suppose it must be a fee for every so often.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Thanks for sharing info Paula, I have been locked out a few times over the past few days and my retweets are way down . I will give the likes a go and see what happens.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Clarissa, Man and Stone looks locked??
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi All, I am not locked out of tweeter but am not being retweeted for the past 2 days, is this happening to anyone else.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Zero RTs today. Not locked out. What’s up?!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi everyone. I don't know for sure what's going on, but I have some educated guesses.

First off, this tends to be a busy season for everyone, with Christmas shopping (whether you're buying or selling), Christmas parties, pictures with Santa, etc. I would imagine that would include Clarissa. :-)

Secondly. I messaged Clarissa privately about a week ago to alert her to an issue with the retweeter; I had noticed that morning it retweeted 80+ tweets to my timeline in less than a minute, which may have triggered Twitter's bot detection algorithm. She said she would have the developer look into it to see if something got messed up.

Now, I'm not a developer, but I do know a little bit about programming, and I am surrounded by developers, so here's my suspicion:

Any number of things might have happened with the retweeter that caused it to overdo the retweets, which in turn caused people to start getting locked out. After getting my message, Clarissa probably alerted the developer and they started digging into it to figure out what happened. Maybe they found a major bug that had been missed previously, maybe they haven't yet figured out the problem, but in any case, it may be that they figured out that in its current state the retweeter might be doing the team more damage than help, and maybe they took it down temporarily while they try to fix the issue. Or, possibly, the retweeter itself might have been locked out by twitter and they are busy trying to get it reinstated.

I know this is very frustrating, and it may be hurting sales during many sellers' peak season. But as the wife of a developer, I can only say that sometimes things don't go the way you expect them to with a new piece of software and it just takes time to sort it out. Hopefully Clarissa will come back shortly with news that they've fixed the issue and we can all get back to doing more important things, like shipping lots of orders! :-)
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Thanks Amy. I know everything you are saying is true as a data analyst who helps developers build products. Sometimes technology just doesn't cooperate.

I can say that with only manual tweets and trying to retweet others my sales have dropped by 80% from last month and 86% over last year at the same time.
So I feel it's without a doubt hurt my shop. But I think it's important for us all to recognize how fragile our shops can be and perhaps to branch out more in media as we can. I didn't realize how reliant on twitter my shop was until now.

I disabled the auto retweets a few weeks ago as I was locked out three times in two days and didn't want to loose my account entirely.

I'm branching out to instagram this weekend as it seems to be the hottest tool for younger demographics. I've heard others have had huge success with it. Of course like all social media it has to be built up and maintained.
So maybe in the meantime while our twitter software gets sorted it would be a good time to branch out.
Just my plan but thought I'd share just in case others wanted something to do during this tough time.

I look forward to hearing from Clarissa the same as everyone else. But this has taught me I need to have a better handle on where my sales are coming from and what effects them.
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